Small World by Karen LaMantia
Copyright 2023
Small World is the newest book in the Game Series and will be posted in series for you to read for Free. What happens in between the start and the End Game? Find out in the Other Message Books ordered on line at this website or from Amazon Books. Have fun reading The Game Series.
Small World - Chapter 1 - Arrival
"What about all the Jims? " SheBird Brightfoot asked. "Should we be worried about them or not?"
"The Jims?" her husband, Books, wondered looking around for any sinister looking characters that might be a threat to the safety of his passengers.
As he exited the Way Scan School car, filled with the children he accompanied to Small World and saw no one but himself in the reflection of the Air Car windshield He thought he looked pretty harmless but considering the history of white settlers in human record, he hoped that was not his-story.
"My grandmother was told about the Jims, the tiny creatures that support life everywhere and are in us and every living thing." She Bird explained. "It was Avery Winslow who told her about them, when they travelled to the USA from Tiger Country, after it was destroyed by PetroChem's toxic spill. He was hoping the Jims survived so that Tiger Country could live again. "
"You mean Germs? Micro-organizism? Bacteria?" Books asked.
"She didn't hear him, exactly, but she knew that Jims must be important. She learned all about and told me how important they are to us and to all plants and animals. They may also be how one plant speaks to another and to other life forms. They are like tiny radio transmitters, so they can talk to and help each other."
"Smart and helpful Jims" Books admitted. " Dangerous? Some do cause disease. Did our First Humans bring any of those along? "
"They must have. Though we opened the door, they came through decades ago, they have been living, working and building here since then." Crystal Pau pointed out, leaving her place behind the wheel of the Aircar, to exit the vehicle.
"And don't forget the transfer of ocean waters and ocean creatures and plants that was observed before that." Lester pointed out from his chair atop the vehicle. "Tons of species and plankton and maybe a billion organisms from land and water, transferred when that happened."
"Living Oceans are key to survival on land. " Child Penny added as she stepped out of the Air Car. " My family are farmers and know how important healthy soil and soil critters are. My daddy calls them and the earthworms the unsung heroes and heroines of the Freyer Farm. I can smell them here and look at those trees. Tiny critters must be at work here."
"Bigger critters than those have been at work here." SheBird shared as she looked down at the screen of the drone camera system she invented and had launched to see above the treeline, for an aerial view of the area where they landed.
Settlers from around the world had left Earth, to begin building on Small World, Earth-years after the Kids began their trip. Observant humans and a couple of super-computers learned enough from the Kid's journey to be able to plan when the Settler group needed to get there. This would allow adequate time for some human settlements to be built prior to the arrival of the last children In North America. The Kids, when they came, accompanied by two adults, SheBird and Books Wunder, were not alone.
The new arrivals had no idea if those Settlers, including the parents of the WayScan School Kids, had accomplished the trip, where they landed or if they survived their trip through space and time. Fortunately, the She-Bird Camera revealed quickly that they had.
"There is a human-made structure beyond these trees." She-Bird announced. "It looks like a cell phone tower on top. Time for E.T. to call home."
"And you said I shouldn't worry about bringing my cell phone." Books mumbled under he breath as he pulled his phone from his coat pocket.
"Who you gonna' call? Ghostbusters!" shouted Lester, recalling his favorite movie of all times. The Ways Scan School kids busted out laughing.
"I promised to call my Dad, when we landed." Penny shared. "He's been worried for most of years since we left them behind, earthtime. I've got his number."
Penny handed Books a slip of paper and he started dialing.
"Call the guy most likely to go through hell or high water to get to his daughter." Books agreed, dialing. " That makes sense. I hope he picks up, at least, so we can know they're on their way from where ever to here. If I know LeRoy he made sure there is more than one tower to take this call."
"Put it on speaker. " Crystal requested. "We all want to hear."
The first sound that came across was the loud cheering of a crowd in the background.
People surrounding LeRoy Fryer were so happy he finally got the call, any call that might be from Penny and the Wayscan kids, because he could finally stop obcessing about it, they burst into spontaneous celebration. He had to run from them in order to hear anything from the actual phone, or for Books to hear anything he actually said, from Leroy's end of the conversation.
"Penny! Penny is that you?" LeRoy shouted. " Are you OK?"
Books decided to leave out the middle-man, himself, and just give his phone to LeRoy's youngest child. He hoped her father would not mind that his daughter was still six years old, despite the many years that had passes for him, since his group arrived on Small World. Leroy was promised she would not grow-up away from her family but he was an older Parent when Penny was born to his partner, Calypso, and neither of them were getting any younger.
"Dad, it's me." Penny told him. "How are you?"
"Irrelevant to the events of the day." LeRoy spoke honestly looking at the location-finder on his phone. "We should have a crew out to pick you all up in about twenty minutes. You are quite near but go to the tower building and wait for us there."
"We can come to you. The Air Car still travels even though it has been through it." She Bird offered.
"Our scientists want to check it before you use it again." LeRoy warned. " Some folks worry it may suck you back in time and space if you start the Air Car again.. right now."
"Only you worry about that." Calypso told him, motioning for LeRoy to hand over the phone to her so she could say Hi to their daughter.
Much as he hated to, Leroy knew that look in his wife's eye and handed it to her.
"Hi, baby. Is everyone else present and accounted for?" she enquired.
"As near as we can tell." Penny said, looking back at the air car. It was sitting quietly in the time and space, where they left it after their landing. "It's not getting sucked anywhere."
"Yet." LeRoy murmured inder his breath as Calypso put their daughter on speaker phone and gave him another look.
LeRoy recalled the first time he read the Rules of the Game, In 2020, that said no one had to Play the Game of Planet Cleanup if they didn't want to. Fryers had been sideliners, living in the swamps and bayous, a continuous part of that scene and in harmony with it for generations on their back country farm. It was established after the US Civil War. and Fryers had played there on their own terms and thrived since then, in harmony with that land. They were made honorary Members of the Indigenous People who had lived there for thousands of years and still kept watch there. The Brightfoot People knew how to take care of a place and so did the Fryers. To prove a point, Penny's Family had one of the last children born in North America, their daughter. She would move to Mobile, with them to attend the Ways Scan School and was essential to the plan for moving on to Union on Small World.
It was never clear if they missed her growing up, because of the trip she just made, but they were sure about her going back to Earth, as an adult to accompany their group and attest to the success of their settlement, before they all travelled there. Time travel, how it worked and what was needed to do it was still to be perfected at the time the Ways Scan School kinds left. All that was known was that the speed of travel would allow those doing so to experience very little passage of time. This was true for the Settlers who followed them. They would need to spend decades on the Small World to prepare for the trip. Child Penny was also needed for the Air Car and the Wau Scan School Kids to make the successful trip that was just completed.
Go figure. LeRoy ( an most of the world but the Quantum Physicists) could not figure out how it is, was or will be done but there is a multiple universe situation involved there, that everyone is still trying to figure out. Were it not for the unparalled brilliance of one of the Kids, Jermone and his ability to speak to dolphins, no one would have gone anywhere. The sea Mamals helped him do the maths.
"Tell Daddy I'm taking good care of my shoes." LeRoy heard Penny say over the phone.
"Tell her we have good shoes here, too" LeRoy told his wife, as he recalled their past on Earth and why he was so happy to have Child Penny back again.
Those shoes she loved so were just part of her majic and the only thing she cared to bring along on the Ways Scan School Kids' trip through time and space. LeRoy forgot all about them. It was so long ago that he bought them for her on one of their trips into town, together for her seventh birthday present. When he bougth them for her he talked with her about the work that had gone into creating such beautiful shoes but all she could think of and care about was how they made tapping noises when she danced and played in them. He grew to love the sound they made as she danced around their house, with its faux wood floors resounding from her dancing. It was almost worth moving to the City from their farm so she could go to school with the Way Scan kids, attend their dance classes at school and fill his ears with the sounds of her movements. He would enjoy hearing that again as she grew up in their Small World household.
Now that Child Penny had arrived to the world built for the Way Scan Kids, on the new Planet, Big Penny would have to return to Earth, as an adult, to guide travelers and their children to Small World. He would have two Child Pennys to raise, one that went with the Settler Group, long ago and the one who just arrived. LeRoy wondered if the newly arrived child would grow up different from the one now leaving.
"Still worried about her going and coming back again?" Howard Beau Brightfoot asked, Leroy.
Howard Beau, head of the Friends of The Planet Group both on Earth and on Small World, had volunteered to return as their guide but was deemed too important to the monitoring of the environment there to risk his getting lost in space. He was happy to accompany the group of Sttlers who would geet the Kids. His own Daughter, She-Bird Brightfoot was with them. She left him shortly after her marriage to Books Wunder and Howard Beau parayed that young man was treating her right. They had taught her to speak up for the Earth and all its creatures but love does strange things to people. Her new husband was a strong and unusually gifted young man but came for a world-famous family of Con Men and Women. She-Bird's daddy did not trust him.
They sent She-Bird and Books with the kids and planned to send Books back and forth between Earth and Small World, if such travel was needed. He would ask for anything the Settlers wanted supplied from Earth. No one seemed to be able to say "no" to the man, no matter what the cost in money or resources. Books somehow convinced people that what they were asking for was their best idea, ever and gave them the credit for thinking of it. The Settlers knew this worked because those things they needed most ended up coming to them, apparently based on contacts Books made on trips back to Earth, literally from time to time, after the kids arrived. He would take Big Penny back to Earth on the Air Car, if it checked out to be safe, and they would show up in Earth's time line before the Settlers left. Big Penny would go back to guide Settler families, as an adult. She could tell them all about the trip and their future on Small World.
How do the Different Minds the Way Scan Kids have seem to allow such travel? Jerome, the unspoken mathmatician of their group has no words to explain this, or for much else, but can do it with numbers. This does not make LeRoy feel any better even though Earth's human and mamiliam scientsts (dolphins and whales) support Jerome's calculations. Leroy is not sure of all that and really only allowed this risk to he child because he wrote himself a note from the future, letting himself know it all worked out for the best. He know he would never lie about that to himself.
"Let me speak to She-Bird." Howard Beau asked of Calypso. Howard Beau worried about hi child, since their was a chance she might be pregnant, having newly married and honeymooned with Books Wunder. They had not calculated the presence of a foetus on this trip, when planning it. For all he knew the child could show up as his grandfather, decades ago on Earth. His Gramps told him so when he was just a kid.
"First, tell Penny that Big Penny has good shoes here, too." LeRoy mentioned to his wife, before leaving their group to join the other parents of the newly arrived, who were joining the greeting party..
The Other Way Scan School Parents had come to Small World without their Way Scan School kids, leaving them to arrive after time apart, to do the work needed for their arrival. It was hard to be without them these years and only doable because the children would not have time to miss them before they were re-united. Most, unlike LeRoy and Calypso, were young enough to still be young parents when their children arrived on Small World in the Air Car. During their time apart they worked tirelessly to assure the best curcumstances for any child growing up there and for their own when they came. Everything from great schools to shes for growing feet, would be there to meet the needs of any child.
LeRoy had made it one of his personal tasks, in preparation for the trip to make sure that several excellent shoemakers were included in the Travelers who left Earth, to go on to Union. On Earth, most people gave little thought to footwear, beyond buying it, but good shoes were essential to the development of the world they envisioned for humanity's future, dance shoes included. Finding materials to use, finding means to fabricate shoes that lasted, were comfortable and would allow people to walk in a world with very few vehicles were vital. A world without shoes to dance in was unthinkable to almost everyone that came with them. LeRoy had asked them, before the trip, and they answered that shoes for play, art and fun were essential, too.
"So what's the deal with the shoes." Calypso had asked him prior to their leaving Earth. " I always thought of you as a farm person and you never even wore shoes most of the time on the farm. Your feet are indestructable, as far as I can tell."
"It's the jims." LeRoy told her at the time. "They may not be what we are used to and you won't be able to tell when those tiny soil organisms, on Union, may not be kind to humans. They could come in through the skin of our feet, just walking around up there. No way to know what was there or what we sent ahead to get the soils and waterways fit for human arrival. Maybe the Eubola Virus is way to tell till we get there. Everyone needs great shoes."
"Us VS the microbes. Same old story." Calypso stated, laughing. " You forget we are mostly our bacteria on the move from one place to another. I think we can handle it."
"With good shoes and reasonable foot and skin care we can." LeRoy acknowlwedged. "With a little time for adjustment, hand washing and as much skin integrity as possible, that is. Most of the folks along with us on the trip bring their immunities with them and many have similar ability to survive tough disease germs, as do our people. They came over from Africa with immune systems that were tough. Many could fight malaria parasites that decimated the European whites. They needed us to survive and help with immunity to survive. "
LeRoy and his family were some of humanities first line of defense for generations, as they grew to tolerate many of the organisms that lived in the wilds, back beyond nowhere when his great, great garndfather established his farm. Their people were from Africa where people have been living with a world of microorganisms, climates and other species as they moved across the Planet and kept going, down through the ages. The world's most travelled people on Earth.
"My family helped those skinny Europeans make it in the new land, too. " she admitted. "Our African genes, our close contact with them to introduce immunities, and our occasional spitting in their food all helped make them strong enough to survive the new territories they took over. Don't leave home without us and our bacterial flora."
"Don't forget our ability to work together and our knowledge of how to grow almost anything, anywhere, from our travels and trade and from the ways we shared knowledge. All that helped them, too. No doubt our discovery of how to cover ground with plants and soils that harmonize with our biology, helped a lot of people with a lot of resettlement efforts, down through human history. Are Jims may be what the Earth misses most about humans when we are all gone. "
"Not all are gone." Calypso reminded him. "Many Indigenous people were able to maintain their connections with the land...connections that they never lost. They are the best of us, continuing as protectors of the lands, waters, animals and wild places. They may be needed while Tigers and the other big cats whose world they inhabit, can return from near-extinction. In some cases from near-by Planets where they were taken to avoid extinction."
"Who did that ?" LeRoy asked. "Aliens at work on Planet Earth?"
"If you call us aliens, yes." Calypso shared, " Bobby Rae and the science team we left behind plan on using the time travel technology and the over abundance of electric power we left behind us, to go back in time to rescue many of the species we obliterated in the 20th and 21st Century. They took them out of the past at the point they were strongest and broght them back to where they came from, if conditions will support them thriving there now. There's a whole team of folks making those reparations to many species on land and sea. "
"Why did'nt I know that? " LeRoy asked, ever amazed at the ability of his wife to be super-aware of all going on everywhere on Earth, even when they lived in the middle of no-where in Alabama. She was not psychic but had a great grasp of use of computers and language translation to keep tabs on things, world wide.
"It was a top secret project." Calypso informed him. "They just wanted to focus on key species and without keeping it under wraps they ran the risk of the public forcing them to bring back poodles or somesuch other critters that folks think are important. That was usually because those species could not survive without human interventions. It was a symbiotic thing but some animals just have to be around for eco-systems to trive. Those we needed to help."
"People and their pests...I mean pets..." LeRoy admitted. " I take your point. I'm glad we're giving the Planet and Tigers the chance to catch up. Good use of resources, considering it was the Big Cats' Planet to begin with."
"Let's hope we can do well imagining a shared Planet." Calypso voiced. "We will have good shoes there, at least."
As the Wayscan group walked through the stand of trees between them and the circular building in the clearing ahead, they moved through soft, rich soil found on a healthy forest floor. They smelled rich earth and moisture and Penny was aware that she sank a bit into the leafmold and plant material beneath the trees. This was much like walking in the Virgin forests that grew up around their farm. Green moss, short grasses and clovers covered the ground, not allowing her shoes to make a sound as she walked.
"Somebody knows their ground cover, here." Penny murmured. "Probably my dad keeping people out of where we don't belong."
Leroy Fryer, one in a long line of farmers, knew that earth did best with plant cover and that humans could help with that and then just leave things alone. They might best help by not going to a place, to let birds come through to supply droppings and bacteria, then small animals and fish to die there, bringing more organisms and fertilizer from near and far, waterborn and land-based, to add to the richness of the soil. The Settlers group was never sure of what they would need to help create living environments for soil and tree health, but it was apparent what Small World did with what seeds and plants they brought there, worked. The rustling of the leaves above their heads was living proof. The Wayscan School kids had the fresh smell of living things around them, tinted with the smell of organic decay, that told them that creation lived and died here. Their families had either guessed well or the new Planet had been helping to guide them how to do the best with what they had or brought to Small World.
"Somebody knows their tree cover, too." She-Bird shared. " this is just part of a large stand of trees that seems to encircle the city. It goes on for some miles and then becomes grassland with some trees and some animals grazing there."
She-Bird, by scanning the area with her flying camera, has a view of both the small City near the coast, an expanse of Ocean beyond it and the trees and grasslands beyond the coast settlement. She also saw another settlement in the foothills in a zone of trees, at the base of a low mountian range. She was too far away to see the grazing animals but birds seemed to abound above it all. A fish eagle was in her camera's neighborhood, circling above them a few times and giving her camera the eye. They could hear its greeting cry, floating on the breeze that cooled them as they walked through the shaded forest.
"Do you see anyone coming?" Lester asked. "I want to let my mom know that my chair is moving without problems over the ground here. It's built to get me through a swamp, if need be. This forest floor is a snap. My wheels hardly leave a trail or disturbs the soil, too, so no worry about the soil critters."
"You worry too much about bacteria, Lester. They know how to work together to help each other and to help us, too. Those critters can hold their own and us along with it."
"Tres' true, Bro." Lester replied. "I was on the team that helped design the twelve vials of eco-organisms that we need for the different ecozones. They will help us expand our development of new environment zones, now that we are settled in the ones that help the human people. Most of them came from the Earth's Ocean and coastal areas and the rest came with the birds when Small World was terraformed, years before anyone made this trip."
"I hope we have the video of that in your Archive, She-Bird. I love watching about a third of the Earth Ocean disappearing from earth and showing up again on Small World. The Reverend Ike caught those shots on his time-lapse radio-telescope and I never get tired of watching that film, especially seeing that whales and dolphins made the journey along with so many birds and fish. About three hours of earth time and eons of Small Planet time, on film."
"The organisms came along." Crystal added. "We couldn't really see them but all the diatomes in the top layers of ocean, from North to South, and all the other tiny creatures that make a living planet were along, under water, for the ride. "
"Don't leave home without them." Lester put in. " And now we brought some of the rest we need for rainforests, high mountain dry zones, artic tundra and a variety of boreal and pine forests. Oh, and the Aspen forests, the biggest lifeform on Planet Earth will get a new home on Small World."
"The Reverend Ike saw that change happen, first the Oceans and the birds, then some animals, using his access to big telescopes." David put in."But did we ever find out who or what did that?"
Books Wunder, usually in the know about anything human that even smells of a scam, shrugged his shoulders to share that no one has a clue. "Maybe Big Penny will find out when she goes back."
"Big Penny went with the group, when they came here, years ago. Maybe they have figured something out. I'll ask myself if I meet me." Penny promised. "I hope I can ask me. Can I ask me? "
"The theories still abound on having the same person in contact with themselves in a different time shell. Don't hug her, just talk." , Lester advised.
Part of Lester's research on bringing micro-organisms from one time zone to another, where they existed from a previous time-space trip, involved some pretty high-level physics experiments, that Jerome helped with. In one of them he actually had one specials of bacteria interact with itself, from the future. This helped inform them that there was no physical danger doing this. What the bacteria thought about this is another thing.
"We couldn't risk brinig these organisms along or transporting them here with anyone or any thing, anytime, if there was a chance of imploding reality, blowing the lid on space/time or creating a million wormholes that would destroy the place, if they met themselves here." Lester explianed. "We had to try it back on Earth. Apparently, to build life, we are able to meet in multiple time/space continums."
Jerome made a crowing sound that apparently resounded with many of the birds around them who began singing and chattering, as though in response.
"Jerome told me it proved Einstein's theory of General Relativity. The intentionality of a plan, if it is a harmonous one, allows a meeting of the Universal Mind. Everything and all time and space are there."
"Works for me." Books Wunder admits and there were nods of agreement from others in the group. The new arrivals could tell this was true as they moved through the living, breathing forest around them. They could feel the living trees and Crystal, for one, could see the living beings, the Plant Spirits, sitting among the branches, silently whispering among themselves and the other plants growing below them, noting their presence. If Plant Sprits came along or joined them on the Planet, anything could happen there. It appears that the kids were expected and welcome. A few of the Spirits waved hello and Crystal waved back.
"You were pretty brave to do the testing for the time travel deal." Books told Lester admiring Lester's lack of fear for the unknown. In theory the youth could have obliterated himself in both time zones. Rumor had it, that Lester had met himself, from the future, several times to do experiments. " What did you learn?"
"That I like myself, just the way I am." Lester replied. "And just the way I will be. It was nice to have a choice."
People often felt badly for Lester because he was in a wheelchiair and had some progressing physical problems because of it. It was thought that his condition would become progressively worse as he aged, though his parents and his school did their best to provide everything needed to keep him as physically well as possible. The kids at the school only saw him as other-abled but never disabled. Lester gave as well as he took and was no child to be left behind on anything, no matter what the matter or the anti-matter.
She-Bird as one of the people who continued to watch Lester, as the videographer for the WayScan School kids, to share their progress with the world. Even after she graduated from that school, and she knew what pains he suffered from his condition, both physically and emotionally. She had detected that after his research on time travel that he had seemed to be more comfortable in his body.
"You saw yourself healed!" She-Bird blurted out. "Something was found that changed your level of functioning and your future-self showed you that."
"She-Bird guessed my secret." Lester told the group who were literally jumping for joy over his news.
Their explainations of joy were punctuated by the flapping of bird wings and startled cries of birds flying from the trees around them with a few fish eagle cries from above. Apparently those birds have super hearing as well as super vision. Davids parents, talking with him on the phone could hear the racket and got worried they had been attacked. David had to yell into the phone to reassure them that all were fine and that they had arrived at a path to the round building and would soon be inside it.
"Fortunately, for me, I was smart enough to ask myself what I wanted." Lester explained, when the noise abatted. "I am happy to say that I turn out to be smart enough to ask that, even though I grew into an adult, I was able to show me the choices availble with and without taking treatment and some surgeries for my conditions. I got to chose which future I wanted." Lester explained.
"How incredibly kind of you to do that for yourself." Crystal acknowleded. "How did you do it?"
"First I showed up like I would be if I had no treatment. Physically I was an even bigger mess than now. Still in a pretty cool wheelchair but it flew, to make it an all-area vehicle. Then I showed up pretty much looking like everyone healthy and moving on my own. I told me what I had to do to get there...surgeries, gene manipulation, not being here with you guys for long periods and super-costly procedures and some implanted tech. I looked good and moved well. I did hug myself for a few seconds to see if I was real or someone's holographic hope. I was real."
"So, which one did you pick? You in the future with or without modern medicine changing your life?" Books asked.
Books knew he could not imagine himself in the future, unable to move freely to do the songs and dances he spent years learning from humans ( and even some non-humans) around Planet Earth. Books was a living repository of human culture in story, song and movement and is there to share all with humans ( and even some non-human) on Small World. Part of the reason Books was along on the trip with the WayScan Kids was to avoid the aging process with the Settlers. If he got too old to dance and sing, while people were getting their survival act together, his talents might be wasted. He would not have time and ability to share with both young and older. He knew he had to bring what he knew and could share and perform, to enable him to pass on the culture of their ancestors to the new generations of children born on Small World. Books hoped this could be shared without prejudice that often accompanies cultural difference on Earth. He was going to be an equal opportunity educator and hoped that ones who tuned with various songs, dances and stories would learn them to share in human future there, no matter what their race or nation of origin.
"I did decide and I promise me that I would do what kid-me wanted." Lester explained to his fellow travelers. "We know better than anyone that kids know their best future, much better than adults do. Like I said, I was still smart enough to ask, so I figured I will be smart enough to stick with what I decided."
"So which you did you pick?" She-Bird wondered. She knew that her camera let her move everywhere and see everything but that Lester had limits that might leave him bed-bound in the future. She hoped for a different one than that for him.
"I won't tell anyone what I picked." Lester shared. "Time will tell you, if we stick together. Besides, I do not want what you want for my future to be part of your burden. It is my body and my choice..."
"Well, put, little Bro." David acknowledge. "Your secret is safe with us, too. You could have the whole of humanity, on both Planets, fighting over what should happen to you. Are we all agreed never to talk to anyone else about this?"
The Way Scan School kids, Books and She-Bird agreed that Lesters secret should remain with him and his future selves, no matter when, how or where they might be. That was just good manners and if the Way Scan School taught anything, it taught good manners.
"Are y'all here yet?" LeRoy asked, as he entered the reception Center building and smelled the ocean waters in the large pool that almost filled the space within the open-air structure, roofed witha sky-lit dome. The circle shape of the building allowed the Pilot Whale, on duty there, to swim around and breath fresh air as it waited for the new arrivals.
The Pilot was there to greet the children, check them for acceptable manners and behavior and to give permission for their joining the colony of humans and the vast numbers of other creatures on Small World. This is a required a screening process that all new arrivals must go through, based on the principles that were established for International Zones of the Human Spirit, on Planet Earth. The zones belong to all and anyone could enter them and stay if they have good manners toward all who live there, human or not. They need to be able to contribute to the place, in some way, to remain there for as long as they wished to stay.
Pilot called out a greeting, breaking the surface of the water with a hiss of exhalation and a slight spray of water, as his whale sounds filled the air.
Translations followed in English, the lauguage LeRoy selected when he enetered the space. He had the choice of multiple languages, including bird-speak and cat. Felines, for some reason enjoyed visiting the place to get the word on what was happening underwater. The fish-eagels were also regular visitors to check out acceptable fishing zones where their food supply was abundant, consulting the Pilots to make sure they did not over-fish in one place.
"Not all inside yet." the tranlator voiced. "They have just arrived."
The translation systems were one of the first technologies set up when the Settlers got there and were based on what had been developed by Lester and David at the Ways Scan School, years before. The kids wanted to talk with Earth's sea creatures and had watched numerous reruns of TV shows and movies that featured dolphins and whales, to build their lexicon. Translation equipment was perfected with the help of several Mobile aquarium residents who were delighted to help the kids get it right. Truth be told, they had a lot of laughs doing it and finding out how wrong humans had been about what they were really saying to the cameras, when those TV shows and movies were made.
"Jeremy here." the Pilot introduced himself using his favorite human name, after LeRoy shared his.
As the Pilot spoke both his sounds and the translated message echoed from the light-dappled arrival center cieling, with a faint whisper. " I can hear small Penny's shoes on the path. "
"Thank you for the update." LeRoy voiced " I'm Penny's dad, LeRoy Fryer. Big Penny is on her way, with some of the other Parents. You'll hear her coming, too. She still loves her some tap shoes. "
Leroy knew the Pilot had great hearing and that as he aged, his own auditory skills were not what they once were. Despite this, the sound of the Way Scans School kids was unmistakable as they approached, Small Penny's tap shoes provided a cadence of clicking sounds as her feet hit the bamboo walkway that led to the middle of the structure. She had run ahead of the others and was the first to enter the building, tapping her way toward him with her fast-moving feet. LeRoy ran to her to meet her on the ramp that led down to the edge of the pool where visitors would wait for their meetings with the Pilot and the guidance from him and from others who came to get and give him information on questions of concern.
Back and forth between Earth and Small World, moving from Planet to Planet, was not a common occurance but had been needed from time to time, to assure that planning for the main Settlers arrival was done to meet both the short and long term needs of the group. Whether this was done to include materials for cold weather zone clothing or to bring seeds for planting in particular conditions or to make sure that certain materials not available, but needed, were on board when the large group of settlers made the trip. Folic Acid, one such comodity, was needed for the large numbers of human pregnancies that occured after arrival. The trend of no new children on Earth was reversed and folic acid was needed for pregnant mothers to have healthy babies.
All these changes and plans were reviewed with the creatures living on land and sea and who would be impacted by those changes. The Pilot and others like him needed as much information about the changes and were instrumental in consulting the entire Planet on problems and issues that might arrise from their activities. Even micro-organisms were consulted, through a chain of information with those closest to each species. Communications were complex, at many levels and occured at the speed of thought withing the Planet's mind, which was open to all input and reactions. It often took days for a decision that reflected the harmony of the worlds of life impacted by human activity.
All knew that the Way Scan School kids would come, including the Planet and all living on it. All wanted them to come. Leroy told himself that in a letter he sent to himself to convince him to allow Small Penny to go with the other kids, the last known children in North America. They were all needed to guide the way for many families to travel later. All were needed for the Planet and all on it, living and non-living, to achieve their greatest evolution. All must be consulted about changes.
To complete this process, the person who is now Big Penny will go back to Earth to help the large Settler Group with their crossing of time and space to Small World. She will do this by assisting the last child born on Earth, to join the trip. No child would be left behind. Penny's presence would also assure many of those who were reluctant to go that all will be well. She lived through the 20 years since they went and is able to tell them that tale. Things worked out. No one knows this better than LEB, the Last Earth Boy that Penny returned to convince to make the trip. He provides the gift of hearing the voice of the Planet and is now listening to the arrival of the Way Scan School Kids. Leb is there, underwater, but aware of Small World's harmony of satisfaction with those newly arrived. He hears it.
End of Chapter 1
CHAPTER 2 - After We Got There
"We never could have done it without the animals that came before us, eons ago, Small World time. "Big Penny told the gathering of dozens of families waiting for the arrival of the Last Earth Boy, so they could leave Earth to go on.
They were camped out in Neighborhood 7, District 7 where so much change for the good had been proposed and tried out by many, before being tried worldwide, for needed change in urban areas.
"The critters of the sea and the air brought so much with them that allowed life to grow and thrive on land. Fish in the sea sustained the ocean with sea floor plants and fertilized the soil on land when they died. Birds brought seeds for plants that grew into forests and ground-cover with grasses and smaller plants.
Penny was speaking to the crowd gathered around a campfire but many were watching from homes and shelters near the departure site in Mobile. Televised and glowing in the light of the fire, Big Penny could reassure and answer questions about how the Small World experiment was going. The crowd was a little bit restless and some of the kids were asleep in parent's arms, but it was a friendly crowd and Penny felt that. These people had come from generations of friendly, helpful people. That is why they are present.
Chosen for generations of community leaders who listened to people and helped solve problems by engaging as many as possible in solutions, they knew how to create harmonious change and tackle problems great and small. They wanted to hear how their trip faired and what was successful and hoped that the news from this Small World spokesperson was good news about how they did, once arrived. As hopeful as their outlooks usually are, having somone who actually grew up doing what they were going to do come back to speak to them about the future was a unique opprotunity.
We didn't bring near enough toothbrushes." Penny announced. "It was a while before we could grow trees we could use for dental care." she explained. "Other than that we had everything we needed to build our first City. We've now started on a settlement in an area in the foothills for our growing population. So giving it time, lots of human intentions and, Small World's Planetary guidance we are able to create a new start for humanity. The Way Scan school kids got there, right on time, to benefit from all that."
Tell us about the other creatures you found there when you landed." asked Penny's Uncle, her daddy's middle brother, Harold, who would be bringing his wife and son along on the trip with the other settler families. Harold was a Biology Professor and was curious about the fauna on Small World and how it evolved from the transfer of ocean waters, sky, birds and undersea creatures, eons of Small Planet years before humans of any kind were expected to show up from past, present or future.
"We got a lot of herbivores." Penny replied. "Not so many predators. They mostly wanted to stay on Earth, since humans are sticking to their cities here and the wild places continue to expand. Here they can roam safely over larger territory every year."
"It is a pretty great Planet. I'll give Earth that. So many different habitats and ecosystems." Harold voiced. There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd.
"Too bad we jus' 'bout decimated sah many of 'em." a familiar voice called out from the darkness. It was Sterlin Sommes, former Senator of the Great State of Mine, making public comment where it is due, as per his usual.
"You should know, Senator." Harold reminded the Senator." You were one of the worst movers and shakers of Earth systems, in your heyday. Wanted people to go to Mars, instead of cleaning up our mess here."
"Tru' nuf, Harald." Sterlin agreed. " Manys a go 'round I had with yah' Brotha', 'bout it, too. LeRoy Fryer ! He come out a that bayou, angry as a swamp cat, ta' have ta' leave tha fam'ly fahm. He did hep' this city get Mobile, tho, for the sake a' the Way Scan Kids, an' ever'body, else. How is ol' LeRoy, Penny, child?"
"He fine." Penny answered as politely as possible, considering she had been scared half to death when she first met Sterlin at age seven. Tha man was a force then and had remained so. She hoped Child Penny was watching somewhere with her dad, to see that she was no longer afraid of " the Old Man with the Big, loud smile", as she called him.
"You're still not going with us, are you, Sterlin? "Penny asked the Senator.
"Ah, no. I'll send along those toothbrushes from my factory in Selma." he promised. " I personally am bound for Mexico to a little Cantina I bought. Great music and dance, there. Books Wunder would love it. " the Senator mused as he wandered off into the crowd, looking for some tips about the Tango, as there were musicians and dancers there, from around the world
"The Way Scan Kids will be leaving a few months after we do." Penny called after him. " Share what you learn with Books, before he leaves, so he can bring the tunes and the moves along with him when he comes. Good music and dance are what he carries with him to Small World when he comes."
"What's it like going foreward in time?" asked Curious One Tau, who was fasinated by the story of the Way Scan School since his childhood in China. He was told by the Lama that Penny would come from then, from the future, having grown up on Small World, to make sure Settlers would land there in the past, to build out that world for the Way Scan kids when they arrived. "Will I be a little kid again when I get there? Will that be my life as a child, instead of the one I had? "
"The trip only takes a few seconds of precieved time. You will only change a few seconds worth." she assured him.
"No way I'd do this if I had to go back to being seven years old again. Been there, done that.
"Your whole life here will be as it was in this time and space. "Penny re-assured him.
Curious One, a world-famous artist, contributed thousands of hours of creative work to the world art scene and was not about to let those creations be undone, no matter how much Small World might need him. He also knew that Art has a mind and a magic of its own. He was afraid his lifetime of work might disappear. Such nad happened to him once before.
As a child he had worked to restore one Tibetan temple to its former glory only to have the work disappear at the end of each day. Having been there and done that, he had learned to work through his heart and to teach this to his fellow artists and to his nation, China. It was what they needed to do in order to rebuild Tibet and to build a new China. The skills to do so brought him honors in the art world and he was loath to allow those lessons to disappear for any space or time, anywhere. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at his son smiling up at him.
"You can have fun building a new beuatiful world, there." Curious Too, reminded his dad. "Remember you are going to Small World to build the new Way Scan School."
"I know." Curious One replied. "Out of dirt and curiousity. Not much more up there to work with now, but I like a challenge."
"You have a bit more than that." his boy reminded Curious One. " You have generations of artisans and clever and creative people within you and I'll help, too."
"I have your grandma's example, as well." C1 ackowledged. "She really believed in me and the teaching I had from the Lama. When he taught me to work throught the heart for transformation, she was the first to try it. Others who dismissed what I said, just because it came from a kid, learned from her. "
"She always was a champion of heart." C2 agreed. "Probably still is, even after she left us."
"Speaking of Champions" Curious One asked, Big Penny. "How is your dad doing on Small World? He still the shit kicker that he is here on Earth? I'll never forget the day he came to town to convince the world that we needed to go on there, ahead of the Ways Scan School kids and that we needed to get there, before they do, to get Small World ready for them. He would not take No for an answer."
"I recall that his arguements were soundly supported by science and scientists from around the world. "Penny agreed. "They. apparently were scared of both my dad and the computer simulations of what would happen if 5 kids in an Air Car landed without the proper support. We were apparently beloved, world wide." Fortunately, they turned out to be right. I was little when the controversy was raging but am living proof, if you need it, that the trip was and will be successful and that most of us lived to tell the tale. "
"Who diddn't make it? " Curious One asked. a bit concerned by that news.
"There was a guy calle the Lama, who joined us but apparently took a detour during the trip, " Big Penny told him. "He told us he was going to Tibet to help some artists. He did not show up when we arrived."
"Was your dad still scared about agreeing to let you come back to help us now?" Curious Too asked her. "If he doesn't like what you report about that world, he could decide not to go. "
There are audible gasps of surprise and concern from others, fearful of tales of a different future.
"Been there, will not do that." Penny assures them all.
A buzz of worried concern spread outward like a swarm of angry bees, despite her assurances. "My daddy would have known and told himself not to let me go then or now." she reminds them. "You know LeRoy would never put me at risk"
"Well he hasn't changed, then" Curious One reminds the group. "Neither has our plan."
"Daddy has changed, though. He is no longer a shit kicker. He would never waste good manure on that. Too much is needed for soil health, not to mention to spread those organizims we brought along with us in our mamillian guts. They are changing the Planet's soils, to adapt to human crops and land-based animals. It's a whole new world of dirt and ecosystems for us and the microbes. For your information those tiny critters call more of the shots on Small World than we humans do, my daddy included."
"Sounds like I changed for the better, then." LeRoy put in as he joined the group. "I never though I'd fit in, when I first got here to Mobile, but I am more concerned about operating as a farmer, there on Small World. No beloved swamps and abyous. No most rainfall in the Contienental USA. Lots different. Did I do OK, daughter?"
"With the help of all these farmers and arborists from around the world." Big Penny answered. "You all carried with your thousands of year of human knowledge to allowed us to farm, from ocean shore to mountain top desert and all the lands in between. There were times when things got rocky but people worked together to find the step by step solutions or just elected to let things be, as they are, without human intervention. Sure, some of that came from guidance from the Planet, with help from the birds, the bees and fish in the seas, but we eventually got the help we needed to be able to cope with the problems we faced."
"You talked to the birds there?" Fremont Jefferson Jackson asked, joining the group to hear more about his friends abroad in the Universe.
When Freemont came to the USA from Tiger Country he knew what entering a whole new world felt like. He hoped those who arrived to build Small World were as excited and open to adventure as he had been. "I learned to talk to birds as a child in Tiger Country but never knew anyone here that could do that, except my gran-daughter, She-Bird."
"She can help with that now that she is there." Big Penny replied. "We got help from the dolphin translators made at the Way Scan School, by way of the and sea birds. That was like switching channels on a ham radio set, through a set of translation systems, but we eventually were able to learn from them. Thank creator for parrots who knew our languages and could help other animals know what help we needed, so they could give us input.
"Different species communicating. Who would have guessed that would help us?" Howard Beau Brightfoot commented as he followed Freemont into the circle of neighbors. He caught Freemont's eye and they both started laughing.
As human survivors after the decimation of Tiger Country, and as a Guardian of the Swampland and Bayous aroud Mobilie they were both raised to communicate with several other species, as human emmisaries. Not to be able to do this was the biggest disability that the Mobile community Members had. Many had forgotten how to speak to the Planet, even though they came from nations where it was essential to their survival to do so.
"You used to talk to the Plants, Penny" LeRoy reminded her. " Saved my butt a number of times when we had insects killing our crops. You stopped doing that?"
Seeing his daugter in the form of Big Penny threw Leroy off his game. He had just left her 7 year old self behind with her Mom. with the rest of the Settlers who would travel on to Union, soon, not wanting the two versions of Penny to meet. It was hard enough for him to process having both a seven year old and a 27 year old child in the same space/time. LeRoy was the first to admit that his daughter's mind was far beyond his own ability to cope with the unusual and the unknown as was his mind to a Planet's point of view. He needed a translator as did most humans. He first found that out when the family left their farm and moved into Mobile, so Penny could go to the Way Scan School. Little to nothing except the natural world made sense to him. Cites were insane.
"These City People are plain crazy." LeRoy told his wife, Calypso, the day after their arrival in Mobile. He saw their daughter nod her head in agreement and hoped he had not made a big mistake bringing them here there to join the Way Scans School families.
"They're not so bad." Calypso reassured her husband and child. "Wait till the great folks from other places show up. They will be going with us to Small World and most are sons and daughters of the land, just like you two."
"Any of them computer folks, like you?" LeRoy asked. He knows how much her world-wide contact with others on the web means to Calypso.
"Some but most communicate with the lands and waters, just like you do. Electronics not required." she assured him. "We hope to set up some kind of communications systems to get guidance from the Planet but no one is sure what that will be like on Small World.
Fortunately, her mom had contact with the world beyond the farm via the internet. For years since the Message was first heard and people began their clean-up on Earth, Calypso worked with Friends of the Planet, as a member of their staff, offsite in the swamps and Bayous where most humans no longer went. Her employer gave her access to a whole world of information about the environment and what people were into and out of when it came to global change at a local level. Calypso was one of the most connected people on Earth, all from the Fryer farm, deep in the swamps of Alabama. She never directly told him as much but Leroy suspected she had consideralbe direct contacts with information systems that no one else paid attention to, informants like aspen groves and undersea coastal systems, that many did not know about. Monitoring chemical and temperature changes, wildlife activity and weather, sounds and movements of animals. land and water, all told her their stories. Her communication with human people, everywhere was the smallest part of her network of informants.
When they moved to Mobile, Calypso took over Press International from its retiring Editor, Preston Sommes. She was able to more widely deseminate news stories, through PI and share some of what she learned through news updates, stories and a variety of news features that spread the knowledge far and wide. Her role in community and both national and international outreach began leading the Planet via accurate media reporting. From Press International people learned what was going on in their neighborhood, nation and internationally. Her call out for families with children to be considered for settlement on Union was heard around the world and Settlers proposed from all corners of the Planet, to represent the best of humanity.
If you are wondering what role is played by Alberta Jackson Brightfoot, first Coordinator of Friends of the Planet's Tiger Preservation Project (to help save Tigers and everything else) she has retired from both her position as project co-rdinator and from this world. Her people usually live no more than 40 years, so as not to use undue amounts of finite resources, leaving us when their children are grown and on their own. Alberta choses to do this shortly after her daughter, She-Bird, marries Books Wunder and leaves with the Way Scan School kids to go to Union. Will she meet them there, beyond time and space constraints ? This remains to be seen but her daughter, She-Bird, hopes so. She-Bird married Books shortly after meeting him and has a feeling she will need her mother's patient guidange to actually live with the man, for more than one year without killing him. They are very different people.
In the interum, She-Bird's Father, Howard Beau Brightfoot continues to direct Friends of the Planet and, as his ancestors before him, to monitor the health of the swamps and bayous around Mobile and everything else of nature, on behalf of humanity and his people. The Brighfoot clan are still into the world on behalf of nature near and far, as their prime directive. Stonewall security is just a small part of their activites but has secured their survival as a Nation and prospertity as the protectors of lands and property, most importantly of lands, from theft, harm and exploitation. A large supply of guns and ammo and being the guardians of the property of the areas wealthiest families in the region, is key to their survival success.
Brightfoots are happy to report that most lands around Mobile have returned to their natural systems, without humans and human things, and that these changes are now taking over the edges of human areas of development, soon to engulf the last of human stuff in that area of the world. They will continue to live on and guard their lands as they have done for generations beyond count, as long as those lands agree to let them do so.
Prior to the move to Small Worls, humans stopped having children and the population in Mobile shrank dramatically, over the decades. The biggest influx in the town is currently from visitors who will go on to Small World with the system used by the Ways Scan School kids, in the Air Car. But, instead of one small group, it will transport hundreds of settlers and the equipment and resources needed to build a community there, to support the kids when they land. Their Different Minds are so valued that an entire Planet is at work to make sure that all can thrive on Small World. The timing of their trip is calculated to give the Settler group about 20 years to work on their Setllement, develop sustainable food systems and to build the Way Scan School for the children, before the Air Car Arrives.
How? It is a time-space- energy calculation what is hoped to work accurately. No one will know if it does, untill the kids actually land, in the time and space identified with the collaboration of may scientists, phsycics and children, on Planet Earth. Everyone is crossing their fingers that it worked as planned. Big Penny travels back to Earth to guide the Settlers' trip. All they need is for The Last Earth Boy, LEB, to arrive in Mobile to start their trip. With Big Penny in town now, to greet him, they are sure he will come soon.
A muted gong sounds within the water dome and the several water creatures in the sea cave rise to the surface, as the human's within the structure turn to see them.
"What's happening now?" Books Wunder asked. :"Did you hear that? "he asked into the phone still connecting them with the group on the way to meet the Kids. "Sea Critters are here to greet us, too."
"This is our signal to stop and pay attention to things."LeRoy spoke. "The Planet will Greet the children."
A young man came out of the water then, too, as the Settlers arrived and quietly lined the path down to water's edge where the Way Scan School kids stood.
"Quiet all. This is listening time." Leb spoke as he wiped his body and dressed in dry clothing. " This is our time to hear from the Planet. We do this several times each day, I am usually alone here when this happens and I need to pay attention to what is said. I ask you for quiet and then for your attention as I tell you what is said to us."
The space went silent though the heavy breathing from blowholes of the mammals in the water punctuated the silence. The pilot whale began to speak in a series of squeeks, gurgles and high pitched sounds that were augmented by low rumblings, at time in chorus, with the other dolpings and some plopping sounds made with tails, fins and bodies. A resonant humming sound seemed to come from several of the sea creatures as Leb listened intently. Then the water creatures stopped and sank beneath the surface.
"They all say hello to the new arrivals. "Leb shared. "They felt the joining of time and space from Earth World to Small World in your arival. "You are beloved by all creatures here and they thank you for coming."
"I never been loved by a whale, before. "Books told She-Bird quietly. "Though I hear the wales songs and dances I learned from the Ocean Keepers. in the Pacific Northwest. A volunteer whale elder came to their annual hunt, last year. That leder sacrificed himself to the coastal people who have been whaling there for ten thousand years and unite with their granfather when they caught and ate him."
"Perhaps you will come back to entertain our guides, with those songs they last heard on earth, perhaps from the great, great grandparents of those who taught you." Leb asked Books.
The song and dance man was well known and his arrival heralded by many in the community, to help reconnect them with the master singers, dancers and musicians that they left behind on Earth. They brought the instruments and recordings of the music but Books was there to bring that to life in human performance. Such performance is always an evolutionalry as well as a historice process, whenever indigenous dance, song and stories are shared. Books' services are booked for months and he an She-Bird would be staying, in turn, with groups from every part of Planet Earth, do share with them how their people fared, in the decades since they have been gone, and to hear how their music can be shared and played on Small World.
End of Chapter 2
CHAPTER 3 - The First Party Is the Hardest
Books Wunder looked around the rooms he and his new bride, She-Bird, were given to begin their life on Small World together."Not bad." Books admitted. "It was nice of them to give us a room with a view."
"Don't get used to this, Books. This is the Presidential Suite. We get our assigned quarters tomorrow."
"There goes my neighborhood?" Books wonders, worried that if their space and place got any smaller it could get mighty cramped for a dancer. His concern must have shown because She-Bird felt the need to remind him of the differences in their roots. They agreed that these differences in their lives needed to be addressed, if their life together could work on any world.
"I know you've lived in palaces and mansions growing up. I mean your dad had his own nation when you were a kid. But this place is as big as the house I grew up in with 6 brothers and sisters, not counting the visiting Aunties and cousins when they came into town."
"I just wasn't raised that way." Books admits. "But you've lived many ways, when you worked and travelled, on Earth. You went everywhere and people housed and fed you while you learned their songs, dances and stories."She Bird reminds him.
"You never disrespected your surroundings then, much less now. We get a house we don't have to build ourselves. Most people here did that when they came. They also built everything else. They decided on their use of space and place, with guidance from the Planet. Small World knew better than have homes on beach-front property."
"There is no room for me to dance here." Books thinks as he views the distance between the walls and from floor to ceiling. He jumped higher than that, routinely, when he danced.
"The community dance and music studios are for everyone and you have several hours a day reserved to bring people up-to-date on Earth traditions and culture, since they have been gone. That will help people here know what happened there during that time."
"What do you mean happened here? I am bringing them their history and culture. "he reminds her. "The Old Ways that should never change."
"No group has old ways, unless they are robots. Humans always change everything. They can't help it. They are only human."
"Robots change things, too." Books points out. "They often can't keep a story straight. "People had tried to have humanoids taught to do his job, as chroniclers of songs and dances and languages from human groups. They thought those ones would not change things and could keep language, in particular, pure. Not so. Either the ears of listeners changed what robots said to them or the robots evolved, too, but there was always change happening when it came to art, culture and communication. It was never static, ever.
"Well, I'm glad you have not been replaced by a machine. "She Bird assured him, giving him a kiss.
"Let's go see that Community Dance Place place. "Books proposes. "Maybe I can I talk to someone there about my salary. I don't even know what they are paying me for this gig."
She-Bird starts laughing. "I'm pretty sure you'll be getting what every other shaman and story keeper, singer and dance expert, holder of thought and traditions is paid, has been blessed to receive and is richly compensated for, throughout human history."
"There is no salary, is there?" Books asks. "How will I support my family?" Books personally saw the angel, equipped with both lightening bolt and the sounds of a heavenly chorus, when their child was conceived the week after their marriage ceremony. He was pretty sure the baby She-Bird carried was a boy who would take after his wife's grandfather, an Indigenous human from Tiger Country, Freemont Jefferson Jackson. He hoped their child might be a mix of boy/girl that could do both men's and women's performance, after he learned that her Grandmother, Betsy Ross Jackson, was
an excellent singer in her own right. Betsy Ross died before he met her but Books had seen Freemont's moves several times, including at their wedding. It was like the Spirit of the LU-Mae, that was Freemont and Betsy Ross, was still living with them, protecting the younng couple from harm and promoting their union together.
The old man declined to go with either the Settlers or with the Way Scan School kids, when they travelled to Small World. Books suspected there was no way Freemont or his lightening energy was getting left behind on Earth. The man left Tiger Country and transformed several worlds where he settled and was not about to stay out of things interplanetary, at this or any point in time. Salary or no salary, Books knew that Freemont had their backs.
"My people came from a land without money, on both mom and dad's side." She Bird explains. "Money just gets in the way of sharing but even worse, it gets in the way of respect."
"Didn't your Grandpa help hundreds of people become millionaires?" Books recalls. "Didn't he set up systems for people around the world to get funding and finance for sustainable energy and farming, small industries to make what was bought and sold within their regions and food processing industries to secure food supplies in many areas? I learned about those projects and saw them in action, when I travelled the world."
"He called those brokers the Tomatoe Millionaires. "She-Bird reminds. "They grew portfoilos instead of tomatoes at the Mobile Stock Exchange and the big investment groups never noticed the millions of dollars of investments being made. They were too busy investing for the one percent to notice the 99ers".
"How did he get an office in the Exchange?" Books wonders. "My dad tried to lease space there and they refused to rent him a closet, let alone an office.
"Grandpa was the day cashier at the QuickieMarket in the building lobby." Shebird explains."
Everyone knew him and the office he set up was for the Tomatoe Growers Association. After all, the Exchange was in the World Food Building, that one that looks like a big old ear of corn in the middle of the financial district.. They had to give Growers a space there. Some of them grew Tomatoes but mostly they grew business opportunities, world-wide".
"My dad talked about that scam as an example of how con men and con women can contribute positively to global progress. I bet those big brokers never noticed the flow of money to all the helpful progects, around the world."
"Too busy wheeling and dealing with the rich...They kept making more money with their money but that built almost nothing."SheBird points out.
"I see what you mean about respect. "Books acknowledges. "What people build with wealth is more important than the wealth, itself and the chance for even small investors to create large changes can make a big difference."
"Your family had great wealth and at times great power. "SheBird states. "Do you respect that, too?"
"Respect? My family's respect from others like us did not depend on money but was valued by how much we could steal from the wealthy and privileged without them noticing. It is a different way of guaging success. It was an artform, too, but I admit that the vast wealth we pilfered from the the rich seemed to mean very little to the thieves involved in those scams, if my own relatives were any indication. I am not sure I can respect myself, though, if I get paid nothing for what I do for a living."
"Here, respect is different than that." She-Bird shares. "It involves trust in others and in yourself by seeing how what you need and what others need are equally important and of equal value."
"You mean I just take their word for it if someone wants to trade my Rolex for a sundial?"
"It can work that way and, unless you bring watch batteries along, the sundial might work better for you, long term."She Bird replies.
"Watches are based on Earth time, anyway." Books acknowledges. " They are useless on Small World."
"But a nice fashion accessory" SheBird admits. " So shiney."
"I am glad I wore my dance clothes on this trip. Who knows what fashion choices might be available and I have no other clothing here."
"Trades for most things people need are made at the Swap and Trade Center, a part of the Community Building where you will teach and share." She-Bird tells Books. "Let's go there and you can see sharing, in action. The place will be hoppin' before the party tonight."
"What do I have to bargain with?' Books wonders, aloud."
"Whatever you have to share, can do to help, can teach others or is volunteered with your work, time and interest. "SheBird explains. "We still have stationary bike- motion - energy production groups that meet, ride and chat, almost any time, night or day. That's always a good way to give and get to know everyone, while you make power, keep in shape and keep the lights on in a few buildings. You can trade bike time for whatever you think you need, in return."
She-Bird assures him, as they reach the entrance to a large, domed building. "All is valued and worthy of respect."
"For someone who just got here, you seem to know a lot about how things work in this place. "Books acknowledges, as he holds the door for SheBird. She was carrying her portable camera equipment and needs his assistace.
"If most people on Planet Earth did not live this way, for most of the time we have been on Earth, humans would never have survived."She reminds him. "It is only in recent times that money got in the way of human assistance. Money plus war was a global disaster and we found out we needed to get rid of both, if we are going to make it there, here or anywhere, big or small."
"I'll swap dance contests for war games, any day." Books advises.
"Don't think that hasn't happened in our human past." She-Bird tells him. "Remind me to show you films of the great dance wars between rival gang groups in LA, in 2023. Each group brought their own dancers to the lawns at Griffith Park and they gave turf war a whole new meaning."
"Were you even born then? "Books asks. "Just a baby but it was set up by the WayScans, at their LA campus. Film makers from around the world caught that on digital tape. I just checked the School archives and had a look before we left Earth."
"Those Way Scan Schools went global in the 2020s and now are intergalactic. "Books marvels." Can we go to the Way Scan School here, when we leave the Swap and Trade?"
"There's a reception for the Way Scan School kids there, this evening and the entire Planet is invited. It will start after the Town Hall Meeting. They can't start without us, too. We came with them."
"You know how I love a party." Books shares as they head into the building.
"The First Party is always the hardest." She Bird reminds him. "You will meet almost everyone and there will be lots of singing and dancing,. Have Fun with it and Be Kind is the first Rule here, too."
"Don't be nervous. "Big Penny tells Small Penny, as they sit down to lunch at the Freyer's home. It overlooks the community Garden that is the center of activity for several surrounding neighborhoods. Most of the tree crops were grown in the area,to provide shade for homes as well as food grown on trees for the community.
"Everyone loves you and knows you. "Small Penny worries. "You've been here with them, grew up and helped them get good shoes and learn tap dancing. They don't know me from beans."
"Most of us love beans" Calypso shares as she puts a steaming bowlful on the table. "You will fit in fine, Penny, and Big Penny will be headed back in the air car and you will go with her, so you can travel with us when we come twenty years ago."
"Why didn't I just stay there, with you in the first place? Why did I need to travel with the Way Scan kids?"
"They had a look at the data from the Air Car and discovered that it is us, big and little Penny that allows the car's navigation through time and space." Big Penny advises.
"Us? How?"
"You are the guidance system that directs the time and place the car lands". their Mother explaines. "It's your gift to get us here, years ago, to travel with that group and with the Way Scans, when they leave. You and Big Penny will direct your trip back on Earth and help is get here, in this Planet's past. LEB will be with us then, if Big Penny goes now."
"I thought I had no gifts, like all the other Way Scan School kids. "Small Penny admits. "Crystal is so brilliant, Jacob a wiz with numbers, Leon is able to create almost anything anyone can think of, working with David, who could translate it to the rest of the world. I was just a regular kid, learning the
"That and the guiding star for human evolutionary progress, from one Planet to another galaxy with the knowledge we learned on Planet Earth." Calypso informs her small daughter. " And you are a great dancer."
"I hope you will join the Small Planet Tappers. "Big Penny advises. "They will teach you all we have taught each other for the past twenty years. You will learn a lot more good music to make with your shoes."
"I did wonder how I could keep up with lessons. "Small Penny shares. "Did you really learn steps from sea crabs?"
"Once we had our Ears to the Seas, the Last Earth Boy, LEB, started translating for us. The crabs set up a class at the shore and came out of the water to share their step patterns. You know their patterns are signals, as well as art forms. We learned how they tap out danger and use it to warn others if something is about to happen."
"Something like what?" Small Penny askes, a little nervous. Apparently their were dangers on Small World.
"Like big waves or unstable earth movements. Earthquakes at sea, can cause very high tides or waves. Also there can be rare danger situations from fish or bird's migrations. "Big Penny answered.
"Crabs can be the eyes and ears at the sea floor, so we can spread the word, on land and air, with our tapping sounds. We have our own codes, based on old, human telegraph codes, once used on Earth, to send messages in our neighborhoods and from neighborhood to neighborhood."
"Word of mouth spreads fast here, too." Calypso adds. "But it often starts with Word of sounds, broadcast by those tapping feet."
"What a fun way to communicate." Small Penny laughs. "I'm going to like it here. A Dance Party is a newscast. I was a little nervous about meeting so many new people, tonight, but if a newscast is a Dance Party, your Party Parties must be something else."
"The first one is always the hardest." Big Penny shares. " Just remember, you can dance any time but parties are a great excuse for dancing and cake."
Simon's mother, Gloria, is happy to have her son with her again when the Way Scan School Kids arrive. For him, it had only been a few weeks since they parted, but for her, twenty years without her child, had been hard. What consoled her through the years was seeing how the people around her were learning to speak and hear in so many different ways. This would suit her Simon well. He never spoke human language, in any way but with numbers, in the time since his birth but always seemed able to speak with other animals.
On Small World, not only she, but almost everyone on the Planet learned to communicate in other ways than human words. The many human languages they came to this world speaking had been added to beyond that, to communicate with different species. Speaking with her son would be a breeze for many of them, as they were now able to speak with birds, others with insects and many with the Plants. Her Simon had always had ways of communicating with animals and plants that few other humans around them knew twenty years ago. Their ancestors had such skills but most had forgot them.
Now, most people on Small World knew at least one other way to speak than human language. Much of this came because of needs for communications with Plants brought in seed and other forms, like root stock, that was planted in Small World soils. The Plants told them what to do for the best conditions of light, temperature, soil health and pH balance. Without this communication, many of these specimens would have been lost in transplantation. Fortunately for the survival of Humans on this world, many humans who came were farmers who had listend to plants, for generations. They got the messages.
Identifying what bacteria and fungi, what soil composition was needed to help Plants thrive was an active interchange of information bewteen growers and grown. Fortunately, farmers and hunters and gathering peoples, on Earth. had been doing all this for generations and had not lost these skills. They were able to get help from plants from other animals. Advice, like having certain birds that ate specific kinds of fresh water shell fish, pooping near places where certain kinds of rice plants, ones that needed specific chemicals to thrive, became an interspecies transmission of information to help all involved. Birds also ate the rice along with their shell fish, as did humans, once it was grown. Birds were happy to help and humans happy to learn. The Plants were just happy.
Speaking on a chemical level, with microorganizms was often a way for bacteria and fungi to tell humans how certain soil needs could be met.. Chemical signals sent out by these tiny teachers and picked up by those humans who paid attention, guided both farming, forestry and the seeding of grasslands on Small World. When living on Earth, Jason's mom, attuned to her son's signals his whole life, used her ability her to pay attention in her work as a biochemist. She now helped guide the Small World farmers on ways to help soils and to decide where crops were grown to feed people or livestock. These tiny proffesors also guided production of compost to enrich soils used for farms or forest soil health and to support Earth plant speicies with what they needed in soils to thrive.
Communication with the worlds of micro-organisma were the foundation of the survival of many but words and sounds were exchanged between many species for direct communication and spmetimes to understand translations that came through other animals, to humans, for greater understanding. Ants learned the human alphabet and sometimes spelled out what they learned underground, so people knew it , too. They were the source that reminded people of an old planting habit of putting a dead fish in the hole with maize seeds to fertilize the plants with rotting fish and the germs they carried, needed by the corn, beans and tomatoe vine system of growing a complete protien mix, for the food chemicals needed
by humans.
People sometimes used music tones or instruments to communicate. This had been done on Earth, for generations and seemed to help with survival of small farm animals and later, with the communication with larger livestock, domesticated birds and even wild animals, as the years passed. Fish callers, using specialized drums and sounds were effective in bringing fish close enough to land so that they could be caught with nets that humans spread outward from the shore. These gifts from the sea were thought to be orchestrated by sea mammals, for the benefit of human neighbors, just arrived. Whether thay were being kind or just liked hearing the music played when humans had parties and celebrations, after a good catch, is still not clear but humans suspect the latter.
"Whales here are very kind and helpful." Gloria told Simon, when she noticed he was communicating with the Whale stationed at the Welcome Center, before they left there. Simon gave her a look that told her " I KNOW, Mom." A look she saw often, as she tried to explain things to him that she thought he might not understand. She often found that he knew things before she did, but appreciated his tolerance of her ignorance brought about by old ways of human learning, left far behind by the Way Scan Schools and children. world-wide.
"I keep forgetting you know just about everything around you, son. I forgot you don't miss a thing, especially how something like a well-intended whale sounds."
Simon responded to her with a hug and a smile. He knew she was his biggest fan, on two worlds, and would never think there was anything he could not know or do, even though he did not speak human words. Fortunately, his school taught him to spell and write, which he did proficiently, so he could help the other students invent the dolphin translation system, that was the basis of much of their current communication with the Small World planet.
Whales always had communication with thousands of other species directly, or through translations by other animals and plants and were the key to understanding the Small World itself, its life and goals and how to live in harmony there. They were aware of the Planet's mind and thoughts. They translated the Planet's plan for its own evolution and explained this to other species, should they care to listen. This is vital, especially to the part that creatures played in Small World's evolution. Most animals and almost every rock and mineral are eager to listen and play their supporting role. Those that did not listen were not long for Small world. Hopefully humans have the sense to listen to people like Simon, who have the sense to listen and do so, no matter if is popular with humans or not.
Writng helped Simon explain the mathmatic formulas he developed about the energy pattern that could be used to travel through space and time. Numbers explianed the sounds of the power sources that got them to Small World. He was the first to hear the energy for directions through time and space that came through Penny, both Big and Small, to guide their trips. He wrote to the Way Scan Member in his Community, Howard Beau Brightfoot, Mayor of Mobile, with his findings. This information allowed the planning for humanity to first locate the Planet, the Small World, far from Earth, that was discovered by Reverend Ike, the Preacher, Ham, in his astro-telescopic studies of the Universe. The energy formula that is Penny was used as a guide to the heavens, to set his telescope to view what would later be called Small World. He kept his eyes on the place for about a decade and watched the arrival of Ocean water, sealife and birds from Planet Earth. How this happened was a connection between the two worlds that Simon is still working out. He was curious to know the numbers that might allow humans to move on. He had an idea that the Planet knew and might communicate it to him, now that he had arrived.
"You'll be glad there are so many ways to communicate, here, Simon." Gloria told him. "You can meet the number-talkers tonight at the party. It took them 20 years but they are just about caught up to understanding your last formula. It was only a few days since you left Earth but they wonder if you have discovered anything else, maths-wise, since we have been separated?"
Simon laughed in the way he does to say "You ain't seen nothing yet, Mom." and she knows thenumber-talkers are in for a treat, tonight.
Crystal Pau's reunion with her Parents is as joyous as any of the other Way Scan School kids, with their families. For one, Crystal's Dad is glad that they let her drive the Air Car on the trip. She had the most to do with its design and he felt she was the vehicle's most reliable operator. Jason Pau was a little concerned about Big Penny's return to Earth in the vehicle, driving herself back as an adult, after such a time separated from the Collective mind that was the Wayscan School group. He was glad Small Penny would be along, too. LeRoy Fryer was just as concerned as he and the fathers had discussed this several times. Jason was eager to get his daughter, Crystal's, opinion on the risk for the car to return.
"Are you kidding, dad?", Crystal wondered." Didn't you say that Penny was the guidance system? Who better to go back and forth?"
"Big Penny has been gone a long time. Her mind may be different now."
"Different Minds are a Way Scan School specialty, 'Crystal reminded him. "We all continue toevolve together, no matter time or place. What we learn, the Universe learns. We are never separate. Penny knows what I know without a cosmic roadmap from the Universe."
"Point taken." Jason agrees. "But she was too little to drive it before and has never driven it, child or adult."
"You said we could not have got here without Penny. She might have been able to get here without us, but we needed her to make the trip. Being the youngest, her mind was so different, even from the rest of us and certainly from most big people. She did it then and obviously can do it now, or you would not be here. Big Penny convinced you all to come, and she drove coming back, remember?"
"It certainly was important to have her there. She came to get us but also to get LEB, the last earth boy. It is his extraordinary hearing that helps us communicate through Ocean mammals that connect us with the Planet. " Jason admits. " By the way, there is a crystal structure somewhere in the hills, that communicates with me, using numbers ands symbols, when I am asleep. It seems to know you were coming and said to say Hi to you. It wants me to bring you to visit."
" Sounds like my kind of life form." Crystal shares. "Can we bring Jason? He speaks numbers and symbols, too. We can party."
"Bring him." Jason agrees. " As far as I know this thing could be alien. or as alien as we are, anyway."
"They say that first party with a new friend is the hardest." Crystal advises. " Let's have fun with it. "
"Sounds like folks are having fun in here." Books tells SheBird as the sounds of voices, chatter and laughter hit them as they enter the Community Center building. There are people in colorful clothing, with a significant smattering of tribal ceremonia garments from various Earth groups, tribes and cultures, that Books recognizes from his past travels. He identifies clothing, from both cerimonial and hute couture, traditonal dress as well as exotic use of earth materials and fabrics, being enthusiatically warn by a good portion of the people in the crowd. Far from it being a somber, serious or even decorious group, they seem to be dressed to have fun.
"That headress is only supposde to be worn by African Kings!" Books advises She-Bird. "That kid just ran by with it half way off his head every time he bounces."
"Maybe that kid is the African King. " SheBird replies." King for a day, anyway. These clothing shares include all that was brought with the group that came first and considered it all an important part of our Human past. There are no museums here and people now can swap and choose a history to celebrate."
"What will you wear to the party, tonight?" Books asks, looking for his own choice of glad rags among the many choices around him. There are more than a few original Elvis consumes and one being worn by an aged elder seems to fit her perfectly.
"If i go representing Tiger Country humans i would be naked." She points out. "Probably something from my dad's side of the family. Maybe a dress made of Ocean Grass from the coast of Alabama with a swamp panther headress. Those were the big cats of North America. What about you?
Anything catch your eye?"
Books scans the room full of costume that was continued on hangers that headed toward the ceiling and blanketed the walls of the room with other choices. Among a sea of colors his eye was drawn to a glimer of white. Above the colorful commotion of clothing hung a white satin tuxedo with a full length set of tails and a white satin top hat and gleaming cane. Books quickly shimmied up a ladder along the wall to reach it and bring it down for closer examination.
"Congratulations." She Bird says." I made sure they packed that one for you, before we left. They could not leave home without it."
"What is it?" Books asks. It was decades since before even the first group left Earth, that people wore formal wear like this. Even at the fanciest ceremonies and events, they wore work clothes. This was mostly a sign of respect toward the billions of workers who worked together to save the Planet, so all could have what they needed to play, work and live to help themselves and others. People wore high fashion for fun but it was available to all or people made their own fashion creations. Very few men even wore ties, let alone top hats and tails.
"It belonged to Fred Astair" SheBird informs her husband. "You are just about his size but he danced in this costume through countless hours. Do not ask me to ever dress like his dance partner, Ginger Rogers. Please, I could not even walk in the shoes they put her in, let alone dance backwards, dip an twirl, and tap. She was as amazing as was he. I thought you might like to wear his tux."
"I would be honored." Books replied.
"I hear Big Penny is quite the dancer, these days." She Bird reminds him. "Maybe you can dance with her and I'll film you both."
"The first dance is always hardest." Books acknowledged. "Now take me to see the performance studio. We can check out the local talent."
End of Chapter 3
CHAPTER 4 - Let The Lessons Begin
They entered the performance area to find a circular performance Hall, topped by an open dome and ringed by rows of seats that could hold far more people than the current Small World human population. The seated crowd inside centered close to a short dias that was set up in the performance area with seats for the Way Scan School Kids and their families and chairs for Books and SheBird.
"Lots of room for population growth here." Books commented. "Maybe they are expecting other species or alien visitors?"
"That would be us." She-Bird reminds him."
"No sound system, I can see." Books notes and steps into the performance area as She Bird launches her cameras to get shots of the crowd, many of whom are also in colorful costumes. Howard Beau Brightfoot, a sprightly man in his early sixties, Mayor of Small World Township and She-Bird's daddy, comes forward to greet them.
"Books Wunder! A delight to meet you. again. How is my daughter doing?"
His voice carries through the auditorium space as though he were on a radio broadcast and there are faint applause from the audience, in support of his words.
"Great acoustics in here." Books marvels. " Are you using a remote microphone, of some kind?"
"Whales showed us how to design the space." Howard Beau shares." Perfect sounds from the performers, heard within a sphere of amplification and a muting of the audience. "Let's hear it for the whales and their perfect audio focus systems! " he adds and the audience stands. waving fingers and making noise heard faintly by performers but an obviouse contribution to the emthusiasm going on with the crowd in the stands.
She Bird sends her flying camera over to greet her father and has it do a little dance around him to say hello, as she checks the focus and lighting for the meeting. Soft spotlights come up to illuminate the dias as the Ways Can School kids run in and begin posing for the flying camera as their audience cheers. The parents of the kids wave to friends in the crowd as they follow, to take seats with the others at center stage.
The kids are introduced one by one and parents tell a little bit about the goals and accomplishments of their offspring. Mayor Brightfoot introduces his daughter, as her She-Bird camera projects views of Earth, taken from space and then views of Small World, at their recent arrival. The photography comes alive on view screens, built into the room's ceilings and walls, amply showing her gifts and skills with cameras to the cheering crowd.
Few Settlers experienced much of the view of their departure or arrival, during their own trip to Small World. None had seen arial views of the Planet since they got there. Tree-top and hillside vistas were as high as they went. As significant, none had heard the music of the spheres that came and went with each Planet they passed on their trip. The sights and sounds of the journey were captivating to an audience who never heard Planet songs, before She-Bird played them.
"Tough Act to follow" Books tells his audience, as he stands to introduce himself with a series of moves that is familiar to many. They are dances that incorporate many different traditions and patterns of movement, shared by many groups of indigenous people, in their celebrations and greeting ceremonies. She Bird keeps the Planet sounds playing, to provide music for this dancing. A good number of people begin dancing in the stands, spreading out around the performance circle to join Books in dances they recall from Earth. A few sing as well but all cheer, as the music ends.
"Books Wonder!" Mayor Brightfoot calls out. "Let us welcome him with She-Bird and the Way Scan School Kids, to Small World."
Books takes a few bows and makes a few to some of the dancers in the stands, returning the lauds, as he cirlces the room.
"Wonderful performance!" he praises the crowd. " I can tell you have been practicing!" he adds, to laughter from the audience.
"Now for a welcome song, from our Small World Children's choir." Mayor Brighfoot shares, as a group of children move into the performance area and surround their guests of honor. They begin to sing the Beauty Song for the new arrivals:
Let us walk In Beauty
On the Beautiful day.
Let us walk in Beauty
In a Beautiful way.
Let us walk in Beauty
Every day and every night
Let us walk in Beauty
For the rest of our life.
May we walk in Beauty
With each one that we know.
With creatures around us
Together we do grow;
On wings and on legs
Or with fins we do go.
All on the same path
Together we Know.
The path of the Mother
Will lead us all home.
Grounded in Beauty
No matter where we roam.
May we walk in Beauty
Praising Light from above.
May we walk praising Mother
The Planet that we love.
May we walk in Beauty
With all ways of this life.
Surrounded in Beauty and
Sharing the Light.
There is a silence, even from the birds that are hover to hear the human voices and to feel the rising of the light that fills the room, like a song, up into Small World skies. Sounds are echoing back through the ways the humans travelled to Small World, to reach the ears of Bobby Rae Vandee, as he lay on Planet Earth listening to its songs. He hears the echoes through time and space that tell him the children arrived safely.
The Beauty Song, as he calls it, is the first song, heard eaons ago, sung by the first people in their own way, reflected in many languages and versions, by many different generations of humans, down through their history. He heard it along with his mother's heartbeat as she carried him in her womb and he hears it now, at the hour of his death.
"They made it and did not forget." Bobby Rae shares with the world around him. "May they walk in Beauty wherever and whenever they go. I will be listening." he promises the Universe as he passes.
Books Wunder knew, as a young man, that he knew very little about very little of importance and, having been raised by a family of con artists and charlitans, he did not entirely trust the stuff he knew. He constantly questioned if it was true or was a con, a trick, a smokescreen or a ruse to manipulate people. He was a song and dance man and only his grounding in the myths, stories and tales, cultural adaptations and customs of many human groups earned him a spot on Small World.
It also helps that his wife's family are as rooted in the reality of protecting their lands from the insanities of exploitive capitalism, as it is possible to be. Their eternal vigilance and their rumored stockpiles of lethal weapons, held by Stomewall Security for generations, also helped keep the worse
environment damage to their homelands at bay, for much of their history. To be aligned with such a family was the smartest move Books ever made. He married She-Bird Birightfoot-Jackson.
"Thank Creator for Stonewall Security Services", generations farmers and swamp dwellers said of the Brightfoot family business. They understood that the true purpose of the security business was to patrol the coasts and forest lands around Mobile. They were there to make sure that "developers", with stupid ideas about how to wreck the place, were stopped before they even got started. The equipment they brought and sometimes their people would go into the bayou and never come out again, assisted to move on by a system of gentle relocation to another part of the Planet, using a well-oiled system of displacment networks. Many times they were just convinced that their plan was a very bad one and then redirected to try doing it in the backyards or neighborhoods of the wealthy, to make it a "rich folks" problem and no longer a threat to the wild places the Brightfoot People guarded.
This was the tribe that Books proposed to join when he met She-Bird Brightfoot. For the first time in his life, Books knew that someting was real and true for him and that it was a genuine plan that would help both of them and their world. He knew that he loved her and would stay near here for the rest of his life, the first time he laid eyes on her, whether or not she would accept him. Fortuneately, SheBird felt the same. She knew at once that she was his partner. Whether they ever met each other or not, they were a Lu-Mae.
"Be my wife for starters." he requested. "We can take the Way Scan School kids to Small World, in case they need adult help."
They both laughed hard and long at the idea that these kids, who had done more to transform the world's vision of what is possible, than just about everyone else before or since, might need any hand, especially theirs. In this way, they quickly learned how much they saw the world with similar eyes.
Lu-Maes usually know this affinity right away, as did She-Birds grandparenta, Betsy Ross Jackson and Freemont Jefferson Jackson, in Tiger Country where they first met. So did SheBird's Parents, Alberta Jackson and Howard Beau Brightfoot. They were married within 3 days of meeting each
other at the office of Friends of the Planet. Howard Beau was Director of the NGO and Alberta was their Cleaning Lady. The day they met, everyone on Earth got the message about Planet-wide cleanup and she was given the job of cleaning things up, Planet wide, by Howard Beau. He knew talent when he saw it and Alberta had talents that were vast and unique and just what the world needed to guide them in Planet-wide change.
Alberta was born and recalled her life in Tiger Country, where she was raised. She was able to follow the multi-generational, . multi-species, guidelines between human and the natural world, taught to her People by Tigers. Based on this understanding, and her observation of an industrialized world since moving to Mobile, she wrote the rules of the Game. This is the Game that people played to remake much of the destructive human behaviors, mainly capitalism and war, which had decimated good manners practices in relation to Planet Earth. Howard Beau and the Friends of the Planet supercomputer, at the University of Alabama Science Center, also helped a lot for the world-wide part of her observations and communication.
The AI systems Alberta was connected to "got it", right away, that her approach to Planet-wide change was the only viable way to go, if humans were to survive on Earth. Her combination of humor, fun, support and motivations seemed to resonate with the human species above any other approach, scientific or otherwise. Nothing else would work as fast and as well for just and sustainable change, Planet-wide. They helped her with every "byte" of information and coordination they had in their networks, that reached almost everywhere on Earth. They got the Message, the Story and the Guidlines, plus co-ordination strategies for both human and other species survival, out there, to the world. They would not tolerate alternatives to the best plans to accomplish this task of basic survival and it worked for humans, other species and the Computers. It was one of those multiple win solutions that Different Minds always find.
These Super-Computers wanted Humans to survive, hoping to glean the secrets of humor, the only realm of knowledge they had not yet mastered. Humans knew about fun and funny stuff and they still did not get it. They knew they needed it to survive in the vast reaches of an expanding Universe and should never leave home without it.
Becuase of all these changes that occured after The Message was heard, and her Parents met, She-Bird grew up in a world being transformed around her. Neighborhhoods and nations changed to just and sustainable systems that needed everyone to help, with the gifts and skills creator gave them. No one had to play the Game, if they did not want to. Most did. As the young couple walked to the Performance Center, for Books' first official class in culture sharing, music and dance, they discussed what influenced them in childhood.
The part of the clean-up that Books remembers most was that his dad invented the nation of Watumba, somehwere in the vacintity of Somalia, and got boatloads of money from the United Nations to transform its barren and peopless lands. Books watched and learned how the world's largest scam was pulled off. As Both President and King of Watumba, his dad claimed Executive Privledge when they arrested him for fraud and theft. Books Wunder Sr,, was tried in World Court, was found guilty and sentenced to actually do what he proposed to do, make a land of nothing but dirt and sky, into a thriving, self-sustaining community where hundreds of thousands of refugees settled and thrived, often after years of wandering the Planet without a place to call home.
"The man dug some wells and tapped into the underground aquifer, by-passed any signs of oil or gas to avoid countless problems with those poisons. He imported everything people needed to live and to plant as many trees and crops as possible, in the very fertile soil that had been unused for farming for centurues. Then he made sure everything people did there, from goats to public artwork, fit into a cycle of use and re-use so as to become self-sufficient. He did this as quickly as plants can grow, so he could get out of there and back to his home in the big city. He also threw in a great public health system with Neighborhood health workers and Way Scan Schools for the kids and adults. They connected people to
learning Centers and colleges for all levels of education, world-wide. Then, Lylle's your Uncle, "Books tells his new wife. "It took about 10 years to get the place going, though now much of it is back to nature these days, I'm not sure. I think there is a small rainforest there, now."
"Wow." She-Bird exclaims." It goes to show that we need everyone's help and what can happen when great minds are at work on great things."
"I started my career there, too," Books explains. "people came from all over the world to live in Watumba, to help build the place. They shared their songs and stories, beliefs and cultures. We had no prisons or jails there. The leader of the place was the biggest crook among them, my Dad. He was not about to let anyone be judged but he could not abide judgement and bad manners. About the only law of the place was you could not be judgemental of the ways that other people believed or thought about things. That got you kicked out of town and fast! We had a whole group of People Exporters who delivered you elsewhere if you showed racism, sexism, or cutltural non-acceptance of any kind. No way I was going to say no to anyone's song and dance preferences, dress, language or thought. I hope I carry those gifts to Small World with me." he adds.
"So why are you nervous about teaching here now? " She-Bird asks, as they approach the Community Performance Hall and Swap Center. "These people have met you before, you carry their history and culture and they love you and voted for you almost unanimously, to come along to Small
World. I got less votes than you did and I'm the official Earth and Small World Historian. Without me, no past and maybe no future."
"I am nervous because I do carry the past and all the bizzare and wierd ways people harmed a beautiful world. Maybe I bring too much pain from the mistakes we made. The loss of other species alone was catastrophic. For a while there it was "remember the Spirit of Brother Wolf" in your heart and in song and dance, because people were killing the critters left and right."
"I see what you mean." She Bird acknowledges. "Like I suggested before, play the Bolsonaro Song and do that dance."
"That was about as bad as it gets." Books agrees. " It is a fun song and we can dance to the Spirits of all who died trying to stop that destruction. There were too, many."
"That song and dance will remind us not to let that story happen again, here or anywhere. Let's look for costumes and masks. Maybe a really ugly one that scares you from the get-go. I'll dress like a 21st Century politician. Suit and tie..."
"Panama Hat," Books suggests..." Italian shoes.... and maybe that screaming mouth mask....chilling but not bloody."
"What are you wearing if I am in the suit, tie and mask." SheBird asks. "Decades of filming politicians I know how they walk and talk"
"I'll be a rainforest guy with feather headress and lead the song and dance, number." Books proposes.
"I have pictures of the forests and mines I can show and the music will cue us both." SheBird advises.
" I'm giving you production credits for this class." Books promises as they enter the building Swap Shop.
"You better." SheiBird tells him, as she looks for costumes for them both.
Music with the rythm of Brazil is playing as they enter the Performance Center and Books can hear the drums and instruments brought in by the crowd of Learners, punctuating the song's irresistable beat. No one in the audience is missing one, as Books and She Bird enter and the crowd of
Learners cheers their Teachers. The music stops and Books and She Bird take their place, as her camers system begins projecting the vista of what appears as an endless expanse of rainforest. Her system of SurroundVision works perfectly and they are in a rainforest with sky above showing through the treetops. Below, Politican She-Bird does a completely recognizable politican strut, the consumate old white guy, overweight and puffing an imaginary cigar, as he parades up and down in front of the trees.
"I could sell a million of these trees in a day an no one worth knowing would even care they are gone!" Politician SheBird exclaimes. "They're all in the city, anyway, and will never know what crews out here are doing. CALL IN THE CREWS!"
The sound of approaching monster trucks, with monster saws churning and whining grows louder. The sounds of buzzing saws and Trucks grows louder and louder and sounds of sawing wood and faling crash of trees, becomes louder and closer.
As the sound and vision of the rainforest encloses the entire theater space in a 360 degree projection there is a flash of birds and animals fleeing the oncoming onslaught of sound, followed by the destruction vehicles. Birds and forest creatures fly and run past the audience and Indigenous Books is bowled over by the images that head past, around and above him. The sounds of the vehicles increases, louder and louder and its arrival is forwarned by the crashing of falling trees. Next, the emergence of buzzing saws and grapling hooks, that catch and carry trees as they hit the earth, pulls them backward to level the vegitation on the forest floor. Trees are thrown onto giant transport trucks that remove them, by roads created from this path of devastation.
Cries of horror and screams of terror from the Leaners, turns to shocked silence that continues amid ecohes of destruction and the fading sounds of destroyer equipment as it moves on, deeper into the forest. The sounds of machinery fades until the silence of a lifeless space fills the room. It is punctuated by the sounds of crying and anquish from the Learners, though many are spellbound by the scenes of destruction and just go quiet.
"STOP!" Indigenous Books yells, breaking the silence, rising from the ground, running toward the retreating vehice sounds. "You destroy a whole world when these trees are cut."
Politicain SheBird stops him as he passes her. "Take it easy kid. This destruction finally stopped in 2030, with a change in the government of Brazil.
"But what about all this damage? There were fires, too. Did the rainforest ever recover? Who paid for this harm to our Planet?"
"The Planet paid and it was decades before global warming was countered by massive tree planting on all continents. People stopped growing grains to feed animals that humans ate, That produced timber people need to build and de-carbonized the atmosphere. We no longer needed to
destroy rainforests to raise cow and chicken feed and gre food on tress to feed us. Nuts to forest destruction, man! It feed the world and put an end to the Dance of Greed and Death."
"The Dance of what?" Books asks.
"The Bolsonaro, the Dance of Greed. It was celebrated by profit makers and politicians, corporations and curruption that allowed such harm to a place. Trees are vital for planet survival but that dance continued until people just said no to bad use of lands and harms to out forests for power and profits. We began better ways to use our resources."
"The Bolsonaro? I don't know it." Books replies. "What about you people? You want to learn it? There are murmurs of "No" and "Hell No! " from the crowd.
"It has a very catchy tune and millions listened and loved it." Politician She-Bird speaks up." I think I used it in my re-election campaign, come to think of it. Listen and learn how capitalism and its history of violence and exploitation gets played out."
The Blame it on the Bosanova song introduction plays as Indigenous Books begins to dance to the rythmic tune. He is joined by Politician She-Bird who dances with him, as people watch, listen and play their instruments. Some begin to sing the words to the tune as they appear on the screen
showing the destroyed rainforest scene, chronicaling the forest recovery, as it heals in the picutres and sound around them.
Books begins to sing to the rythm of an unforgettable South American beat:
Blame it on the Bolsinaros
With their gangsta' skills
When they came to power
Crooks would do so well.
It was their one and only chance
Exploit forests, mines and plants
Destroy people, land and trees
Gone are Natures' harmonies.
Blame it on the Balsonaros, the dance of greed.
Learners begin to sway and dance to the musical refrain as the song continues:
Blame it on the Bolsinaros
With their power grabs
Putting Lula into prison
Then took a gangsta' stance
Stopping progress that took years
Without thought of Planet's care
Wealth and power was their goal.
Violence used to keep control.
Blame it on the Balsonaros, the dance of death.
Learners playing instruments, dancing and singing, join in the next part of the song, with enthusuasm.
No! No! To the Bolsonaros
People of Brazil did vote .
Lula back in power.
And a world returns to hope.
Plans to stop destructive ways.
Now begin in every place
With the guidance from the Earth
To assist and share this world.
So is gone the Balsonaros and their dance of greed.
The final chorus is sung with joy and punctuated by the music of chirping birdcalls from flocks that perch on the roof area and listen to the songs that humans sing. They get the beat, the sound and the vibes in the last verse of the song.
Lessons learned about our leaders
In our memories are burned.
Place them there with great discretion
Point now taken: Must Beware!
Guard our planet as life's source..
Call on People's power for choice.
One for all and not alone.
And in unity we're strong.
We can stop the Bolsinaos, in their dance of greed
By the time Indigenous Books and Politician She-Bird finish dancing, most of the audience is down and dancing in the performace area with them, playing their drums, bells and whistles to the tune and singing and watching scenes of a recovering rainforest, around them. This tells a story of what clear-cut areas look, like in their progress of healing and the power of nature and the Planet for healing. Many of the plants and seeds for forest regeneration are brough in by birds and animals, moving though the forest, again and the birds cheer and peep as they note their ancestors roles in restoration.
Wild cheering by Leaners of all species follows the end of the song and dance and Books and She-Bird take a bow. There are cheers for the recovering rainforest when Politician She-Bird points out the almost miraculous re-growth of trees and other plants and the return of the animals. The session ends with Politician She-Birds final words.
"Capitalism and exploitation has a history of violence and poor judgement, that you have seen amply illustrated here."
"Let's not do that again!" a Member of the audience yells out.
"Be warry of who you allow to lead you." Indigenous Books agrees. "Remember, Bolsinados did not do this alone. Hundreds, maybe thousands of humans, businesses, governments and corporations supported and aided them, in this very self-destructive part of human history."
"Talk about this with your family and friends." She-Bird proposes, removing her Politician's mask. " With Small World's help, we can think of better ways to do almost everything. Remember that money or power are no substitute for peace and plenty for all."
"The class is over." Books adds. " Don't make me have to do another like it, please. You get the point."
There is a murmur of agreement along with the music of their voices and some drums and flutes, as the class files from the Performance Hall. She-Bird begins shutting down her camera projections in the final views of the rainforest, as seen from space, a vegetative paradise they might never
see on Small World. Their current Planet does not know such land-based tree cover and Human requests for such plantings had been vetoed, so far, They know Small World is watching and listening and feeling all they do there and Books and She-Bird hope the day's presentation of Earth Rainforest systems made a good impression.
"So far, the Small World has agreed to Mangrove Forests along the coast areas." She-Bird tells Books, as they walk back to their newly assigned home unit. "Those forests are so helpful to stop errosion and countless species of fish birth young or lay eggs there, as well as fish that feed in their
eco-systems. Ocean worlds were really pushing for permission for that change, I hear."
"Good idea to teach dances from the Mangrove coasts, then, for tomorrows class?" Books asks.
"Inspiring." She-Bird agrees. "The Way Scan School kids brought the micro-organisms from those coastal soils and have been mixing them into dirt at the coast, We will use that soil when we plant the seeds and the root stock they have been raising here. LEB is supposed to bring us maps on where to plant the forests. He got those from the sea creatures working with us on the project. They will use the spots to support their ocean development."
"All hands and fins on deck." Books ackowledges. "Music and dancing from Mangrove eco zones, in Africa and the Carribean should help the people and plants, too. Inspiring, as you say."
As they enter their apatment Books looks around at the even smaller living space they just moved to. There was barely room for his morning stretch excercises. "Will they give us more room when the baby comes?" he asks hopefully.
"Is that your concern as a father asking or just your sense of privledge?" She-Bird wonders aloud.
Books does not anwer but he is pretty sure the answer has little to do with his fatherly concerns.
Little Penny and Big Penny are doing the final checks on the Air Car, to make sure it has stayed safe for transport after its first trip through time and space. Big Penny knew it made it back to Earth twenty years ago but Big Penny was not sure what, if anything, was done to the vehicle before it returned. They didn't want to have problems in transit because they both knew how the car was constructed, in the first place. They wanted no fenders lost in Deep Space because they were intially securred with super glue and some duct tape. Built as a WayScan School Art Project, Crystal Pau thought it would be fun to create a car that flew without all the wind-sheer and rigamarole of a conventional airplanes. None of them had
permission to fly a plane, so she asked the other Kids to help and knew the great minds of her time would have some fun with this challenge.
"We need another source of Power, too." she told her classmates, the five Way Scan School Kids and a few Graduate Students that listened in, remotely, from various universities and Science Centers around the world.
The Sciencists knew the Kids came up with ideas and concepts that nobody else had ever thought of so they tuned in to find out what the kids were thinking, at random intervals. Several of the students and dozens of the graduate students in Physics had done the math to prove correct that,
statistically, they would always chose to be listening if any project they were supposed to work on was being discussed. It was impossible for them not to be in on the discussion, planning, problem solving or assisting with anything that would be that important in their life. There was no way they would miss that.
"I once dropped my cell phone and it self-dialed the school because I was supposed to help the Kids on a project." Jeffries Farbo told other scientists, who often worked on Way Scans projects with him.
"It is impossible not to be advised, if they might need you or you might need their project for your work or to benefit the world. Apparently the universe works that way."
Jefferies was one of the science folk that helped the kids with the Air Car and went on to design the transport platforms that would be used on Small World, to move freight and occasionally people, from one part of the new world to another. After the nightmare of human transportation systems on Earth, cars were not allowed on Small World.
People missed public and community events related to cars, like Mobile's annual AutoFest Parade, where neighborhood cars were remade and displayed. according to a yearly theme. The Earth event was started in 2025 and was encouraged, to build community solidarity, have some fun and placate those many citizens who were obcessed with autos. Even after the transition to electric vehicles and establishment of neighborhood cars, that all could use, it was hard to break the private auto habit. The USA addiction to cars and motorized transports were one of the hardest changes for people to make, when Planet cleanup began in the year 2000 AD. At first, it was only the option to get a new car, that was electric or powered by hydrogen fuels, that seemed to interest people in thinking and planing for a greener future. So, autos were good for something. They were the motivation for Planet change.
The Air Car and the offshoots of the technology that powered and directed it were certainly welcomed in that change. The transport used no known source of energy except human intention and the guidance of a kind mind, to function. People like Penny, who had that kind of mind and used it both to get them to Small World and to direct the transport vehicles, once they arrived, drove the moving platforms. Others had no idea how they worked but it was well understood by the "Operators" Penny trained, is that it is done with the connection they have with the Planet that requests a slight alteration of gravity. The magnetic properties of the area they travel over shift, to lift the platforms, no matter their weight. It is the coordination between Operators and the world beneath their feet, that guides the vehicles where they need to go. Crystal called this skill "intentionality", when the Way Scan School Kids discovered it, shortly beofre they left Earth. It powered their Air Car, allowing it it to go where it needs to go, though no adults were able to get it off the ground, on Planet Earth.
Now, on Small World, the moving platforms are used to sift frieght and lift building materials for construction. The people walk everywhere and, since the vehicles fly, there is little need to build roads. A series of paths, as wide as what is needed for transport of materials, allows needed access to build human structures. After completion of a project, the path areas are turned into gardens and orchards or left to be "wild" spots for non-humans . The kinds of plants and animals that thrived in those wild zones were of great interest to the Planet. They could not wait to see what flamboyant choices the new life on the Planet would make. Mushrooms, in their unexpected proliferation and random appearance were an
especially welcome surprise. Their spores, brought unknowingly or intentionally by the people from every part of Earth, were often a delight to humans, too. A number of species, formerly unknown to human people, appeared and were welcomed.
Crystal's Dad, Jason Pau, is one of a team of plant scientists that studies these fungal visitors. He studied some species for years, to find hundreds of ways they could help people and Small World. Almost all mushrooms have ways to help human health, both physically and mentally, and an achient
book, handed down through generations of Chinese medical practitioners and brought with him on the trip to Small World, is an excellent guide for Jasons work.
"If only to tell us which to avoid touching or eating. the book is worth its weight in gold." Jason tells his daughter, as he explains his job in the Food and Fuel Develpment Department of the Small World Department of Agriculture.
"The Department oversees food, timber resource planting, agronomy and agroforestry, food and nutrition guidance and food distribution systems. Remember we have people from all over Planet Earth here and we want to make sure they have the kind of food they need to eat." Jason explains. " Fungi help trendously with food and medicine that is needed here."
"She-Bird told me that plants laugh and laugh at many of the things we do. She was told that agriculture was the way that plants controlled people and moved them from one place to another. What does Small World think of agriculture?" Crystal asks her father.
"How did she learn that?' Jason wonders.
His science team was beginning to suspect such a reaction from the plants they brought with them to Small World. They were planted and grown, often relying on animals that could speak with them, to tell humans what to do and where to put them. Sometimes the Planet, itself, helped guide their agricukture, sharing ground water levels and such to make sure crops had enough moisture to grow to maturity. They also warned about minerals or chemicals in the soil that would be toxic to plants or humans, when using or eating them.
"Her grandmother, Betsy Ross Jackson, told her this" Crystal explained. " That woman was a Plant Whisperer in Tiger Country, and she worked in countless restaurants in the USA, like the International. They had food from around the world and brought in specialty plants, directly from each
region. Betsy talked with Plants from all parts of the globe and more... Apparently Afghani cooks used an herb brought from another Planet that they then grew here and used, in many of their dishes. Heavenly food, I'd say."
"What did she learn from that plant?" her father asks.
"She learned that it would have helped world peace, to know about it. No nation would ever have waged war with them, had they know about that herb. It made it impossible for the people who ate it to ever give up and be conquered. Someone always wanted that beautiful nation, that culture and its beautiful people, but they never stopped fighting for freedom, even when they fought others from their own nation, who wanted to supress them."
"Too much of a good thing can kill you, as my grandmother used to say. "Jason shares. "I am sorry Precious Flower never knew you but I am glad She Bird shared wisdom and knowledge like that. It is too often lost."
"According to Betsy Ross Jackson, plants started humans on the path to agriculture and we never stopped doing stupid things, like drying up wetlands to farm them, then wondering what happened to the water supply or why there were floods when it rained." Crystal continues.
"Didn't those mistakes People made hurt the Plants. too?" Jason reasons.
"They loved moving on to new territory. They could not move on their own so they relied on humans for transport and transplant. It was a world-wide adventure for the Plants. Human-friendly plants migrated to wild places and usually took over, eventually wrecked the joint and people had to move them on."
"No wonder they laugh at us. We did the heavy lifting and they got exotic vacations around the world."
"Personally, I never trusted carrots and I had my doubts about celery, too." Crystal shares.
"No wonder so many small kids do not like uncooked vegetables." Jason surmises. "They probably hear them talking. It would be like eating a family pet."
When Big and Small Penny arrived on Earth it was about a week before the Way Scan Kids were due to leave there and Settlers from around the world were arriving, too. It was also the day of Books and She-Bird's wedding, which Big Penny would not miss, for the world. Both Pennys attended and met scores of people they had just left behind on Small World, only the small world versions were 20 years older than the crowd around them. This got a little strange when people began to ask Big Penny how they did on their new Planetary Home.
"A couple of them died in that future but none on the trip. Another woman committed suicide because she missed her Earth garden so much. I was not about to share any of that with those in this time but I will advise that woman to take along more garden plants. Her garden here is very beautiful and Small World could use a bit more color. I checked with the whales and they gave the OK to do stuff like that."
"Wise move." their father, LeRoy Fryer agrees. "Tell people that you can't tell them about the future or they might try to change things and mess everything up. I hope I didn' t die. Did I?"
"I brought you a letter from you. "Penny shares." I don't know what you tell yourself but it works to let you go on with the group and to bring Small Penny back there with you. I guess it may answer questions about having us both in the same time and place at the same time. We just tried it for a
week or so, and on this trip back to Earth. No holes appeared in the time/space continum or anything, when we did it."
As Leroy opens the letter to read, he comments, "I wonder what I tell myself. If seeing that I get two Pennys out of this deal does not convince me, what more could I say to talk myself into it.?"
" Do you see what's going on off shore?" Books asks LEB as they watch and listen to the dancing and singing along the shoreline. People are celebrating the planting of the mangrove trees with songs and music from both East and West African coastal areas. "Those are the dances from many continents mixed with the sounds and dance patterns of sea birds, overhead."
"The whales look pretty happy about plans to plant the mangroves along the coast." LEB explains. "They told me they'd come and do what they could and the sea birds are helping by brining their droppings."
"Their birdsong provides an orchestral quality to the music, I've not heard before." Books adds. "Many of these birds had gone extinct on earth, by the time I was born. It certainly compliments the human music. I hope She-Bird is getting all this on her camera audio."
"They are adding more than sound. " LEB informs." If you notice, the whales are jerking off, as they hit the water."
"As a mating dance?" Books asks.
"As fertilizer for the seeds and rootstock being planted." LEB explaines. "Whale sperm is a nutrient-packed fluid that can enrich any plant and it mixes with the sea water to give those mangroves a better chance to take root and survive here."
"No wonder they seem so ecstatic about our celebrations."
"Always happy to help, they tell me." LEB admits." No wonder why, in this case."
"OK, tell me who is really running the show, here." Books asks his wife when they return to their small apartment that looks even smaller to him after their day at the seashore. Books is also aware that SheBird's camers and equipment seem to be taking up more and more spsce in their home and wonders if her cameras are capable of breeding and multiplying in some way. He shudders to think that there is a cargo-container somewhere filled with cameras and gadgets that will make their way into the home, a little at a time.
"What show?" SheBird asks.
"The whole show. Who is Here? Why these people? Why here and not just do all this back on Earth? What is the real deal?"
"I was wondering when you would ask." his wife replies. "It is a gigantic undertaking to make such a change, in so radical a way. Almost nothing about how things were done on Earth, for the past 500 years, is how we do things here. How we keep doing them or change doing them is different,
too. If you ask, you are ready to know, or so the wise folks say, on both worlds."
"So who is running this show? Is it that guy, Reverend Ike who discovered this Planet? Did he want a heaven here? A haven? I never could figure out why he abandoned his world-wide ministry to look through a telescop and keep track of the changes here."
"God, no." SheBird laughs. " Ike gave up on power and influence when he left his religon behind to look for good, instead of God."
"He found a barren world and wached it come alive with Ocean water and coastal eco-systems from Earth. "Books reminds her.
"Those ingredients were the basics to start life on land, Earthwise." She-Bird agreed.
"Humans to decide what should come and go, were not in the picture for millions of years in Small World time, but we did get to watch the changes though Ike's telescope."
"A handy space toy launched in the early 2000s gave him a view through time, to see it happen." Books agreed. "My ancestors were heavy into Space projects. Such a great way to get boatloads of money that very few people, if anyone could check on. But you say that Ike had no say in what occured.
"When a butterfly flaps its wings it affects a Star ..." SheBird reminds Books. " but unless it was the power of prayer, Ike had no control over this place, other than to tell people what happened here. He took pictures to convince people and he also encouraged those who wanted to do so to make the trip."
"Why? Why leave Earth when we finally stopped wrecking the place with almost everything we did there?"
"We came because we wanted to come." SheBird explains. "Those who wanted to stay on Earth, stayed. The real question is why we wanted to come and what we are really doing here?"
"That's what I'm asking?" Books agrees.
"Because we wanted a life of freedom." SheBird explains. "Those here, including you by the way, come from people who live their passions as a path to freedom. This we share with countless generations of our ancestors, who lived by their own choices and found ways to live and thrive in their
world. Wealthy or the poorest of the poor, artist or agriculturalist, linguist or musician, dancer or healer, fisherman or chef, village madman or visionary leader of a nation, they all found harmony by living their own truth."
"So different from other around them?" Books wonders. "How did they survive?"
"They followed what their passions dictated to create harmonious community with other humans and other specieis." SheBird explains. "They were the ultimate survivalists. For those who sometimes joined with them or followed these ways, they did so without war with other humans or other life forms."
"You say I come from such people?' Books marveles. " My family were con men and women, griters and thieves, flim-flam artists and frauds. Are others here from such illusionary and sometimes delusional people?"
"Some are but most are not." SheBird assures him." Most had regular work, many are farmers from a long line of farmers that often lived by the whims of weather, water and soil organisms. They could coax life, and make a living from land and sea, in the form of food to sustain them and their
families. You do not do that without diplomatic skills or you risk creating havoc and destruction, conflict and war with someone or some thing."
"My People always did avoid war like the plague. Sometimes because of plague, now that I think about it." Books recalls.
"We never lacked intellegence or ingenuity, in our avoidance of dictators, but conflict was outside our wheelhouse. Never dealt in arms or weapons of destruction, either. Who lives by the my daddy used to say."
"Your People were not like other groups but valued freedom, choice and inginuity, like most Peoples here." She Bird points out. "Generations learned from these ancestors and began to build consensus about living. Values, culture, artforms, ideas and ways of seeing and believing they shared and passed down for generations. We came together to be here, from those groups. Others stayed on Earth to be and do there. Some groups went to other places or time to be and do there. Some believe that groups went back in time, to try to stop the destruction caused by humans, that began seemingly endless war and exploitation. I hope for that past for the Beautiful Planet's sake. May they succeed."
"So, like I asked before. Who runs the show here?" Books repeats.
"We all do." She Bird answers. " Action decisions, that involve a person are made by that person. Decisions that involve a family are made by all Members of that family and those important to them. Decisions having to do with the community or a neighborhood are decided by those people and families. Regional choices and change are made by community meetings, dicussion in small groups, larger meetings and then voted on by the whole community. We all decide."
"Humans and others? That is considered part of we?" Books asks, recalling what LEB told him earlier that day about a conversation with whales at the Communication Center. "They communicated what the Planet wanted done at the coastline, as far as planting here."
"Of course." SheBird acknowledges. "If we can communicate with the Planet. why not follow its advice. Having people that can do that allowed our ancestors, the folks we were just talking about, to survive on Earth. Why ignore such advice now?"
"Heard and agreed." Books admits "It is advice coming from a relaible source."
"One we seek to guide us." She Bird acknowledges.
"So who do I talk to to get a bigger place to live? " Book asks. " I owe it to my ancestors to seek spacial freedoms."
End of Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Who Is Really Running This Show?
"So what was that we just ate?" Books asks as he and SheBird exit the community dining hall.
Their breakfast, which resembled eggs, bacon and oatmeal was apparently none of those things, though they tased like versions of those things he had in the past, at a super-exclusive restaurant, mostly unknown to the average consumer, but frequented by the wealthiest and most privileged people who thought nothing of paying $200 for a bagel rumored to be made from seaweed. Books had to wonder, aloud, if Chef Joseph, the culinary artist that experimented in such gourmet establishments, had been along for the ride when the Settlers left, after the Ways Scans School Kids, he and SheBird with them, departed to bring the School Kids to Small World.
"Is the Chef here?" he voices, wondering how SheBird would answer this time. So far, She had managed to change the subject, distract him in some clever way, once with sexual suggestions he greatly enjoyed, rather than give him a straight answer. He knew she knew the person he is referring to because Chef Joseph is known, in both worlds as The Chef, universally accepted as a food master and agro-environmentalist renowned, this part of the Universe included.
" Oh, look!" SheBird exclaims, again changing topic as she points to the largest tree in the human's compound. " It's story time. Let's go hear what tale the Old Man will tell today." she proposes, running toward the tree and off his topic as Books follows her, joining the crowd and taking a seat next to Bobbie Turner, around the tree to listen.
"Does he really call himself Old Man?" Books has to ask Bobbie Turner, one of the original Way Scans Group, who started the first Way Scan School in 2025. Bobbie's hair may be greying but his vision is as good as ever and he always sees what is going on in any situation. "That guy is not more than 50 years old." Books notes.
" Old enough to be interesting but not too old to be discounted as a relaible source." Bobbie shares.
Bobbie is there with his teen-age kids who are trying to look bored with the whole community thing but are so excited to hear what the Old Man has to tell, that they shush Books to silence, so as not to miss a word of it. Bobbie Turner, who never misses a thing, is sure his kids really love the stories but need to assert their coolness, when they say these occasions are just for "little kids." Bobbie can see how they learn and grow from listening to these tales, so he "insisted" they come. All such power-plays are indicative of family dynamics, as usual, on Small World. Teens are still teens
"He's not much older than me, truth be told." Bobbie whispers to Books. "He calls himself Old because his stories are old. Sometimes from before time started." Bobbies kids shush him, too, as the Old Man begins to speak
" In the beginning, when all possibility was perhaps, something happened with sound that set All That Is Not running for its life, with All That Is chasing it. The ensuing mish-mash of protons, electrons and let's not forget the neutrons began forming worlds left and right, downside up and upside down. It seems there was no end to complex compounds and the complexities of life forms popping in and out of being, as space took form around what was going on and myriad materials began to take form within this space. Some combos of atoms and molecules lasted seconds, to see what being that was like. Some combos lasted for moments, others virtually forever, while still moving through time and space, which expanded to take All in. This start of creation was a really, really, really (and I could go on forever saying really) big idea.
"Obviously, compaired to the scope of this idea, the little worlds created in parts of it, individually or in collection with others, are pretty small potatoes. It is however, worth noting that the Big Idea was most interested in the little ideas about almost any topiic, including small worlds. Their study interested the Big Idea. Ideas most noteworthy to All seemed to poke fun at things, especially if they were funny, exploded loudly or had a striking color palette. If they told a story that explained a vision, a way of seening and beliefs of their maker, ALL itself, they were especially loved. All loved the stores that seem to bring ideas to life."
The Old Man paused to read the room and take a drink of water. Even though the room was under a tree, his audience was focused on the tale and ignoring the noisy fight over nesting materials in progress above them. The crested crane couples wanted the space on the highest viewpoint of the tree for their nest and were in conflict over which nesting mom would be getting that spot. This took the form of them stealing broken branches from the nests of rivals, destablizing those nests, so they could make their own. The sounds they made while doing so were obviously laughter and the non-violent conflict resolutions taking place were highly entertaining.
" In one case this audience may be awre of, Big Idea created a Small World and brought over sea water, birds and sea animals, from a place she loved a lot, Planet Earth." the Old Man continues. " A few Cested Cranes, as you can see, made the trip. This was probably a good choice because though they compete for territory, they do so with the utmost grace and good humor. You can hear them above us, laughing at their own tricks and antics."
"It was hoped that such a sense of humor and purpose, by Beings on Earth could be transplanted, along with the coral reefs, sea critters and as many birds and insects as possible, to bring Life to this place. As many species of mushrooms and other fungi and algae as possible, also came to seed Small World for Earth Humans, to grow the barren soils and to help plants thrive here. All this to enrich this Panet so Earth Humans, who had the best ideas and a great poltential for humor, which was rare even in a universe with infinite possibility, could thrive, too. It should be noted that those interested in making the trip had many, many generations of ancestors who could take a joke, remember it and tell it, usually from their cultural perspective and enough wisdon spread on that cracker to make it as good for the listener as it was for the teller. To accomplish this they needed to be the kindest people, with the most conern for others. This worked to stop audiences from hating and killing them for what they said and kept them working where others welcomed them, because they "got the jokes." This allowed all thier families to make it through the hardest of times. People arround them wanted them alive to help make everything else that was going on, bearable. These days we call those folks storytellers and artists."
That said, the Old Man stood to take a bow, flexed his legs a bit to make sure they were still walking and took off away from the crowd. There are a few applause then a buzz of conversation that showed people had been listening. The Old Man never took questions.
" No one ever could tell me how Oceans, marine life and birds came to be here." Books tells Bobbie.
"That may still be true," Bobbie advises. "What you heard may just be the Old Man's version of what happened. Further study may show that another planet collided with this one and left sea life behind. Of course birds in the air might have survived that, too, and we know that mircroorganisms and fungi can tough it through a lot."
" I'll take the sense of humor version, any day. It is a survival skill as evidenced by my family, alone." Books shares. " They talked themselves out of so many scams gone wrong, by being far more entertaining than anyone else in a Kingdom or a Corporation. People always wanted them around even when they were known charlitans and told people what they did not want to hear. They fit right in under most Capitalist systems and governments. "
"That does help explain why you are here." Bobbie admits. 'A good song and dance man with clever stories and a tall tale is as welcome here as anywhere."
"So how did we decide who runs the Small World?" LeRoy Fryer asks his daughter, Big Penny, as they harvest some of the fruit from the food trees planted in the Mobile community Garden. Penny wants them to take the seeds and soils with them when they leave in a few days to go on the Small World. " Do they elect me President, maybe Chief of Agriculture or what?" LeRoy asks.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Big Penny tells her dad. " There was a real problem with you being such a capable and productive leader, here on Earth. I mean, you have coordinated different peoples from different parts of the world to cooperate and pull all this together in just a few months time. The group relies on your experience and advice and trusts you with everything. The change from that has to start here, before we go."
"Some of these folks, kind and capable as they are, have not worked on the land for generations. They are well-intended and cooperative but haven't got a clue." LeRoy admits." I do try to inflence what they do."
"That may be true," Big Penny shares, " but if you continue to lead them the way you are doing, as an enlightened and capable despot, you will build yet another unsustainable system and this project is doomed to fail."
"Are you calling me a dictator?" LeRoy asks, astounded at the critical nature of her remarks. " I only tell them what's right."
Penny pauses and looks at her dad. He might look like a hick farmer from way back beyond nowhere but the man knows his world history and knows it well.
" That is what all Dictators say, in' it?" he asks.
"Pretty much." Penny replies. " Well, you know how those things turns out. On small world we need your help to find another way."
What can I do to help?" LeRoy asks. "Should I not go?"
"That would probably cancel the trip for about half this group and Small World really cannot suceed without everyone."
" So what should I do?" LeRoy wonders. He has never been one to not help whenever there is a need he knows about.
" You need to lead with love and respect and know from your heart that any fair and inclusive society must be just that, fair and inclusive in all it decides. There must be no "others", those identified as incapable or lacking in ability because of race, culture or background. Do you have the heart to see that? I think you do."
"I do have family that nobody expected to survive with next to nothing but a mighty hunger, out of slavery. and enough sense to get away from those who would kill them first, if they could." LeRoy admits. "If Fryers could believe in thriving in a world with so little to start with, beyond the gifts that Creator gave us, I guess I can trust these folks to figure out, whatever needs to be figured, with the bounty of knowledge they bring from all parts of the globe."
" You also have some great tech and minds that know how to work it, to help you." Penny reminds her dad.
" Those moving platforms the kids can operate will come in handy." LeRoy admits. " No mules coming along, at least for now."
" Not using other species, except Plants who will live and thrive there with our help, if they chose to, and help and the permission of that Planet, is also part of what guides our group. As a collective, we figured out that humans have no right to contain or control other living things. Even minerals chose or do not chose to be part of our lives and livleihoods, as they wish. So far clays and soil compounds are in with the plan, but metals, other than those we brought with us in containers and carry platforms, will not be made there by mining or industrial processing. They talked it over and just said "no".
"Metals decided that?" LeRoy asks, wondering how a modern, functioning agricultral system, not to mention human habitations with plumbing systems would function without metal.
Then he recalled that the Romans had aquaducts, baths and plumbing made first with ceramics and then from lead pipes that poisoned most people of influence, rich enough to use the pipes in their stately homes. It was lead poisoning that brought down an empire.
" Never mind." LeRoy tells Big Penny. "Point taken. If it is what our people and Planet decide, who am I to challenge that? We did not do so good taking care of the Planet here, doing things the way we did them. We can be different and do different. Maybe together we know more and can do better."
to many challenges we faced and are still facing." Penny assures him. "I actually think we amuse all these others involved in making decisions with us. What we think of, like digging up minerals and crystals out of the earth to use them to make devices to communicate, had them laghing at us for days. Imagine humans who thought it was OK to blast off the top off a mountian to get at its copper? How could that ever pass a Planet test?"
"They use their minds, hearts and speech, to communicate ideas to us? Do they like that we made songs, poems and clothing art, like costumes, to celebrate ideas and stories?" LeRoy asks. He was the one who suggested Books come along on the trip when he saw the man doing ancient planting dances from Africa, simlar to ones his family did before putting seeds in the ground.
" Those communications serve us well in explaining our intent and are part of what they take note of, when deciding on projects we put forward for change.." Penny shares.
" It sounds like not having a dictator, even a knowledgable or benfolvent one, is the way to go." LeRoy admits." they might never listen to the voice of one man but the collective voices of all our people can be persuasive."
"Having everyone and everything involved, in pretty much everything, develops a sense of belonging and inclusion with All. " Penny admits. " All have great ideas how they can help, in their most positive ways. That is hard to beat and hard to say "no", to, when all agree to a plan, a decision or a course of action."
"Does it work well enough to be sustainable?" asks LeRoy.
"Just about all the other systems that humans devised, and used in the past, were not sustainable for people, other species and the Planet." Penny reminds him.
"Not true." Small Penny puts in as she joins them. " Don't forget the Etruscans you told me about."
" A happy people who loved art and appeared to party a lot." LeRoy recalls. " Big hunters and gatherers, they used Pine nuts for flour. Didn't someone from the Way Scan School Kids claim to be from those People? Crystal Pau, I think it was. She invited anyone who did not know their ancestors to be official Etruscans, for International Etruscan day. They could spend the day partying with others and playing games or creating artworks, whatever they enjoyed. No work allowed unless it was fun, like making and enjoying delicious food,"
" I've got to meet that child, before we Settlers leave." Chef Joseph called out as he passed their group and overhearing their conversation, he stopped to join them. " I'm Etruscan, myself, and it will be nice to meet one of my People who knows who we come from and what to do with all that, in the modern world. She's the one who invented the air car, isn't she?"
" And the only one who can drive it." Small Penny shares. "She is big enough to take the wheel. Can you imagine her driving test at the DMV to get her license? I hear she had the whole place laughing when she came in to take it in the Air Car."
" A DMV with the whole place laughing? A miracle in itself." Chef Joseph admits. "Do you think she'll take me for a ride, before you all leave here?" he asks. "I would love to see the vehicle in action. I don't think we had them in Etruscia, but all the Etruscans supposedly disappeared, as legend has it. Maybe they escaped the violent and intrusive Romans by air car transport. Who knows?"
"Maybe Crystal does." Big Penny hopes." I know they were a fair and inclusive society and would love to hear more about how they did that. "
" Me, too." admits Leoy. " Let's hope I was Etruscan, too, and can recall how to let people rule themselves, have fun and be kind. Then I can enjoy our development process along with everyone, including the Planet."
" Enjoy was how the Etruscans did it. " Chef Joseph advises, delighted he will have an ally on Small World. " Hey, I think we may be long lost relatives, LeRoy. Etruscans from another mother..."
" My people were from North Africa." LeRoy admits. " Legend has it they were joined by people who came in ships, to build a civilization that rivaled Rome. Maybe we worked together on that."
" Maybe we will do that again," Chef Joseph proposes. " or have fun, trying."
Books is getting ready for his evening class at the Performance Center, to share a series of Hopi dances and songs that help people learn that they are among brothers and sisters, even though most of those at the session are not Hopi. It is an inclusion ritual that traditionally welcomes youth to take their place as adult Members of the group.. He loves the rythms of the music and he feels as though arms of love wrap themselves around him with sounds that cradle him in their arms, as he sings the words: "We cannot survive without belonging and we all belong, everywhere."
"That is so beautiful." SheBird tells Books, watching him apply the katchina make-up to his face, masking his appearance as he takes on the visage of CoCo Katepetal, god of lighting and instantaneous healing, snake charmer and musical clown, woven together in CoCo's movements, sounds and look. Books jumps about the room, getting into character for the role of the gester diety that people both love and fear. They love Coco for his flute music that makes them laugh with joy, but fear the surprising tricks he plays that can seaparate them from nature by fear or forgetting. As they become adults that are too busy with life, worries and cares, their fear for their children and survival of their people, worries many. CoCo to reminds them of beauty, joy and the shocking surprise of humor he brings, that these changes sometimes holds hands with disaster. CoCo warns the People they must remember who and what they are, so as never to be lost to Mother Earth and to her People.
Books reminds SheBird of her grandfather, Freemont, dressed as a cross between a tumbleweed and a lightening bolt as he sang and danced at their wedding. Freemont's sharing of Tiger Country music and his dance brought visions of the Tiger's homeland, as the Big Cats were hosts to humans, for the eons of time, Tiger County Humans were Big Cat visitors. This lasted until humans destroyed the land, with a catastropic chemical spill that killed Tigers and everything else. One man, one woman and their daughter were the only ones who escaped, sheltering in sacred caves that protected them.
When she heard her grandfather singing, She-Bird saw the place in all its natural glory, living and vibrant in her mind's eye. Freemont was the last man born in Tiger Country and her mother, Alberta, was the last woman born there, left on Earth. They were both human ambassadors to and for Tigers, hoping to keep this key species alive, so as to keep Earth existant. Tigers held it anchored to this plane of reality with their presence and awareness. Without this connection, Earth would cease to exist. Humans fighting to save Tigers instinctively knew how important they are to all life on Earth and even held a Tiger Simmit, in 2021, to save the last of these Big Cats, fighting for this as though their existance depended on it. It did.
Freemont, Betsy Ross and Alberta were key to the continuing Earth clean-up efforts and helped remaining Tigers to survive there, scattered around the world as emmisaries to humans, when Tiger Country was destroyed. Though they missed Tiger Country they realized that all of Earth was Tiger Country. Tigers, in one form or another, lived in all land-based climate zones, in all parts of the globe, at one time or another. It was their Planet. Freemont never knew if the human efforts to help the Earth made a differene to Tigers but he did what he could to help everything he could help, and carried the vision of Tiger Country and the Vision of Earth, healed, with him in his heart, his songs, his dances and his advice to all others, humans included.
"Let's go share this session with everyone." She Bird proposes to Books. " I think some people have felt left out of the picture, since we arrived. It's days since we left Earth, to us new arrivals, but it's 20 years without including us in their lives, for them. Your do your inclusion cerimony and we can do a dream share, afterward, with my best friend from high school. Betsy says she's "an old gal with three kids, now" , and I haven't aged a bit, but she all but invented the Dream Shares. She has not really spoken to me since we got here, so a dream share is definetly in order. "
" Why do you want to talk to me?" Crystal Pau asks Chef Joseph when he comes to call at the Mobile campsite her mom and dad set up with the other Wayscan School families. " I'm just a kid."
All the Way Scan School Kids have homes nearby but for solidarity and inclusion they and their families have joined the international community of Settlers, those who travelled from near and far to join the human transition to Small World. Located in Mobile's newest neighborhood, designed to accomodate travelers from many lands, the place is built to make people feel at home. For some it is the first time in generations they or anyone in their family leave their homeland to go elsewhere. They would never do so if this was not a trip to a new Planet. Their harmony with their place on Earth and with their ability to adapt to change, in peaceful and positive ways, is why they are invited and encouraged to make the trip. Things will be hard enough on Small World without human people in conflict.
Part of the reason for siting this community together is to find out how well they all get along. Chosen for their ability to live in harmony does not necessarily guarantee they will do so all the time. Planning the trip, what they need and how they will use those resources is the task for these people with generations of diplomacy and problem solving in their backgrounds. Those with history of solving problems by consensus are valued and are where the search for Settlers started. Those who do not tune with the group will be noted
Better to find that out before we make the trip than after." was the consensus among all groups who joined the neighborhood as their pre-trip living accomodations.
It took about a month for families to arrive and a few, single arrivals, like Books Wunder, Jr.. to join them. Books was singular in his skills and gifts but did not remain single in his relatonships for long. He fell for She-Bird Brightfoot the moment they met and they were married three days later. Simlar hook-ups took place with youth from varied groups who met and joined with others. This helped to provide unity between groups and families and held the promise of genetic variation, also needed for survival and health, on Small World. The option of not marrying your "own kind" was the first resolution voted on by the All-People Congress when it met, before their departures. The need for marrying, to breed with people of different cultures, backgrounds and to add the variety needed for genetic and physical health and to minimize inherited disease, was discussed for several days before the vote
It was decided, with no opposition, that partnering with people from other groups should be encouraged but no one should ever be told whom they can or cannot have as a partner, no matter what their background. Those from societies with arranged marriages no longer needed to identify families with kind, influencial people, for their children. All those chosen as Settlers were chosen for kindness, ability to work with others, intellegent decision making and ability to include others in problem solving. Even babies voted to pass the resolution
Late arrivals to the party, like Chef Joseph, who were brought aboard the project for specific skills and talets, were watched closely to see if they got along well with people. In his case, people had been watching him in person, on TV and at public events about food and nutrition for decades. He was world-famous and a champion for both good eating and good nutirtion that respected plants, animals and even spices and oils, whenever he cooked. People waited lifetimes to sample one of his meals but they still needed to know how well he got along with many and varied people, in order to be included in this journey to a new world
In answer to Crystal's question about his motivation to speak with her, the Chef explains: "You are a critical insider. You invented the Air Car and it's key to these efforts and you are the only one who can fly the thing. I bet you know everyone who will have anything to do with the trip and as a new arrival to the Settlers group, I want to find out what you think about this traveling road show."
" Why do I want to talk to you?" Crystal asks. "What's the energy exchanged here? Few people ask our opinions. They just assume the Way Scan School Kids will go along with everything, out of pure interest in what will happen, what can happen and what does happen and to solve the problems as they arise."
" People do have tremendous faith in your group and your part in all this." Joseph admits. "But I've asked around and most here are going on Faith and Hope that you know what you're doing. They also have been advised by their own kids to do this, Most here are smart enough to listen to that advice. They call you super-geniuses with your finger on the pulse of the Universe, but so are most of the children on this Planet. Big people are finally listening to them, thank Creator."
" But no pressure." Crystal laughs. " Are you ready to watch us go off into whatever emerges as a pathway to the Planet that Preacher Ike Ham has been watching for decades? His telescopes have shown it evolve over thousands of years and he belives it can be humanity's next home. You've seen his video about Small World, too. It is our next place to play but this time, without wrecking the place."
"You're smart enough to involve me, to come along to cook for you, so your adults obviously have good judgement and some idea what they need, once there. Otherwise, monotonous food choices and meals without imagination or joy could make your new world hell, no matter how much you want it to be heaven off Earth."
"My dad said we needed you because you know so much about mushrroms. That's his specialty, too. Apparently spores traveled on feathers of the birds that went through ages ago and are now part of the land-based food systems. They are a big part and perhaps the only food growing that humans can eat, at the time the Settlers arrive. We hope that this is true for the survival of humans and land birds that eat mushrroms." Crystal explains.
Chef Joseph is famous for producing dishes that resemble a variety of Earth foods, but have a mushrrom base. " So that is why I was invived." he muses. "Soil health and our ability to grow food, trees and plants in good variety depends on fungi and soil organisms.". he adds. " I do know a lot about how they help grow a variety of food, trees and plants."
"My dad has an old book he got from a guy he calls "The Lama", that tells about food and medicines from mushrooms. Dad is bringing some spores with the Settlers and Big Penny will tell us what else is needed. The Lama was supposed to come along with us but Dad got a note that the man needed to help us about 25 years before the Settlers get there, so he went on ahead and did his thing there. I think LEB is bringing some soil samples from his family farm, too, so we can grow corn there, if we get permission."
" Every little fungi helps." Chef Joseph adds. " I will go talk to Big Penny, next. She may have some idea of what we need to bring to boost the health of plants they decide to grow."
"The Ways Scan school kids will be leaving in a few days but you and the rest of the group are still waiting for LEB to arrive. " Crystal reminds him. "In the mean time, you should try some of the food cooked by those here, representing all parts of the world. Their favorite food abounds and cooking for such a varied crowd may be a challenge without some foreknowledge. Some of those old family reciepes will be hard to beat."
"I'll take a lot of notes." The Chef promises."My specialty is secret family reciepies made from plant-based sources."
" We have no food on the Air Car but you'll have a couple of decades to prepare for us before we arrive. I look forward to what's for dinner. " Crystal tells him in parting.
No one knows exactly what else Chef Joseph talked to Crystal about it is rumored that this was the day the Old Man charater became part of their expedition, with Chief Joseph taking on that role as "Old Man" and cultural ambassador of food for the group. As far as food is concerned, the Chef is the Books Wunder of human culture and history. His presence on Small World is instrumental in its sucess.
The Dream Share is not totally unknown to the Way Scan School kids, when they arrive on Small World. Their school and the others like it around the world are a product of a series of Dream Shares, advocated by the Way Scans Youth Group, when the Message is heard around the wolrd. This group, made of Five Members: Winston Bridges Brightfoot, Bobbie Turner, Emaline Wilson, Ruth Finestein and Toni Leonardo. They begin their international work with this Way Scan School project. Before that, they were a local group of teens who helped in their own neighborhoods. Since Mobile became the world center for Planet Cleanup, that was a big neighborhood. One of the group is Howard Beau Brightfoot's younger brother, Winston, who helps spread the dream group concept of problem solving to many groups, in many nations. He is the diplomat of the Way Scans group. Dream Shares, as envisioned by Howrd Beau's younger sister, Ramona Star, is also a High School student. At this time Howard Beau, their oldest brother, was head of the Mobile Chapter of Friends of the Planet, later to become head of the worldwide plan for Planet clean up, coordinated and inspired by Alberta Jackson Brightfoot. Alberta, one of the three survivors of the Tiger Country disaster, a current Mobile resident, who marries Howard Beau. They are a Lu-Mae and SheBird is their daughter
Many of the students at Mobile High school, at the time Dream Sharing begins, stopped going to classes and just met at the picnic tables to share their dreams. Howard Beau's younger sister led the groups, realizing they were the only real learning that she and her friends were likely to get there, if they were not maths majors, taking Calculus as a pathway to creers that required higher Mathmatics. Even then, the math wizards at her school often left class early to attend the Dream Sessions. They tasked themselves to find mathmatic equastions that matched the verbal descriptions of time and space variations described by the dreamers. Jerome's daddy, Luke, was one of those maths guys and his mom was one of those maths gals. No wonder their son Jason, a current Member of the Way Scan School group, is such a maths wizard.
All students are welcome at the Dream Shares and all were encouraged to share their dream of the Earth healed and at Peace with All that lives. Not only did students reveal their dreams but groups listening were encouraged to problem-solve and share ideas on how to make those dreams come true. Special sessions, to turn nightmares into better outcomes for All, were especially popular. Several ideas, like better alternatives to the money and effort spent on priisons, formed the foundation of positive changes that became public policy. Several other community projects, to help include others in solutions that made a difference, emerge from these sessions. Turning schools into Community Resource Centers for healthcare, interactions with people of all ages, use as community shelters and for training for new, sustainability careers, were among the ideas first realized. School buildings, including the dream-share picinic tables, proved to be of use to more people in their community than just the picnic table dreamers. "These stories we tell ourselves are the living future but we must share the dreams so All can be part of the change." Howrd Beau Brightfoot told delegates to the United Nations, when he was appointed World Coordinator of the Tiger Preservation Project.
" My wife, Alberta, knows more about Tigers and everything else, than anyone I know and she used the knowledge and wisdom of Tiger Country to develop the Rules of the Game and the basic principles of the Clean Up we can all play, world-wide."
It is not long after this speech that the Way Scans Schools and their educational programs begin to rapidly proliferate,, as models for schools, health centers and locations for neighborhood help, in all parts of the world. The greatest beneficiaries of these changes were the rich kinds, in private schools. With Way Scan Schhol programs they got to view new worlds of seeing and believing that were a lot more fun (as well as more kind) than their "privledged" education gave them. Suicide rates and drug use among this population went way down and many became dream leaders in businesses their parents owned.
Private schools, with ample money and equipment resources also did outreach to less affluent schools to share teachers, equipment, books, and ideas between teachers and students from differently focused schools. In some cases, the best teachers were the children and youth from poorer schools who could share experiences, ideas and perspectives with those from privledged homes. The happiness and joy in life, shared by those from neighborhoods they would never enter, to develop skills and perceptions they would never gain from experience, were some of the greatest engines for driving innovative community and regional changes from those with wealth and power. Fueled by all student guidance, the power of their ideas and dreams transformed them and their world.
With Way Scan Schools supported by teachers and Administrations, most families and School Boards, a majority of youth and children attended Way Scan Schools, world-wide by 2030. It was about this time that there was a serious drop in the numbers of new children being born, around the world. It was not certain why, but this generation of youth had other tasks at hand than relationships, regular jobs and being householders. Families were still important but they had other things to do, first.
At the time of the Way Scan School Kids arrival on Small World, Dream Shares were so integrated into the lives and minds of the human populations, people could have dream shares during their sleep. They could work on projects together, often invited other species to join them, since everyone was speaking dream and could understand others. They could also watch and experience suggested solutions taking place in dream time, to see how ideas worked or did not work, at all. From time to time, groups of people met in person to hold dream development sessions. These were open to all, to allow for inclusion and personal choice for innvolvement of any who wished to be part of the process.
SheBird's Dream Share, with Books observing, is well attended and her best friend Betsy is one of the first to arrive and requests to speak first.
" I would like to thank Books for his inspiring presentation." Betsy shares. " I feel the inclusion and unity of All here, both old Settlers, like me and newly arrived Way Scan School Students and our friends She-Bird and Books. I now see that our dream of unity here is realized, no matter when or how we come. All are united and in harmony."
" I have listened to and heard the dreams of the whales." LEB puts in. " They are with us in unity and again speak their welcome to the new-comers. They also carry a new message of the arrival and inclusion of many new inhabitants here, detected by their connection with our Planet and its connection to All that is.. This world has granted permission for several new life forms to live here. They wanted me to announce this to everyone in our Dream group, today."
There is a hum of concern from the seated group, many worry about life-forms not their own coming to SmallWorld. After decades of experient, most trust that the Planet controls what happens. All changes of plant life, use of lands and development of human structures requires Planet approval. They are sure what is decided is in the best interest of all, themselves inclded.
Old Man, watching and listening at the edge of the crowd, stands to show he would speak next, as LEB sits, finished with his message.
"Dream of these ones that come. " Old Man proposes. "They come by way of you, yet they were existant before you were thought of, even on Earth. Their dreams are part of you and support you and come here with and to you."
Howard Beau stands as Old Man returns to his seated mediations. "Let us follow Old Man's advice and dream on this, then come together, again, to learn more about it from our dreams. "
People nod and agree to return the next day to share knowing and provide more information. The group breaks up to return home and workplace, as She-Bird begins packing her recording equipment assisted by her friend from High School. Books poses for selfies with dozens of people, his COCO makeup and costume show that popularity for this Mythic character has not waned. CoCo is still Universally loved.
Chapter Six - Can It Get Much Better Than This?
Books tracked down the Old Man by following a trail of speculation and surmise, advised by those he met along the way. Though it took him pretty-much everywhere in the small community that comprised Settler City, or Settler Shitty as it was referred to for a while, before they got their sewer and water purification system operational, when they first arrived. Now the place just smelled like a small town, a bit more dusty, as there was no need for paved streets, but otherwise a breath of fresh air, compared to most urban areas on Earth. Books found the Old Man in front of the surface entrance to the mushroom caves that were Jason Pau's office, in the foothill area behind the town.
" Good. You can help me bring back what's for dinner." The Old Man tells him. " My helper, Margaret Luis Arapaho , will move the transport wagon back to the kitchens but we need help to load it. She's busy connecting to Small World gravity, at the moment, so let's get the stuff on board."
Books follows the Chef through the cave entrance as the Old Man continues, " Jason's crew harvested for us and stacked baskets we will take. Grab a couple and put them on board. "
Chef Joseph picked up a woven basket that Books recognized as a traditional California North coastal People's basket. On close inspection, he sees that the baskets are exquisitely made, with a bird-pattern design on the one Books holds, looking at it, marveling at the closeness and uniformity of its weave.
" They could make baskets tight enough to cook in, using heated rocks to boil water" Chef Joseph shares, "but we just use them for transport and storage. Load now and look later. There are some beautiful examples here." he adds, as he puts baskets on the platform that is now off the ground at waist level, ready to go.
" The grasses they needed to make these were one of the few plants we found growing along the shores when the Settlers arrived.. They came on the sea birds that flew in as part of the coastal shoreline area that made the trip from Earth. The women from West Coast groups recognised the plants from ancient baskets in their homes and in museums and collections. They planted seeds for these grasses, saved for generations and brought some with us, too, and planted more when we got here. Their skills for making baskets was not lost either and they taught others. Their work on containers and fiber clothes, were one of the first things we were given permission to do on this Planet" the Chef explains. "Those plants also form a part of the water filtration and sewerage disposal system we developed when we first arrived."
" What do you mean by, "Got permission" by the Planet?" Books asked. "How did you do that"
" LEB helped." Chef answers as they men continue to load the platform."Even as a kid his hearing allowed him to understand some of what the Planet told him and he could speak to some birds and fish. I have to hand it to LEB, he had challenges explaining things, as human motivations are often hard to understand. Communicating why we needed baskets was difficult to explain. A Planet carries things but implements to do so are not required. We got some help from the birds, though. The ones who made nests explained to the whales, who told the Planet about holding things so they don't break. Then we got the OK."
Books is beginning to understand more of what he sees as part of the complex process of planning and development here. As The Old Man loads the last basket and gives the nod to Maggie who gets seated on the platform, closes her eyes and the platform, loaded with mushrooms and fungi-filled baskets begins to float out the door. Old Man and Books follow on foot. The platform moves smoothly and slowly, barely dipping, as they head for the Community Center and its kitchens and food processing center. Next to it, the community storehouse where food supplies are stored, is partially underground for uniform temperature in soil-insulated space.
" Bring all this right inside, Margaret. I'll be using most of it for lunch, today." Old Man tells their platform pilot as he and Books enter the building.
Books view of the kitchen shows dozens of youth trainees and makes clear their wonder and delight as Chef's helpers. These teens and youth, are busy chopping dicing and slicing a variety of foods, some known to him but most a mystery, as Books unloads baskets from the platform. The cooks seem to know just what they need and approach the Platform, quickly empty it and it slowly floats to the back of the room, out of the way until it is needed for bringig cooked food to the lunch buffet. It settles slowly to the ground and Margaret opens her eyes, jumps off and grabs an apron to help in the busy kitchen.
Chef, arms laden with handled baskets returns from the storehouse with ingredients needed to complete the planned lunch dishes.
" You've all been hard at work." Chef yells out. "Good Job!"
" Thank you Chef!" the group yells back, in unison.
" Best kitchen crew in the world." Chef tells Books.
" We are the only kitchen crew, Chef." an eager-eyed youth with the name "Terry" on his ID badge, pipes up and the others laugh.
" My point, exactly, sir." Chef answers and they laugh more.
Chef Joseph begins pulling jars and packets from the bags and the cooks come to grab what he holds or catches what he throws at them and then return to their work at counters. Some take places at the stoves, singularly or working in groups of two or three, to coordinate the cooking. A line of stoves, fueled by bluish flames, is activated as the cooking begins.
"Cooking with methane?" Books asks the Chef. " Isn't that toxic to human lungs?"
" This is not methane gas." The Chef explains. "It is a flammable gas that is formed under the surface of this Planet. They call it 'blue fire'. The Planet is happy to have us use it for heating, cooking and any kind of energy production we need. It keeps the lights on for the community and could be used for industry, in the future."
" There must be a lot of it, to do all that." Books guesses.
" If we don't use it, it eventually blows up in uncontrolled and random explosions." The Chef explains.
" I once heard Creator liked making things that explode. That's is what you said in your story. " Books reminds him. " But does it also mean we are sitting on a potential bomb site, here?"
"Every location has its drawbacks." Chef Joseph admits. "We monitor conditions closely, but you know us humans, we need not only an energy source but also cannot live without a bit of danger to keep things interesting."
" True enough in my line of work. " Books agrees. " About half the things I sing about tell stories of battles, enemies or some evil forces, that mess with humans, nature or or other entities. Dances and stories about great floods are my specialty. "
" How are the love stories playing?" Chief Joseph asks. "I hear that SheBird is carrying your child."
" Love is always popular around my house." Books shares. "In almost every house, truth be told. How did you find out about the baby? We barely knew before we came."
" That is part of the reason you travelled with the kids." Chef tells Books. "We had noting set up for maternity care, even though a few women were pregnant among the Settlers. You know that most people on Earth had stopped having children and we think that LEB was the last child born in North America."
" LEB - Last Earth Boy." Books recognized." Clever."
"We hoped People on Small World would have children and so did this Planet. It likes the noises children make when they play."
"Obviously, Settlers did have kids." Books comments, looking around the room that is busy with youth cooking, joking, laughing and having fun with it as they work . "I remember that people asked Big Penny about that when she went back. She told them Kids were back in the picture here. That may have motivated people a bit. "
" Many of our Settler families had children and I think they wanted their children to do the same." the Chef advises. "Strong family units were key to protecting children from harm, on Earth. If people stop having families, kindness has no roots to grow. Without children on Small World we would be doing a good-bye song and dance here, too. As it is, we got permission from the Planet to build a birthing Center, the closest thing we have to a health Center, as our first human structure."
" Good priorities." Book agrees. " I bet the next thing built was the water system. I heard there was a river near by that is the water source for the Settlement. Do you also use it in your farming?"
" What farming would that be? " The Chef asks but Books has no answer to that question. "Let's go up to the roof to get a good look at the land." Old Man suggests.
Chef checks on the progress of each dish being created for lunch, determined that good progress was being made, tasted a few dishes and made a few suggestions and then led Books to a stairway that wound around the dome of the Performace Center to take them to a viewing platform that overlooked the vast expanse of land inhabited by humans on Small World, What Books saw both shocked and surprised him.
"You will all have a different, perhaps a much closer relationship with the Planet, on Small World." Big Penny tells the Settlers in a group lecture, the first session of the All-People Congress, called to order to discuss the challenges and benefits of the life before them on Small World. "There will be time for questions at the end of my very brief talk." she adds, seeing the faces of those eager for any information, hoping for answers to the many questions they all have.
" Certainly, nobody needs to play this game if they don't want to." Penny begins. " This is one of the basic rules of the Game for Earth cleanup and those who do not want to play on Small World do not need to go. No shame or problem if you change your mind."
There is a murmur of concern in the room, a Ways Scan school auditorium, now an abandoned building as there are no longer any kids in Mobile, to attend this school. It is filled by meeting attendees, at the moment. Most of them wonder why they might change their mind, as they look at their beautiful, but empty surroundings. The school had not been used in years and many like it, around Planet Earth were also empty.
The current Way Scan School Kids, born in the Mobile area, such as Crystal, or whose family travelled there to be in city and a school with other children, such as Penny, herself, have a special classroom built for them on the Bidewell estate. The classroom, previously a well equipped stable for long-dead horses, ridden and kept in very nice cages by the estate owners in the 1930s and 40s, made the perfect classroom, once skylights were installed and the walls of the horse cages removed.
The walls were replaced with learning areas where no one was held captive and that were open to others from outside learning centers, like colleges and universities, to share knowledge and get knowledge from "The Kids." There were climbing bars and an elevated moving platform for Lester, so he could get out of his wheelchair and move about in the space above everyone. Elevated computer stations and access to play equipment, also elevated for all the Kids use, fill several levels of the upper areas of the room. At times they are all up in the air with Lester and never touch ground for the whole school day.
" Why would we change our mind?" an enquiring mind in the back of the School Auditorium wants to know.
" Many of you come from an agricultural family," Penny explains. "You have been the ones to decide what your family does on the land, by the rivers and at the shores. Though most of human history is spent hunting and gathering, walking around looking for food and later hunting for it, in the last several thousand years, most of us here had family that settled down and farmed or raised herds, maybe had orchards or had agro-relationships with the land. This involved human efforts for changes to the land and sometimes other animals to accomplish these changes."
There are nods of recognition and agreement from the group. Most are proud of the relationship they have to family lands and the decades, sometimes centuries, they cared for that land, improving it a little every season. They could not imagine doing otherwise.
"On Small World we must ask the permission of the Planet to do everything." Penny explains, then pauses. She can hear jaws dropping all over the room as people realize what she is saying.
LeRoy Fryer, Penny's Daddy stood up to comment, then sat back down again, recalling their prior conversation about his no longer needing to lead everything, even things he knows everything about, like farming in the toughest spot in Alabama if not the continental USA, done by his family for generations.
Penny sees that he decides to keep silent and gives him her nod of approval. LeRoy sees that she sees and sits back with a smile on his face, ready to watch the fireworks that usually occur when anyone tells farmers how to farm. Several others stand up and many are so upset they are speechless.
"Let me just add, we are aware of the great care all of you took of your lands and how hard it is for you to leave them, but recall that much human farming and land use in the past 200 years was not the best thing for this Planet. It was not the best thing for other species here and was not even the best thing for humans. We tried this and that and the other thing and were barely able to keep our species alive, for many reasons."
Some of those standing, the ones listening, heard her words and knew they were true and sat down
"Choices were made and people got paid for destructive and foolish uses of lands and waters, to grow food for other animals that were often not helpful for humans to eat." Penny continues. "Farms got bigger and more and more land went to grow fewer and fewer kinds of crops, using more and more chemicals that polluted waters on land and the seas. What would have happened if we paid attention to what is best for the Planet. Instead, less food for human people and more human people without food became the order of the day. If we listened to the Planet and worked with it, instead of against it, would the terrible famine of 2025 have taken place?
There is silence in the room and all left standing take their seats.
" 'Can it get much better than this?' Humanity asks. We know it can but do we know how to do this better? How can we live on a Planet without wrecking the place? " Penny asks, then sits down.
The room explodes with conversation and comment.
"HOLD IT!" shouts out Toni Leonardo, one of the original Way Scans Group." Don't tell me this is the first time you've heard you are not God's Gift to the world? "
The room goes silent and then people bust out laughing. Toni is a Way Scan group Member and Mobile's resident comic. She can never resist the opportunity to go into her act, as she is want to do in any danger situation, to lighten the mood and open some minds.
" So we funked it up here on Planet Earth. Should that stop us from trying it again on another world? When has funking things up and doing it bad, ever stopped humans from doing anything?" Toni asks to scattered, nervous laughter.
" Never!" comes a call out from the back of the room. There is more laughter.
" What about wars." Toni proposes. " You know those hoedowns that destroyed environments, places and things we all love, including our mamas? Anybody ever asked the Planet if we should start a war?" More laughter.
" Guess what the Planet would have said to THAT request." more laughter that dies down. "
" Well maybe, just maybe, we need to listen to what the Planet needs. " Toni proposes. " You've listened to your soils, your trees, your crops and even to the sky bringing you rain. But the whole Planet, discussing and weighing each decision, having many minds at work besides our puny, human brains." Toni pauses and a few laugh, some clap. "How could THAT help?"
Tony leaves the spotlight of attention of the group abruptly, to applause and laughter, as the diplomat and " consiliari" of the Way Scans group, Winston 'Bridges' Brightfoot, comes forward.
As usual, Winston will begin the negotiations with all participants, as is done in all major decision-making efforts involving their group. As per their usual routine, in hundreds of negotiations and in all kinds of locations, from Gang Wars to the floors of the United Nations, anywhere important stuff is being discussed, the Way Scans are there to help.
" How can we involve everyone here in deciding on this matter?" Bridges begins, as he has begun all their negotiations, since the Way Scans began working in the world together, as teenagers.
" I will begin with sharing my view of things." Bobbie Turner speaks out.
Bobbie is the Way Scan Group Member best known to the world as a keen observer, who is well informed from many sources, both foreign and domestic, and who has a keen ability to see through scams, smokescreens and disinformation that cloud the real issues in many negotiations. Bobbie misses nothing worth noting and often sees the dangers and the benefits of decisions. He helps most by identifying what the question is that needs to be answered.
" This seems a clear issue we are deciding on." Bobbie shares. " Do we use and develop a system to understand the opinion of the Planet and follow those directions in the planning and development of this new world?"
Bobbie sits and Winston asks. " What do people say about that?"
Big Penny stands. "I must tell you. We do have such a system in place on Small World. That's part of why LEB is there. He can hear the Planet's answers, a distillation of the voices of thousands of species and inhabitants, even the rocks, minerals and soils. Fungi always have a lot to say and when we humans listen to what they recommend, things seem to work well. "
" What do they NOT want us to do? " asked LeRoy Fryer, unable to contain his thoughts and feelings about control over his destiny. Fryers have been fighting for their best destiny since their trip on board a ship in 1619. He fears other than his own good sense in deciding things that affect him, his land and his family. " As I see it, one thing Humanity has learned in the past 30 years is that we do not know everything. Is there something that we should not bring with us to this new world? " he asks.
" Thank you for that key question, LeRoy." Winston comments. "Do you have an answer, Big Penny? What has happened using this system of planning, asking the Planet, then following the guidelines or advice of the world you all live on?"
" There have been some significant "NOs as far as development of industry," Penny shares. " No mining of any kind, for example. We have to recycle or reuse all the metals we need. "
" No surprise there." Toni Leonardo calls out from the back of the room. "Imagine asking any Planet if you can blow off the top of a mountain to mine copper. What sane Planet would say yes to that?"
" Point taken, Toni " Winston agrees when the laughter dies down. " Now who else has a comment on this subject? Is it yes or no to trying things the Planet's way? Give your opinion and why you hold it. Then we vote tomorrow after sharing what we dream about this, tonight."
Their circling climb of a thousand steps, around the Community Center to the dome of the building, gave Books a great view of all in Settler City and the surrounding wetlands and ponds. Their water system, created to divert some water from a near-by river moves through the series of waterways that clean and purify their drinking and waste water. Clean water is then channeled back to the sea, providing some water at rest stops and shelter points between their City and the shore. This allows the Settlers, with the Planet's permission and a lot of negotiations with sea birds and ocean fish, to seed these river waters with fresh water clams and crawdads LeRoy brought along from the Mobil bayous. This creates a source of food for humans and for the soil bacteria needed by many Earth plants to support soil evolution along inland and fresh water rivers and streams, especially those connecting with the sea where salt and fresh waters mix
" Before we came the land was essentially bare with rivers that flowed directly to the sea, very little vegetation in or near the rivers. It was kind of like the glacial runoff seen in high mountains in the arctic. Just water, rocks and land. Plenty was going on in the ocean and some birds had spread seeds with their feathers and their poop, but not much was happening, even on the coasts. " the Old Man explains. "Most of what was growing on land were shoreline plants and shrubs seeded by birds or that were carried along when the ocean came.
" Oh, yeah, that colliding planet idea." Books recalls. " I personally like the other theory, that the whale singing opened a door in time and space and they came though a worm-hole and landed here with part of Earth's Ocean. "
" That must have been some song.+" the Old Man agrees. " Maybe they heard some rumors from the Planet to get out while the getting was good, before people started filling the seas with plasic and pllution."
"Good song and good timing." Books agrees. "Sounds like a hit."
" But as you can see, most of this land is pretty barren." Chef Joseph explains. " We have not got permission to do very much here. Truth be told, though, many of us humans were hesitant to try anything, considering our track record on Earth. Precaution ruled the day."
" Too bad we did not use more of that, sooner rather than later, on Earth." Books acknowledges.
" Have you heard the story about Emeline and Ruth, the two Way Scan group members who did not come to Small World? It was a song that kept them on Planet Earth, a song of healing they took everywhere to ask for forgiveness for our seemingly never-endingly dumb human behavior while on the Planet. It reminds humans why we came to Earth to play, as a small effort to say sorry, we blew it and to make sure it does not happen again. That song is quite popular here, too. There is a movement to make it our anthem, so we never believe in nations, just in unity. "
" That is some song, too." Books agrees. " Looking out at this barren place, makes me realize how abundantly lush and beautiful Earth was and still is. I hope the people left on Earth realize that it does not get much better than that. We will do our thing here, cooperate with the Planet, but will it ever be the vision the Earth is. Earth heals itself and grows ever more beautiful as its days pass."
" A good Planet is hard to find." Old Man agrees. "So is a good meal if I don't keep an eye on things in the kitchen. Got to go." he calls back at Books as he vaults the platform railing and takes the zip line back to the kitchen entrance.
"Mission accomplished" LeRoy tells Big and Little Penny as they meet for a family discussion after the Community votes. Both Pennies abstained from the Universal voting on the issues, as niether of them could be impartial about the outcome. " The People have said yes to listening to directions from the Planet and following its recommendations. " LeRoyconfirms.
Big Penny breathes a sigh of relief and Little Penny dances for joy at word of this decisiion, tapping her energentic response.
" We can go now and LEB is coming. I can feel it in my bones." Big Penny states.. " The Ways Scan School Kids leave tomorrow, so pack you tap shoes, sis, and get ready for the trip."
" LEB will come right after." Little Penny shares. "He will be glad you're here to welcome him and tell him all about his wonderful self. I bet he does not know how important his abilities are. Do you think the People around him treated him like a freak because everything speaks to him and he understands it?" Penny asks, worried.
" I will tell him different, but remember, LEB and his parents live on a mechanized farm. There are no other people around and his Parents have not told him anything except he is very good at what all people can do and should do: pay attention to their world."
"It is so good not to be afraid of your gifts." Little Penny ackowledges. "That is why the Way Scan Schools work so well. People can use the abilities they are born with. We are all geniues. That means it is in our genes."
" We share 99.8% of our genes with other animals." LeRoy reminds his daughters. " Yet another reason to trust all points of view on land, sea and air. The rocks I am not sure about but I like to think the minerals bring in other points of view, like water and air, the more molecular and elemental citizens of the Planet. I have recently learned that trees communicate using soil minerals, teamed up with soil fungi. They speak to each other."
Abilities to speak with various life forms are honed and encouraged on Small World as part of the advisement system for Planet decision making. This process has been happening as long as worlds exist and is expanded on Small World when the Earth Oceans, birds and microorganisms arrive there. Some humans talk to the soils, some to the birds, some to fish, some to rocks and minerals. All rocks and minerals spread knowledge and ideas far and wide as part of the bedrock of any Planet. Crystals, large and small, connect everything, understand and respond to ideas for change and integrate ideas and opinions of other decision participants."
" Trees soil and minerals also communicate dangers and changing conditions on the Planet to plants and animals. All this is the process of inclusion and guidance of tree behaviors. Humans can learn from trees and that is why we need trees on Small World.", Settler Peter Wohlleben speaks up, at the first meeting of the All-People Congress on Small World, after the Settlers arrive. " Trees and people go together." Peter adds. " We came out of trees and learned to read them there. Many humans have forgotten how, but trees have never forgotten us. Fortunately, trees do not hold a grudge."
Like his ancestor before him, Peter Wohlleben speaks out for trees, at almost every All-Human Congress held on Small World. "Trees are an important part of knowing things on Planet Earth." Peter's great, great Grandfather, for whom he is named, often said.
That Peter was a man from Germany who worked in the forests there, learning from the trees and teaching humans. That Peter, author of "The Power of Trees" first published in 2021, was followed by generations of students, his namesake included, who learn from his ground-healing work
"Trees will continue to teach us, on Small World, if we allow more of them, in mixed forests so all trees can learn together." Settler Peter adds, requesting that a stand of trees be created near their settlement, to provide learning opportunity for plants and animals, teaching All with their perception, adaptations and evolution to a new, Small Planet environment.
"Trees adapt and change to seasonal variations." Peter explains. "What they do is complex but we can all be guided by what they do and how they do it. Trees are an advance warning system for many species. The oceans have such plants and animals but land systems do not have any on land, above ground. Trees need to be planted to add to our knowledge and for education of all living things."
Small World Planet was particularly impressed with the role of trees in communication with soils and minerals and how they adapted to changing conditions in water availabilty, soil organisms and in changes in sunlight and temperature, as reported by Peter and many others, when the request for a small forest was made. Trees' role in helping stabilize Earth's climate and the risks of changability of even this Small World, is not lost on Small Planet or its animals, vegitation and minerals. Through the voices of many humans, all educated about the work of Peter Wholleben at the Way Scan Schools they attended, the life forms that speak with humans get the message and pass it along to other life forms. When the Planet agrees, humans know the Planet said yes, because their contacts tell them so. They began work on planting their first forest, surrounding the center for communication, the spot where the Air Car landed when the Way Scan School kids arrived."
" I'm making bread! " the Old Man yells across the kitchen, as Books enters. " Come and help." he calls through a halo of flour dust, as he attacks the dough poured from an industial-sized mixing bowl, onto a flour-covered bread board that fronts a wall of ovens heating up to accept the baking trays that line the table, waiting to be filled. "Grab a hunk and roll with it! " the Cheft exclaims as he slices the mass of dough with his sharpest bread knife and throws pieces ascroos the table to Books
" I know you are good for more than dancing around and asking a lot of questions." the Chef shouts " Cut these pieces in eight parts, round them up and stick them on the trays. Our helpers will get them into the ovens on those baking carts and we'll all have fresh bread for lunch. Chop! Chop! " Cheff adds wisking a cut piece of dough up, rolling it in a few practiced strokes and tossing it on a tray, to show Books the dance of it. Books learns the steps to it, immediatly.
Books can follow the Chef's lead and instructions perfectly, calling on a lifetime of training his body in any movement he sees, copying it and reproducing it exactly. Bread is soon following a perfect arc to land on a tray that is filled and then whisked away to the six-tray baking rack and into overs that line the walls. The huge pile of dough on the table is soon reduced to scraps, which The Chef is now using to make a perfect braided bread ring that will be used to honor some Member of the Group, or other, for their hard work, ingenuity or creativity, that day. Sometimes it is given for bravery, or ingenuity or sometimes for other reasons but most people love this special honor, look forward to recieving it and celebrate and congratulate others for achieving it.
" Just one question. " Books asks as they are cleaning off the bread board to make it ready for the next bread baking.
" Shoot." Old Man agrees
" I saw no wheat growing anywhere on these lands and you have been here 20 years. Where did the flour come from?"
" There are three hundred and eight-six types of flour, many are mixtures of several foods but flour can be made from everyting from potatoes to nuts that grow on trees. from mushrroms, seeds, plant juices and grains that grow on river banks. There are flours that grow on trees. " The Chef shares. " It is up to us to make flours that taste great in combination, do not strain supplies from one organism and that provide a healthy nutritional source of vitamens, minerals and amino acids that Humans need to keep running the machine we call our body."
" It looks like just regular flour." Books says.
" Several million years of human testing and ingenuity and some very helpful advice from almost every cook here, with tasing samples and a list of ingredients they use, plus directions in how to grind it, cook it and store it, did the rest." The Chef admits. "It was a complex process but the results seem to be universally well recieved. Gluten be dammed, this bread is good." he adds.
" Baking it is fun." Books shares "Can I come and learn how you mix the dough?
" Chef Joseph came as close to exploding as Books had ever seen anyone come, as he ponders that question. Then the Old Man calms down and admits. " I am the only one who knows that recipe but I am not getting any younger. Someone needs to carry on when I am gone, to avoid wasting hundreds of hours of everyone's time trying to figure it out, again. Come tomorrow at dawn and I will show you." the Old Man promises. "But you must keep the recipe secret. At least a hundren people claim we are using their old family bread recipe to feed this bunch and I don't want to hurt any feelings."
'The secret will go to my grave with me," Books promises. " AFTER I pass it on to at least one other baker before I die."
Chapter 7 - Where Am I and When?
Any way you slice this pie, this is really weird." Big Penny tells Little Penny as the two same-sisters say good-bye to each other.
Big Penny will stay behind on Earth and Little Penny will go with the Way Scan School Kids on their journey to Small World in the Air Car. This is understood as the strategy to provide what is needed for both the development of the Small World by Settlers, over a 20 year period, and to allow access to data of the Air Car's trip. Earth's Supercomputers, track their trajectory and identify the amount of energy (or whatever else is necessary) to allow their trip and show what is needed for the much larger group of Settlers to travel the same path, but to a different time.
The both-Penny arrival, back on Earth, at a specified time and place, confirmed that trips to Small World are successful and without detectable problems for travelers. This safe return of the two, as planned, assured Settlers of the safety of the project, before the Way Scan School Kids are sent. Both the long and short term consequences of this kind of time travel are also proven to be without danger for both the adult and child versions of the same person. Multiple trips, made 20 years or three days apart also appear to be safe for people and for the Air Car.
What does have Big Penny worried is the issue of whether she should return to Small World, at all, as an Adult with the Settlers and with child LEB. Adult LEB will be there when the Way Scan School children arrive, as he was and is an important part of Small Earth's evolution and is essential to the Settler's communication with the Planet. Child LEB will be age 7years, to help the Settlers leave. Both LEB and Small Penny travel together when she returns as a child and they grow up together, from the Settlers' trip. They are more than best friends. As they grow they realize they are destined to be together, are a Lu-Mae, a couple who would not realize their best self without the other person. Child LEB will be trained by adult LEB to continue communication with undersea worlds. Penny is not sure if her return to Small World as an adult will in some way disturb the unfolding of the future, It is the main unknown about what could happen to Penny and LEB as adults who are Lu-Maes.
Lu-Maes have been known to cross continents and oceans to be together, to overcome obstacles that separate them, from prejudice and legal sanctions to gaps in ability to speak, move or communicate. Penny is not sure about the space, time and plane of existence factors and how this may play out. She just knows that she misses LEB a lot. Will Small Penny have that connection of person and being, with a grown LEB, when Little Penny meets him on arrival? How will Small LEB react to his grown self on the new world?
Big Penny has not told Little Penny about her current, adult relationship with LEB. He will be a grown man by the time the Way Scan School kids arrive and Small Penny meets him. Will the LEB that travels with the Settlers, so needed for the success of their venture, have a similar connection to Little Penny and be aware of the years they spent together? Will his connection to Big Penny be essential after they return to Small World? Little Penny told her several times that LEB needs her to make the trip, to feel safe leaving Earth and that there is something about their connection that reassures him and allows him to use his gifts to help the Settlers travel. Little Penny is sure Big Penny needs to be present for the Settlers' trip. Who knows and will time even tell, if it does know?
Winter weather on Small World is cold. The Planet has two seasons, Summer and Winter, with a mild summer growing season that ends abruptly, as the planet tips away from its sun, for the other half of the year. The warnings of the switch, detectable by complex communications between plants and the soil, then to other creatures, are lost to the Settlers before they are allowed to plant trees. Trees give off many visible and even audible signals, information about the weather, temperature and light changes, that are complex. Most people who pay attention to trees can decipher these signals because trees give big signals that almost all humans can understand, if they know what to look for. SheBird learned these signals from her daddy, Howard Beau, who could read the trees in the swamps and lands around Mobile, a varied wet and forested terrain. Hot in summer and sometimes cold in winter, SheBird learned the language of trees there. She warns Books of the changes that signal winter being flashed from these rooted weatherpersons, in the Settlement's nearby forest and from the large tree in their compound sited for human as well as weather story-telling.
Despite her warnings the first cold front to hit after their arrival made Books happy to enter the warm community kitchens to help Old Man mix the bread dough for the community meals that day. In order for yeast to rise, the bread making area has to be kept at a warm enough temperature to encourage fermentation. The "sponge" that is the basis of all their baked goods, except cakes and cookies, needs protection and reliable temperatures, light and radiation levels. Chef Joseph, sensitive to such conditions his whole life, owes his successes with both breads and mushrooms, to these skills. He well knows how to keep his kitchens warm enough for baking success.
Books woke that Winter morning feeling so frozen he feared he would never warm up. SheBirds insistence that things would come right in a few days did little to assure him. The down jacket and a pair of ski pants, contributed by a Settler who took pity on him, helped a lot. Books' morning run to the kitchens for the early morning dough mix, did the rest to help both his body temperature and mood get back on track.
" The buildings here are designed to moderate the temperature within them, in all seasons." the Old Man shares. "They rely on sturctural design and directional placement, cross ventilation, use of certain building materials and heat exchange, to control interior temperatures. This abrupt change of seasons on Small World does require several days for the buildings to adjust, to return the interiors to an even temperature, both in summer and winter. " The Chef explains. " People take off or put on layers of clothing, depending on personal preference."
" I guess I can heat and cool myself, with a little help from the architecture." Books admits. " If ancient Egyptians could cool their desert palaces with air flow and water-based cooling systems, I guess we can do that too, with the nature tech here. Do you have options for underground eco-heat pump systems?"
" Don't need them,." Old Man assures him." Our buildings do the heavy lifting through air circulation and human body heat. We closed the open skylight in the performance arena, last night. You get a large group of humans in there, get them dancing and the place will heat up quite nicely. Birds will shelter there under the eves at night, for most of the winter. They used to shelter in sea caves, and some still do, but they like it here better. Their perch comes with a dinner of insects, drawn to the building lights at night. What more can you ask for than dinner and a show? "
" I'll try to do something entertaining for them." Books promises. "There are lots of folk songs and stories from Earth's Northern lands, that may be new to many of our group. I could do a whole series of Troll stories from Denmark."
"Trolls were the Nature Spirits that protected the North and people of many species and kinds." the Chef agrees. "Those giants dancing shook their world and their songs brought the beauty of the Northern lights"
" I'll get She-Bird working on that light show." Books suggests. "What a finalie!"
The reason SheBird did not want Books and the Old Man interacting, when they first arrived, was that Chef Joseph wanted to marry her, when she was only seventeen years old, Though her Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother and many generations of women in both Tiger Country and in the Brightfoot Nation, married and had families at age 14 to 15 years of age, often to mature men able to hunt and secure family safety, She-Bird did not wish to follow such a tradition and declined the Chef's advances.
In the early 2020s people got smart enough to ask some of the right questions about what helps humanity and the Planet. They often found that there were things that helped both. They discovered that keeping girls out of early marriages and making good family planning resources available to women around the world, topped the list of changes that helped the most. It was with such changes that humans began to make progress with climate issues to save many species, including humans.
SheBird did not think Books was from a tradition of early marriages and did not want her past history to interfere with a relationship Books andhas with The Chef. She knows that the Old Man can teach Books a lot about living in community and relationships with people. SheBird argues with herself about letting him know about this past history and makes a list of reasons not to tell him:
Her reasons are:
It really is not his business
It happened a long time ago
It relation to the Universe it did not last above a billionth of an instant in time
In relation to human history it did not last above a millionth of an instant in time
In relation to personal experience there is no such thing as time
In relation to reality all things are happening in all time and all the time so it is all neither relevant or irrelevant.
It no longer matters to me.
It no longer has power within me
It no longer holds a place in my thoughts and actions
Wait a minute...where am I and when is now?
Let's hope the Universal Mind has a better memory than do I..
With that, herstory left the building leaving the door wide open for now.
SheBird informed The Chef of where she stood on the matter of their private story and the Old Man agreed that helping Books fit in as the only "new" adult male of their group was an important part of his role as the Old Man. He worked to find ways for Books to contribute more than songs and dances to the Community. All the Settlers quickly found out, there are more needs for work on Small World, than they ever imagined. Everyone needed to find many ways to help, Books included.
" This song and dance are used to celebrate the entry into adulthood for young hunters in the Far North, now present day Sweden and Norway. " Books explains to the group of men around a small fire at the edge of Settler's village. "The hunters would gather after hunting all day for their youth to tell of their hunt and to show the animals they killed, to help feed the people over the winter. The young people needed to be both skilled at hunting and at telling the stories about the hunt, to entertain the group and dancing was, of course, included for all to keep from freezing their balls off. A good amount of strong drink was also involved."
" Women got to stay inside and celebrate? Smart move, ladies." Jason Pau admits as he passes around mugs of spirits made from a special kind of medicinal mushrooms, gauanteed to both numb the body and elevate the mood of the drinkers. " Keep it moving, guys." he told them "This brew will stop you feeling the cold but can't stop the balls freezing. Your dancing has to do that.
Books jumps up, as do the rest, and begins to lead the group in a backround humming chant and a vigorous dance of walking, hopping and turning, in a circle around the fire. They make space and sound for hunters to tell their stories of past hunts, challenging those in the group to share ancient tales, told by their people back on Earth with its countless generations of hunters. Tiger Hunts in India, Boar Hunts in German forests, Big Cat hunts on the plains of Africa, Wolf Hunts on the Stepps of Russia and Buffalo Hunts on the Plains of North America all are part of human history and all tell of the danger and difficulty of such fights for survival.
" All the stories you told tonight are from times before humans had guns. " Books acknowledges. " You tell about the hunted ones being the humans, as the other animals, rightly so, are hunting the hunters. Now I will tell you of another hunter from Far North. He is still honored in his homelend."
"There was once a youth who came to be known as Halvar, Defender of the Earth. He gained adult status at the young age of 12. This was for more than his cleverness in tracking a Giant Stag, which some thought was a God come to Earth. It'd emmense size and the spread of its antlers, as well as its intellegence, made it King of the Forest."
"This animal was rarely seen by humans" Books explains,"being too clever to go anywhere near humans or their settlements, protecting not only self but many creatures that followed him to be safe and to access areas of the forests and mountains under his protection. Bears, wolves and other predators did not bother the creatures that moved in the mountains and valleys with The Stag."
With that brief explaination Books begins the dance that shows the youth's hunt for the Stag. The men around him continue to hum, dance and watch the story unfold. Books becomes the young hunter, moving through the forest, climbing trees to scout the area, climbing mountains and crossing rivers in pursuit, sleeping in caves and in trees for the night as he travels farther and farther into the forests, always looking, always tracking, always listening to the forest and its inhabitants, praying with each rising sun, eating what he can find, taking shelter from rain and snow where he can, as he follows the signs of The Stag and his entourage of creatures
Books sings a song of the journey, first in the old language of the North, then in English. His voice has the high tones of a youth age 12 and often cracks and changes as his journey and his song continues.
I am Halvar, son of the North
I seek The Stag, Father of the forest
I look for my Father on the Mountians high
I seek him in mountian meadows and snowfields
I watch for his signs in rivers and lakeshores
I follow the paths of the creatures that follow him
I seek their guidance and protection
I will meet and give thanks for their protector
I will thank him for my people and our land
I will thank him for the Gods of Nature
I will praise him for the abundance of Forest and Stream
I will celebrate all he sees and believes.
I will credit him with his teaching:
There is more than one way to capture
There are many ways to hunt.
For these teachings I give him thanks and praise
For lessons learned following his
As Books finishes the song he continues his dance and moves through the imaginary forest of his creation and steps into a clearing and sees the light of a full moon that shillhouets the Great Stag, surrounded by the creatures that follow him. He is frozen by the sight and cannot do anything but go to his knees before such splendor and power. Then he sings:
I Havar, son of the North
Greet The Stag, Father of the Forest.
I followed your signs on Mountains high
I followed your river crossings
I followed the path left by you and your Protected
I thank you, Forest Protector.
For your lessons and your teachings
I give you thanks and praise
May I work like you, Earth Protector, all my days.
With the end of his story, Books returns to his usual identity and voice to say, " The men of his group admitted Halvar into their ranks, though he brought no food for winter. He brought something more to their group. He brought the knowledge of the need for protections of all creatures from harm. We have heard this evening the stories of human hunters, from all parts of Earth and all cultures and nations. Hunting has been part of the human world for eons of time. We have even hunted and killed each other, beyond measure. This is the story of the need for protectors, as they are part of Nature, too, and part of our nature as humans."
The group goes silent, stops dancing and returns to the light and warmth of their homes. Many are thinking about the human request, now being considered for submission to the Small Planet Council of Species. This request is to allow for the introduction of new plants and domestic animals, beyond humans, to Small World.
Big Penny is very glad she went to Small World with the Settlers, so as to help prepare them for the current debate about other than human lifeforms on Small World. Most of the history of humans on Earth is the history of humans interacting with other creatures, everywhere humans go and, in most cases, detroying both lands and the other creatures, sometimes slowly but often rapidly and many times completely. Humans often harmed places, eventually changing the Planet so much that fewer and fewer creatures could survive. It would take humanity more than a trip to a New World to change such patterns of disasterous behavior, to walk a Planet in a different way, no matter how loving, compassionate or empathetic the humans. It would take time and agreement of those invloved to make other than destruction happen.
Penny began this process with her father, LeRoy, a leader of the Settlers group, before they left Earth. She talked to LeRoy before they had the first Settlers' Congress, to be held before they left Earth, to give people a chance to stay behind, if they chose not to go. Some might not agree to the need to ask the Planet, and All on it, for permission to make any changes to their community. Penny knew they would need to get OKs for building their structures and homes and for accessing the Planet's resources to plant, extract or harvest, to provide for their needs or feed themselves. Such requests to make change were not completely new to human history. Many First Nation people, such as those who inhabited Tiger Country and most indigenous people around the world, asked for permission from the Planet, from the get-go. These practices allowed them to survive for many genaerations in harmony with many lands. Even so, such practices to ask permission had been lost for most people on Earth, They just did what they wanted to do, whenever they could, no matter the consequences.
The Settlers agreed to try this on Small World and few of them left the Settlers' group. However, the scope of this agreement, though understood, was absract when they agreed to it, before the trip. It became very real when they arrived on Small World, faced with the facts of day to day living with both human and planet needs to be met. "Everyon and every thing on the Planet has the right to be part of the decision making, humans included." Big Penny told the Settlers when they arrived with their human stuff, toothbrushes included. " It will be a bumpy ride." Penny promises, " But we do make it and are about to begin the expansion of our human settlement, after our first twenty years here. Let's see how that goes."
The first permission granted by the Small World Planetary Council was for water purification and sanitation systems for human waste. The ocean and its creatures had many examples of effective cleaning systems to do this and they helped a lot with the planning and implementation of the human's project. One of the Settlers, Walker Van Dee, a graduate of the Pokee Prison Chior carceral system, also created such natural filtration systems as part of his release term, from prison. as a youth on Earth. To be released from Pokee, he had to identify and complete a project that helped other people and the Planet. He picked cleaning polluted water from farms and industry, as his work. His sytem recycled both human and farm industry wastes to keep chemicals and bacteria out of streams that fed the bayous as well as the Gilf Coast around Mobile.
" I guess I can do that here, on Small World." he told the first Planet Congress." Water from this settlement will be cleaner that water from the river that runs off your mountains. I guarantee that. We can imorive things, us humans. Not just harm them."
Settlers quickly realized the need to re-use and recycle everything they had and the Planet agreed to that, right quick, as a high priority. The thought of having human stuff disturbing the balance of their many ecosystems on land, air and sea, upsetting their current balance, was not welcomed by these well-functioning Planet environments.
It was also quickly decided that the many mushrooms humans needed for human food, medicines and chemical compounds should be cultivated underground. The caves were excavated and expanded by many organisms, earthworms in particular, with their significant presence on dry land and below the sea floor, throughout the Planet. Bacterial life, worms and chemistry from minerals and metals working together created the caves where much of their food now grew. providing base soils and media for mushroom growth and for the stability of the growth chambers.
When it was found that fresh water shellfish actually both cleaned river water and provided food for birds, that source of food was approved, too, along with plants needed to stabilize river banks, like wild rice, long a significant part of human diet on Planet Earth. Lotus plants in ponds and along rivers came next as both a food and fiber source with papyrus plants for fiber that could be used for paper and clothing needs
Soon after the expansion of food and plant-based industry options came permission to build a human Birthing/Health Center. It was the health center that also dealt with work-related accidents and clashes between humans and microbes, that often occur. Finding a balance between humans and germs, so not one or the other had too many casualties, took a lot of work and coordination. People on Smalll world gave birth to children, too. Home births were usual but places for people to learn about pregnancy and childbirth, to address the stress of having a baby and to build support networks for both physical and mental health, for both new parents and experienced parents with growing families, was lacking. People on Small World needed ways to deal with birth, illness, death and teenagers, as is part of life on any Planet.
Human death was a part of human life welcomed by the Planet. This came with a swap of nutrients promissed when Settlers died, allowing for the return of their bodies to the Small World soil or to its seas, along with all the organisms they carried. People had a choice of disposal sites for their last resting place and made it known where their final resting place should be.
The metal containers the Settlers brought with them helped them shelter from the first rainstorms they encountered but they quickly saw the need for better shelters and began working on resolving this issue with a Planet-Wide conference on what to use for building materials. Consultations with a variety of species and many with minerals and soils helped the settlers find resources of clay-type sands that, when combined with water and certain minerals and fungi, formed building bricks that hardened in sunlight and actually got harder with rainfall, drying to cement-like structural units, after getting wet. It seemed that water molecules became incorporated into a crystal structure, perfect for brick by brick constructions of any size or height. The extraction of these soils and making the bricks was a major activity for Settlers for a decade of building.
The first building erected was the Birthing Center, then the Settler Homes and Kitchens, the Ways Scan School and then the Community Performance Center. This Center was built with interior areas open to a hillside where different life-forms could watch and listen to the meetings and performances that humans created. Bird attendance, from on high, was robust as well.
After the fuel and energy supplies they brought with them proved insufficinent for long term needs, especially in winter, the permission for use of the Planet's Blue Fire, for lights and to cook their food was granted and gave way to the use of this energy for other purposes. Creation of small industry for recycling much of what they brought with them, to avoid need for mining or extraction of metals was one such use. The lighting and sound systems at the performance center required electric power to share Earth Culture with the planet's other creatures, including soil creatires and minerals. The blue fire was approved to create that electricity. Charging the few cell phones still functioing and used for emergency communications also used that power.
The creation and building of a Way Scan School, as a center for learning, was quickly approved when proposed, with a variety of ways for both people, other creatures and the Planet, itself to learn with humans. The Communications Center and its connections to sea life and land species on the Planet was also quickly supported. One of the first broadcasts to ocean life, from the School was the children's chior that shared human music. The whales, dolphons and even the sharks, sang along.
Books tries to get up to the rooftop of the Performance Center every time he is near the place, as a way to figure out what in the world is happening on this World. All he sees is the development of some basic infrastructure and the use of the blue fire for energy. What surprises him most is that there is no observable human agriculture in the lands that surround their Settlement. There is a forested area nearby and a pathway to the coast with several human structures along the way. He can just see the entrance to the mushroom caves at the base of the hillside near the city, and knows there are extensive, underground growing areas. He makes frequent visits there, to gather food stuffs for their meals and Jason Pau guides him through that he could never find his way out again, were he to venture there by himself
"The growing spaces range in size from a shoebox to a dance studio." Books tells She-bird. "Jason has a couple of helpers but I am the only one he lets go in and out. He is trying to control the contamination from outside to reduce the amount of mutation from other spore sources."
"The growing spaces range in size from a shoebox to a dance studio." Books tells She-bird.
"Jason has a couple of helpers but I am the only one he lets go in and out. He is trying to control the contamination from outside to reduce the amount of mutation from other spore sources."
" There are other spore sources?" SheBird asks. "Who else comes to Small World, besides us?"
" There are apparently some spors that can be dormant for decades, then suddenly appear. They might come on asteroids or other materials from space".
" Things can get complicated." SheBird agrees. " Maybe we brought some on the AirCar...on us for that matter."
" Asteroids, alien visitors, spontaneous generation or species mutation. We will probably never know until we crack the mushroom codes for communication." books admits. "They use minute electrical charges that move through the soil or the material the scrooms are growing on. I am told that the Way Scan School Kids are working on a translator, as we speak. Are the kids happy with their new school?"
They are still intigrating with all the ways to learn and teach here." She Bird reports. "They like my photo-journalism class and are working on a history of Small World, recording what has been done to promote our communications with the Planet and all. That helps them learn about the place, so all good."
" That sould keep them busy for about 15 minutes." Books observes. " Maybe I should do a daily class with them, too. Teach them the songs and dances of us humans here."
" Teach them how the animals and plants sing and dance, too." SheBird suggests. "That should take up the rest of the hour."
Chapter 8 - Have I Been There and Done That?
When SheBird walked into the Birthing Center and Community Clinic she could tell it was not the usual health care facility, as seen on Earth. For one thing, she walked through an overgrown forest of plant life before she got to the check-in desk.
"Had I known I would have brought my machete." SheBird tells Belly Sommes Petersen who greets her with a hug.
"Make life not war." Belly responds. "You've just been screened, literally, by the Plant wall that can detect any dangerous microbes or parasites, fungi or viruses that might cause you harm, inside you or out. If you live or breath anyting like that it sets off alarms and we need to see you in quarantine."
" How do plants know if I'm a danger?" SheBird asks. 'Do I smell or something?"
" You'd be dis-harmonized. " Belly explains. " They can hear the sound of a disease in your body. The ones that harm are very noisy as your body fights them off. Plants pick up the conflict and dis-harmony. Better than xrays and lab tests, I'm telling you. They registered that baby you are carrying before you stepped inside the building. Good vibes. "
" I came for a pre-natal check but I am glad to know I am otherwise well." SheBird acknowledges.
They did pick up some tension about being on a new world. Change can do that to a person." Belly shares. " I don't know what I would have done without Ed, when we first arrived."
" Belly is about to tell you not to ever tell me that." Ed Pedersen remarks, coming to the check-in desk. He gives SheBird another hug and adds, "Like she really needed me to build this health Center. We maintain the illusion that I keep the place running as she oversees every human birth, for the past 20 years. Truth be told, Belly talked the powers that be into allowing this Center and took their advice on all that we do here. I just follow orders and make sure the plumbing works."
" The plumbing and everyting else." Belly advises. " SheBird is just in time for our Mother Brain workshop. Can you show her the way, Ed? I'm going to get the tea."
" The group meets every week at this time and is a great way to meet the other pregnant women and the Mother energy of the Planet. You will all be great friends." Ed tells She-Bird as they enter a hallway heading to the back of the clinic. Ed leaves her at the door of the sunny birthing room where five other pregnent women are gathered at the tea cart
" My cue to get out of here." Ed comments, heading toward the exit out of the building. " Men have to leave during this time and I have a standing chess game with the Lama."
" The Lama is here?" SheBird asks. "I have not seen him."
"Here, there and everywhere." Ed calls back as he walks to the exit door. "I'll tell him you say Hi." "
"High is right." Belly comments, joining SheBird at the door, carrying a steaming pot of tea. "Let's go meet the other women."
"Why didn't other Faith leaders come to Small World?" Books asks the Old Man. "Certainly there were others on Earth that led religious groups represented here. The number of Unitarians alone, warrented at least one Pastor. They were all but running the UN during the war of Construction, so their diplomacy and peacmaking skills were obvious. "
i got elected by a convocation of faith leaders of all earth religions." The Chef explaines. " I was chosen to take care of the Spiritual needs of this bunch, avoid conflict about religious matters and to provide spiritual and nutritional sustinance to this flock.."
"You are a chef, not a guru. " Books observes. " Why you?"
" They could not agree on a single religous orientation but that group, true to form, are a bunch of foodies. They figured food and god or goddess were close enough and I did know all the food prohibitions and requirements of every religion. This, for some reason, is so important to many people of faith. Fortunately, mushrooms are forbidden by no religion, so we're pretty safe here."
"They say that mushrroms were the mana from heaven that appeared overnight for Moses and his people when they left Egypt." Books agrees. "Lots of other groups use them for religous ceremonies and rites of passage. I have danced a few of those, myself. Highly enlightening."
" So you won't be too surprised that mushrooms are a part of pre-natal care, here." The Chef explains. " It is both a nutritional and a unity thing that Belly calls the Mother Brain develpment program."
' If SheBird does not already have a Mother Brain, with all that Brightfoot family around her, I don't know who would. So many Aunties at our wedding and they were spectacular... "
" That heritage is part of why She was chosen to come here. Some of our Settlers were the only child in their family and their extended family, too. It was so rare for people to have kids, back on Earth, that many women here think they don't know what to do with a baby. They do not know their own Mother Mind. Such a mind is in all our DNA and has allowed humans to survive in some very tough times. Creator knows that anyone who had a child in the early 2020s should be given a medal for valor. Things were such a mess then. "
"So you think SheBird can help other mothers?" Books asks, realizing it would certainly be true to form for her.
"Baby photos all around and an attitude of unbounded love." Old Man shares. "She comes from a long line of mid-wives, too, and has assisted at a number of births. Belly is not getting any younger and may look to train She-Bird to take her place."
" You know SheBird pretty well." Books comments. "Better than I do, as a matter of fact."
" I worked under her grandmother at several restaurants and Betsy Ross often watched the child after school. In her culture, in Tiger Country, the grandparent bond with grandchildren is very strong and so I met SheBird many times as she grew. I do know her well."
" Am I good for her?" Books asks, still uncertain about his ability as a husband and a father.
" Well enough to say I'm glad she met you. Her grandma would have loved a song and dance man, like you, She connected with one, herself. Freemont could have ruled a world with his grasp of the realities of human nature and his ability to convice anyone that good ideas were their own, not his. The man could sing and dance but instead of ruling, he just changed the world around himself and everything else."
" Is that all." Books marvels. " But no pressure."
" He got the most notice for his system of the investments by US Workers to support real development projects, in the USA and in nations around the world. Their finacing made the difference in so many countries and ecozones." The Chef acknowlwdges
"SheBird told me about the legion of investment counselors that moved through his Tomatoe Millionaires program, then went back to home countries to oversee development of plans sponsored by the UN War of Construction. Not millions but billions of dollars working for good instread of for big oil and big military weapon corporations. Freemont's Growers helped investments in projects that saved lives and lands, around the world. "
" All from the Quickie Mart in the Mobile Stock Exchange and with the help of many, able and well connected friends in that building. I am not talking about the Stock Exchange guys. They just kept playing with the same few billionaires that owned much of the world economy. I'm talking about the important people, the ones who grew food and small businesses around the world. That building wasn't called the Big Old Ear of Corn building for nothing." Old Man explained. "The International Food Exchange was there, and they helped stabilize food production, processing and distribution that fed the Planet's people, human and animal, through some very hard climate changes and stressful economic change. Betsy Ross, She-Birds grandma, was an advisor to that program and had me helping with it, too. We made sure food that was eaten by people was sent to those people. That help made sure they lived to grow food and small but essential businesses, whenever they lived, through the toughest times. Food and clean water, then rebuilding better. "
Readers: If you would like to read about this Global Food and Fuel Distribution system you can find that story, in detail, in The End Game, also on line to read for free, at You can read about Freemont and the Tomato Millionaires in the 2nd book in this series, Mobile Tales, Short Stories for Positive Change, also available in digital format to read from major book sellers, on line.
One of the other people who was instrumental in the international food and fuel distribution system was Faith Leonardo, the mother of one of the original Way Scans, Toni Leonardo. Toni's Mom could grow almost anything, almost anywhere and knew where most foods grew best. She was one of the People called in to find the best place on the Planet to grow almost any food that humans and their animals eat.
"My mom was the one who identified the Big Old Ear of Corn building, in downtown Mobile, as one of the Planet's best places to grow tomatoes." Toni Leonado tells the group of Settlers, meeting in a Settlers Congress working group, to propose a larger role for human agriculture within in the Small World food security system, as well as providing work option for humans on the Planet. Books attends as a spectator.
"The light, humidity, altitude and soils were perfect for abundant tomato crops that were grown for the entire region, with distribution to Selma, the state Capital. The International Food Exchange was a large commercial building with garden space on its roof and window ledges, and produced the tomato plants for Mobile and beyond." Toni explains. "Agriculture does not need to impact land use. It can be a strictly urban prospect. It is a human and plant business and should not be stopped by the environment concerns of other species.. "
"What about ground water? " asks Walker VanDee, still their water expert and advisor. "Most agriculture on earth depended on water from the aquifer, water that had been depositied over tens of thousands of years, stored underground until humans tapped into it and just about sucked it dry, by the year 2026. Those tomatoes may have used grey water from the building to water the plants but Big Agro grew most of what humans grew and that was dependent on ground water. In many places these below ground water sources were used for agro industries, too, like dairies and livestock raised for food. Water was running out for all these mega farms and agro industries, that depended on ground water to function. It was killing the soil and the Planet, too. Don't you think the Planet and the Ocean need to have a vote on the amount of water your agriculture will need to grow food, in ground or on rooftops?"
"Maybe we could Plant more trees to help it rain more." suggested LeRoy Fryer. He missed the forested swamps and the bayou wilds that surrounded the Fryer Farm he left behind in Alabama. LeRoy would love to see such tree-filled swamps reproduced on Small World. ' Trees are also good for stopping sea- level erosion and to prevent flooding of urban areas." he reminds the group. " That's good for fresh water fish, too. "
" You just want to go fishin' again and then have a big ol' fish fry." Toni told LeRoy, laughing. "Fish may object to that, bro, and here they have a vote."
" You just want to make your mama's spagetti sauce with real tomatos." LeRoy countered and the room laughed with them.
"Culture wars about menus, aside. " Walker reminds them all. " We all know that water means life on any Planet. Ignore that at your peril and I doubt this Planet will ignore anything. Remember, it was a essentially a big rock, before the Ocean arrived and Small World is having lots more fun since water and sea life came. It knows how important water is to everything here."
" But things here are very different than they were on Earth at the end of the 20th Century. Both Big Oil and Big Agro industries were living on borrowed time and water use was un-sustainable. While they promised humanity un-ending food supplies and problem-free power sources, they were using and polluting oceans of water underground. " Toni shares. " Either they were lying through their teeth or having a psychotic episode, or maybe both." Tony added, as nervous laughter moved through the group
"This worked until the animals started dropping like flies in a bottle, including human animals." Toni continues. "The antibiotics and hormones they gave their livestock no longer worked against the bacteria that made animals and humans sick. Humans never stopped viruses at all. Unfortunately, many living creatures in oceans and on land and skies, joined the legions of people who died of mysterious causes in the early 2020s. They called those times the Big Extinction."
"Animals raised in warehouse cages joined humans in " leaving us" to live in other life forms to play on Planet Earth." Calypso Fryer, reminds the group. "It was a mass extinction of humans and the end for many varied life forms." the group was dead silent until Jason spoke out.
" But didn't they just become micro-organisms? So they all had millions of choices there, if you counted viruses." Jason Pau asks. "Many chose the forms most abundant on Planet Earth, and took the form of fungi. These are consious and aware beings, that can appear and disappear in a day, almost anywhere they choose on the planet. What fun!"
The crowd is strangely quiet, considering the amount of mushrooms in their current diet. Becoming a human form again as an option of their current food chain, puts a whole new slant on chow time. "I
"It sounds like all the folks my family lost at the turn of the century may be here with us now, in the mushroom caves. " Toni comments. "That explains the mushroom that looks just like my nona, down in the caves. I swear it winked at me."
The room explodes with laughter and one hoot from the back of the room shows someone knows that story from personal experience.
Toni continues, "The brokers did not seem to care that they made fortunes by buying and then selling these failed shares in oil wells and defunct Ago-industries, for much less than they bought them. They had been using the retirement funds of millions of USA workers to keep these bogus industries afloat. The big investors sold high and the wealthy made even more on these financial tragedies for most working people. They got out in plenty of time before the bottom went out of these industries. No wonder this Planet thinks ventures by humans, are not such a good idea. We seemed oblivious to these ruinous patterns of bad investments and ruined soil and water supplies for far too long."
" Nobody here thinks it's a good idea to do agriculture that way." Calypso reminds her. " Capitalism also used food growing to grow racism, slavery and colonial Control. Do you think that our agriculture here will do that, too? "
" Land use concerns, by the Planet, are well founded." Toni reminds the group. " Agriculture is the basis of environment disasters and social systems like slavery. I can see why countless life forms, on land and sea, are wary. Maybe our agriculture, if we farm here, needs to be urban-limited systems, like growing only in human areas, with water we gather and store ourselves."
" We own no land and no buildings." LeRoy points out. "Other than The Chef growing the culture for his bread mix and Jason Pau's mushroom caves, the only food we are raising is the shellfish and clams in the creeks and the seaweed growing off the coast that we harvest. What more do you suggest? Tomato vines off the Performance Center?"
If we can get the tomatos to agree, maybe" Toni proposes. "The plants have to be part of any ago-agreement or forget it.
"Don't think that meeting last night was the last of the discussion of human agriculture you will hear." The Chef tells Books, as they roll dough for their daily bread, the morning after the Agriculture discussion. "This bunch will have many more sessions before such a proposal is taken to the Small Planet Congress for consideration, even if urban agriculture is all they propose."
"They were talking about tomato plants, not giraffes." Books proposes." It's not like we have to plant a forest for them to feed on. They need pots with dirt, add seeds and water and sun and you get tomatoes."
" You obviously have never grown anything before," the Old Man advises. "or created a society that helps us transform ourselves. That was Freemont's gift to humanity. He never grew a plant in his lifetime but he knew how to live in harmony with all there. He always created systems where people could bond with trust and take care of one another. They were always ways people could find shelter and help, but they were never anyone's tax shelter or an organization that made people feel less able to care for thelselves or for each other. He was a genius in this way. He knew the real purpose of business, art and religion. If a world needs to get on with surviving it can get along without business as long as the art and the religion remain. The business of life needs to be supported by both. No surprise that the Tomato Millionaires created business and finance that saved the Planet."
"I guess any plans to include agroculture, including both wild and domestic animals that must go with it, have to be well thought out to avoid many problems." Books acknowledges.
" In the mean time, you may want to do all the Planting and Harvesting songs you know to show how art and religion are part of human efforts to live in harmony with a Planet. Let Small World get a gander at as many of our good ideas about farming, as possible. You know many songs and stories about all that."
"Many are thousands of years old." Books remarks.
"No harm reminding us moderns of those old ways, too. " The Chef advises. "Some of us may have forgotten just where our tomatoes came from. They were sacred fruit to the Gods in South America before being worshipped by Pizza fans around the world."
" Welcome to our Unsung Hero Celebration. " Coordinator Aimes Worth announces to the crowd of Settlers, gathered on the riverbank. "We are here today to honor the foundation of our farming commuities, our first soil builders, the earthworms.
" This is a worm celebraion?" Books asks She-Bird " I thought we were here to share Planting Songs?"
" Before planting comes the soil." She Bird reminds him. " I will start with the story and you will follow with the songs. "
SheBird invites the group to be seated and stands before them to begin.
" Welcome everyone. This is our long-overdue celebration of the founders of the land-based living systems in our colony. Can anyone guess who that is?"
She is greeting by silence and a faint whispering arises from the group.
" Santa Claus! " that guy at the back of the group calls out and people laugh out loud.
"Good Guess." She-Bird replys. " But pretty far from the truth."
"Selena Kahn, a six year old at the edge of the group stands and speaks out " Earth Worms!"
" Pretty close, kid." She-Bird advises. " But just half a worm." There is more laughter and a low level of surprised murmuring as She-Bird begins the story. " And I am here to tell you how that unsing hero, just half a worm, changed a world."
Once upon a time a half a world of ocean, a world of sea creatures and a sky full of sea birds, a slice of ocean shore and a few miles of rocky, plant covered shoreline travelled to a small planet that was, pretty much a pile of rocks held together by mass and gravity from its parent star and a counsiousness of this Planet as itself. This small world knew itself and appreciated the addition of much more, coming as it did out of a hole in the sky, to land with its life-filled gift that plopped down right in the middle of it. Not all was covered by water, but the waters and the skys above the water came alive with new creatures never seen before. The vast majority of these forms were underwater and along with them came a hunk of seabed of considerable thinkness and a vitality of its own, as a home to plants, animals of all kinds and many places for fish to thrive.
It was a living world down there, under the water surface but under that water was even another world of life. It was in soils and animals that lived underground. Some of these things were big and some were so tiny as to be invisible, Many of these tiny things existed in great numbers as to be a foundation for all the other life in the sea world and for the air and shore above the waters.
Also along for the ride were birds in the skys above the sea and shore. Some of these birds ate worms. There was one bird so surprised at being whisked across the galaxy he dropped the earth worm he was eating and that earth worm fell to land on Small World.
Go Get'um Earth worms!" that guy calls out. "Let's hear it for that half-worm!
Spontaneous applause and cheers comes up from the crowd, mixed with laughter and joy of gratitude from the many people there who know first-hand how much soils depend on the presence of worms. They learned this from the soils of the homelands they knew on Earth.
"So it was this first half a worm, able to regenerate and digest soils, to bring germs and fungi with it to the soils to create living soils where there were just rocks and dust." SheBird explains.
Of course, worms and bacteria, miscroorganizsms from the ocean underground and the ocean and sky creatures helped. They died and their bodies were consumed and became part of the soils under sea and on land. Sea birds and shoreline critters shared the job of spreading sea life and bacteria. Many many generations of worms and thousands of generations of bacteria and fungi worked their way from the web of life in the sea to the web of life on land. All this began from the first half a worm. Then we humans came to join all that is here. Can we make it a more alive place with what we bring here? Can we do better than half a worm?
The crowd is quiet. Thnking about their role in the evolution of Small World. " Let's hear if for the worms and the Settlers!" shouts that guy. Cheers, laughter and a few calls of "Let's Hope!" ring out.
As the crowd quiets, Books steps forward, dressed in the tunic of an Egyptian farmer and is joined by Four Women, carrying baskets of roots and seedlings.
" A reminder of what we do bring to our Planet is contained in human songs that are part of our agriculture." Books calls out. " We are here to plant along the river that goes from mountains to the sea. This song is from Ancient Egypt and was sung when women Planted seeds, when the Nile waters withdrew. Four of our women will sing these songs, sung for generations by women who represent the four directions, North, South, East and West. Hear them now."
The Woman of the South steps forward and sings:
The time has come for Planting
We put seeds in the Earth
We make our prayer to Isis
So she may bless with Bounty
All that we plant here.
The woman of the West steps forward and sings:
Our future here is in your hands
For famine or for plenty.
We make our prayers to Hathor
Our foods grows with Earth's blessing
All that we plant here.
The woman of the North steps forward and sings:
The fertile land below us.
Guide us to use it well.
Ancestors that teach us.
Your guidance we retell.
All that we plant here.
The woman of the East steps forward and sings:
To Ra the light of all Life
To you we make our prayers.
Bring your life to this world
And all that we grow here.
To all that we plant here.
Books turns to the river as the women move behind him. He sings to the plants growing at the water's edge, planted there with the Planet's permission, to stabilize the river banks, the water course that flows through the human settlement to the sea..
Books sings:
Ah, mud that brings us life
Your richness more than gold
The symbols of our land you hold
With you, all can grow.
Papyrus and the Lotus
Our Pharoh and His Queen
Here beside our river.
Making our lands green,
Your Lotus grows in rivers
Your roots we use as food.
Your flowers bring us beauty
And all of you is good.
Papyrus stands beside you.
He holds our written words.
Recording all we we wish to keep.
The knowledge of our world.
Papyrus and the Lotus
Our King and his Queen.
Here beside the River
Our treasures can be seen..
Books steps back and She-Bird Comes to stand with him and speaks:
We tell this story today and share these songs as our human creativity is a part of farming and harvesting, practiced throughout our lives on Earth. We will continue to discuss, among ourselved, those crops and foods we want to plant and harvest. We keep in mind that what we plant will affect this world. We hope it will be a way to share beauty and harmony with all."
"We take these requests to the Planet, for the needed permissions." Books reminds the group, "We ask to extend the planting area along the river for lotus and papyrua and for our medicine plants. The Planet gave us permissions to plant them and for flax to make linen for clothing. All should be done with respect and as a helpful addition to our shared world. "
"Let's get to work! " shouts that guy and they rise to get to planting.
"I thought that went well, today." She-Bird shares with Books, when they return to their quarters at the end of the day. " I wish you could have sung the songs in Egyptian, though. Too bad no one living speaks that ancient language."
" If no one knows a language, why speak it?" Books asks. " What we do know is how their artworks speak to us. I am not sure there are even songs in that old language of the Pharohs. I will ask our Settlers from that part of the world. Maybe children's songs or songs hidden because their sounds have too much power. "
" You may find it in their music, too. Music and language hold knowledge in sounds and the Planet's magic in its tones. " She-Bird replies. "Language is how the People communicate with their Planet, in all places on Earth."
" We must have other ways, though." Books admits. " We are supposed to work with Small World so how do we to know what this Planet wants?
" We know because various parts of the Planet speak to various people in our group. They are chosen as emmisaries." She Bird explains. " A lot of what is here is actually from Earth, so we share a common Planet. Making connection is not that hard for humans and other animals."
Like we represent the interests of the rocks, because they tell us what they want?"
" Not everyone makes those connections.. There are a few rockers. I'm a birder, myself. I was told when I arrived. The birds welcomed me and since I understood them, I got that message."
" Logical and pretty straight forward. " Books admits. " I mean your grandpa and your dad talked to birds, you do, too. What about others? What about the Chef? Bobbie Turner? Ida Mae ? Does everyone here stand in for a part of the Planet?"
The Chef reps the fungi, as he did on Planet Earth. No surprise there." She Bird explains. " Obviously LEB communicates with Whales and dolphines and they pass on messages and concerns for hundreds of species of undersea life."
" What about on land?. Who does those? Who does the trees, the water? Who does the blue fire!" Books asks, his mind racing. "What can I do?" he wonders aloud
" Don't stress about it. The elementals here have been watching you since our arrival. They will let you know if they want your help, to speak for them." She Bird assues Books. " We are meeting about the agriculture proposal soon and I'm sure they will let you know before that process starts."
" What process ?" Books asks.
" We come with our proposal and the word goes out for questions and discussion." She explains. " The various stakeholders, including the Planet itself ask questions through those who speak for them and we all work together for the best answeres, negotiate on modifications to the Plan. That takes daily meetings, until there are no more questions. Then we all vote if we haven't abandoned the project as unworkable and just left things alone."
" Humans giving up and leaving things alone?" Books wonders. " Unheard of in human history. What did they give up on?"
" I wasn't here but I heard that some kids wanted to build a tree house in the forest but the trees thought it was disrespectful and annoying. They did get permission to build earth forts and castles as a play area near the school and plant trees around it, as an alternative." She Bird explains. " Wow. Who or what might I represent in these negotiations?" Books asks. " Think about what speaks to you." She Bird proposes. " That will tell you more than I can." " Find out what speaks to me?" Books asks. " I better start listening a lot better."
Chapter 9 - Did I Say That Out Loud?
"How's your career in Show Business going?" Old Man asks Books as they pop the day's bread bake into the kitchen ovens.
" OK." Books answers hesitantly. " The Birds still seem to love it and literally are flocking to performances. The young humans here, maybe not so much. They say I am too old-fashioned and they want to change traditional songs and dances. "
" Those oldies and goodies were new, once, too. The product of young people when they were first created. No doubt they changed a bit with each new generation." The Chef reminds him. " Everything always changes
" I try my best to perform them as I was taught them, since I am not really a Member of the Group they represent or the originators of the stories and lessons they tell. Just the messenger not the Message." Books reminds The Chef
" So the kids do not feel entirely comfortable with that. How is it working for Humanity with the Planet listening in?"
"It does give an accurate picture of how we lived on Earth." Books admits. " Real truth-telling about wars, religions, vested interests, values and focus on human needs. Not a lot of odes to waterways or rainforests, except from indigenous groups. They did know how to thank and praise a Planet, before we decimated both. Then lots of songs of loss and sorrow, a few war dances invoking the help of the Ancestors and still a lot of birthing songs..."
" Teach those to She-Bird" the Old Man suggests. " I hear she is one of the Mother Mind group, learning from Belly. That Old Lady has been delivering babies here for 20 years and our increasing population demands more guides and Counselors. Doulas they call themselves and for hundreds of generations they have been helping at births. They should all learn those Birthing Songs to help fill the ears of the new arrivals. Birdsong and human birth songs should help new folks stay with us and not move on to other life forms, just yet. "
" I was taught father songs, the ones men sing when the baby comes but She-Bird knows the Mother and the women's songs from many groups. She told me that her Grandmother learned these songs from many groups at the many international restaurants where she worked."
"Food and songs were always a part of her menus" The Chef agreed. "She taught many to SheBird who can teach them to the Mother Mind and the Mother Minders here but who knows how they will change and adapt them on this new Planet?"
" The Birds must help her. " Books admits. "She talks with them all the time and declines to comment when I ask how things are going at the Birthing Center. "
" I am going there tomorrow to talk with the Doulas about their diets." The Chef advises. " I want to remind them what they need to eat more each day to keep having healthy Babies here. Food is super important and sometimes our food choices are limited. This is one of the reasons we need at least some human agriculture here. As our numbers of pregnant women grows, so does our need to nourish them. "
" What do they need that we don't have now?"
" Beans, grains and greens, to supplement protein we can harvest from mushrooms and the foods we can glean from the sea. We need to harvest and to grow, without damaging stress to the ecosystems, but more food will be needed by humans in the near future. Higher protein in some foods can come from stock animals or hunting but that will be a hard sell to some Settlers, let alone this Planet's creatures.." Old Man points out, "Fish help but we cannot overdo that, or the ocean balance for its large mammals is effected."
" No wonder so many birds are laying eggs around the Birthing Center" Books shares." She-Bird brought home enough for an omelette, a couple of times last week. She said the birds gave it to her for the egg she carries. "
" Speaking of Birds." the Old Man reminds Books. " Do you know what part of the Planet you will represent in the negotiations for human agriculture? Has anything spoken to you to take their part in the discussions and the voting? She-Bird will speak for the Birds, I'll be presenting the human position, Jason Pau will be fronting for the fungi. No small job, that, though the soil organisms will be repped by LeRoy Fryer, also no mean task. What do you hear from these days? "
" I am not sure." Books admits. " No clear messages so far. At least none I recognize. "
" Don't worry, kid." Old Man assures him. " You'll get the message,"
"How was your Birth Training today?" Books asks She-Bird. "Belly was always a performance artists, as I recall. Is the Mother Mind entertainment, education or both?"
" I learned the most important lesson Belly has to teach and she was clear about sharing that knowledge. What a great teacher - simple, effective and the Goddess truth. Anyone who sees this film has the key to a healthy birth and a healthy life. She also knows how to tell a joke, The woman could do stand-up. "
" All in one session?" Books asks
"The basics." She-Bird explains. " The rest we need to work out among those currently identified for doula training and maybe a few will train as midwives. But there definitely needs to be as many educated community-members as possible. It takes a they say. We can help with the birth and a brief period afterward. Everyone needs to help with the long-term stuff."
" I know that I know nothing about babies and very little about parenting." Books admits. " Other than ancient naming ceremonies, nothing about being a father. Frankly, I grew up pretty differently than most people so I don't really know too much about being a kid, either. I worry about this at times."
To say Books is scared about She-Bird going through childbirth is like saying the Ocean is a wet thing. The idea of her in labor has him so fearful with concern for her he cannot even speak of it to her. He usually tells her everything. Books is aware he knows nothing about childbirth except that at times, in human past, many women and children died at that time. Maternal child death was one of the leading causes of death for eons, in some parts of the world. Human history of famine, disease and war tells only part of that story but, for a period, at the time of the Message, humans stopped having children, for the most part. Birth of children, at the time the Settlers left there, was a rare occurrence. No one was sure why but Books hopes it is not fear of death stopping them, now.
"So, what did you learn? Is it an immense secret, passed down through many generations of women? Can you share it with me, with a man? What is it?"
She-Bird laughs as she often does when Books says something that he really does not need to worry about. This is often for things he thinks are needed when there is no real need. Sometimes it is his concerns about what he lacks, when she knows he can easily figure out several solutions, if he relaxes and thinks about how to do it best. Books' other option, asking for help from the right source, almost always works for whatever concerns him. He recognizes her laughter and keeps silent, hoping she will be the source of the answers he needs. This turns out to be his best move because what he needs to know is also what she needs to know
" Belly told us that we already know how to give birth. It is not something that can even be stopped, once it starts and that women's bodies know exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it. " She Bird explains. "Belly explained how pregnancy and birth works, what goes on, what goes where and why and how it all works together with a bit of time, patience and support. That's what birth partners are for."
"Is that me?" Books asks, nervously." How do I do it?"
" Belly will meet with dads and birth partners next week, to tell you." She-Bird informs. " She'll teach you all of what we learned and all of what you need to do to help."
"Like what?" Books asks nervously. " I don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies, Miss Scarlet."
She-Bird bursts out laughing, joined by Books and a couple of birds flying by outside their window. She grabs her belly where their child is no doubt laughing along, too. "That probably was not true during the US Civil War when Captive young women were present and supportive at almost all births for both white people and Captives. That young black woman with Miss Scarlett was probably and experienced doula, from childhood. Doula means Woman Slave, in Greek. She knew what to do."
"So, what do I do?"
" Apparently the main job of the father is to not have the mother more worried about him than she is worried about herself." She Bird continues
"How do I do that!" Books asks.
" You already know how to do that by taking good care of me and the kiddo inside me for nine months. The rest you will learn from Belly." SheBird adds. " There will be several doulas there, too. They take care of moms, dads and whomever else is along for the ride when moms give birth."
" Sounds like a party? " Books wonders.
" Think of it that way." SheBird assures him. " We will need music, so bring your flute and maybe a few small instruments, so everyone can play along. I'll be dancin'."
Books left SheBird talking to some birds outside their window. He wanted to catch some fresh air after their conversation about childbirth. He felt better and was hopeful about the information and direction for fathers and birth partners, thinking it over as he left to walk a little as the sun was setting. For the first time since finding out about SheBird's pregnancy, he began to stop fearing it
The sudden roaring of wind and the flocks of birds in flowing flight all around him, singing loudly as the wind danced them in its grasp, caught Books by surprise. The usual quiet of Small World, transformed the air around him to a living mass of sound, movement and power. Books was turned and twirled by the force of it and seemed to become one with sky, along with masses of birds on wing, large and small. They beat the air around him, forming a powerful exhalation of amplified sound. Caught off guard he reacted with leaps into the air, becomes airborne himself, in the power of wind currents but untouched by myriad birds, as he joins them in their movement in air, as one with it.
As suddenly as the winds and birds came, they left Books to the quiet of the evening and the sounds of birds in the trees and buildings, as they sheltered for the night. Books looked upward, to see the stars of the night sky filling the world with lights.
" Message received." Books agrees. "I guess when you stop worrying, stuff happens."
So, Books agrees to speak for the air at the upcoming negotiations, at the Planetary Council Meeting for the expansion of human agriculture on Small World. He knows that he knows nothing, but he does have some idea what he needs to find out and who can help him do that.
" I think we need to start by identifying how human activity has impacted air, since humans arrived." Books tells SheBird as they make their way to the Performance Center for a community meeting.. "What is in air goes into water and soil. It is essential information."
"First, we need to elect a new Mayor, to speak for humanity at the upcoming negotiations." She Bird reminds him. "We're filming the candidates for the job and people will vote this evening. We need a powerful spokesperson to represent us at the Planetary Conference."
Books is helping She-Bird bring her filming equipment to the meeting and realizes this is part of the help she needs, before their child arrives. He also realizes that he can help her to train the Way Scan School kids in videography and sound recording skills, so they can take over, at least for some of this work, after their child is born. Training on the equipment, sound recording skills and then archiving what is filmed, is also a necessary and a growing task. Their future will require trained people to carry on and expand her work.
" The filming of the Childbirth Classes that Belly teaches are just the beginning of an archival record of human tasks." Books reminds her. "There is so much more we need to record and document."
" Don't forget the Father Mind classes, too."
"If we do begin to increase human agriculture here, we will need to record the teachings of other experts in the ways to grow and process foods." Books adds. " People like the Chef, Belly and Ed and so many experienced farmers sharing what they know! We will need to teach many how to use your camera and sound equipment. I can help you train helpers, to fill those needs."
" 'We're only as good as our help' my Dad always said" She Bird observes. " I hope our new Mayor understands that and knows how to include people in planning and process."
" This Mayor's Forum Town Hall should help us figure out who will best do that." Books reminds her. "Howard Beau has done a great job here, for 20 years, he is right. It is time for a mandate vote for new leadership, as we go into a future with or without human agriculture. Both options have their challenges and tonight we will hear how different candidates plan to cope with them. Keep those cameras rolling, She Bird. History will be made here"
Books begins the Mayoral Candidates Town Hall meeting addressing an audience of just about everyone in the Settler community that can walk, run, swim or be carried there. It is a representative view of all human residents and some of their pets, in the audience. Children are there, as a long-standing policy, carried forward by the current Mayor's father, Wilhelm Brightfoot. Wilhelm advised that meetings of any importance should have children of any age present. As all are children at one time or another, as well as one age or another, groups always bring their kids along, as a critical thing to do on Earth and on Small World. The pets mostly come to laugh at the antics of humans but are often instrumental in correct decision making. Between the sounds of kids laughing and playing and pets vocalizing, a creative mix of musical sounds punctuate the audio component of any important human meeting. A room full of anxious, crying babies and children and wailing pets is a pretty clear indicator that topics humans are discussing are on the wrong track. Human people have learned that much, so the kids and the pets are welcome
To support such inclusion Books shares a song and dance from the early 21st Century, to open the meeting, assisted by the Way Scan School kids: The Children' Song
We sing, for Earth The Mother
Her children are her treasures
Her hands are always open
She gives all gifts and Blessings
Earth teaches us her manners
With kindness we proceed
To walk a path of caring
Provide for all in need
All needs can be our guidance
The voice of all creation
Voices raised in harmony
Provide the best solutions.
So speaks to us the Mother
Creator of this land
Speaking in all voices
Of minds that understand
Let us hear all voices
Let us understand.
Let us speak for All
Then we make our plans.
This song is well known to all the humans there, though they may have learned other versions of it in their homelands, on Earth. The Children's Song is usually shared before group decisions or problems are discussed, anywhere on that Globe. Thus focused, People give thoughts, reactions, bring up possible solutions or at least identify what is needed. This makes solutions work well for the most people and for the Planet as is everyone's goal.
So few fights ensue and no wars ever starts, once this practice goes world-wide. In most organizations where decisions are made, the youngest people in the group are the ones who have the final say in what is done. As the youngest, they will be the ones who live the longest with the decisions made at these meetings. Oftentimes, these children and Youth are able to communicate best with the world around them and know good or bad ideas better than older adults. Humans finally accepted these facts and act accordingly
Books calls the meeting to order and asked for Candidates for the next Mayor to come forward to speak to the gathering. The first to speak is Bobbie Turner, a Member of the original Ways Scans group who never misses a thing ans was the eyes and ears of the group. Working with the other Ways Scans, and a variety of social, political and cultural groups, in Mobile, he helped to solve a variety of issues. First, they made sure that adults did not mess things up so badly as to do harm rather than good.. Then Way Scans involved all groups and Bobbie shared points of view, facts and situational imperatives with all sides of the equation, He pointed out what was happening with all groups, to help them find the best solutions for conflicts, community planning, strategies for campaigns, coordination of resources and responsibilities for action.
If I don't learn more from this job about ways to solve problems, " Bobbie told the crowd." I will resign. I may be the eyes and the ears and perhaps the mouthpiece, at times, but you are the heart, brains and creativity. You always teach from your knowledge, your experience and your dreams. It's my job to listen and help your issues become clear to all involved. Then all stakeholders decide."
The next candidate is also a former Way Scans member, Winston Bridges Brightfoot. He is the outgoing Mayor's younger brother and Winston "Bridges" Brightfoot, was the "consilieri" of the Way Scans group, bringing opposing ( sometimes warring) sides together to negotiate. Bridges was the chief negotiator to settle the seemingly endless wars and conflicts in his home area and throughout the USA. He helped settle the world's final war, within the State of Israel - Palestine, with some help from his Sister, Ramona Star Brightfoot.
" We face critical negotiations that call for agreement not just among humans, but which include permission of a Planet. Small World's elements and its various species are in communication with humans and must be considered. Small World's ideas of its own future must also be part of the solution. ." Howard Beau proposes
There is a murmur of surprised concern from the audience, after his last remark. The concept that a Planet must help decide for All, was something never consciously tried in human diplomacy
" Did I say that out loud?" Winston asks. " Well, it needs to be said. This world, like any world, has its own destiny. We may or may not be part of that destiny, but it makes it no less true. We will attempt to work in harmony to expand life here, to grow and thrive, but change that does not destroy and that benefits All must be our goal. Otherwise we best go play our games elsewhere."
There is a smattering of applause and a gentle rumbling of the ground beneath them as Winston leaves the spotlight to return to a seat in the audience.
The third Candidate for Mayor is less known than the others running for office. Her name is Precious Lotus Blossom Hui. She comes from a long line of artists and entertainers and she retains a faded but classic Chinese Beauty, known throughout most nations on Earth for the singing commercials she made when she was in her early 20s. Her singing advised the world on new technology and on green innovations developed in the mid- 21st Century. All needed to be put to use as soon as possible for rapid social and environment change. Her singing let people know such help was available and took decades off the time humans needed to make such change for a world-wide sustainable transformation.
Precious, as her friends called her, bowed respectfully to the audience and began her speech.
"I am far less qualified than these gentlemen with such very special skills." she tells the audience in the still-magical tones, that so caught the world's attention. " If I am elected Mayor they will be part of a trio of leaders: myself, Howard Beau and Bobbie, to see us through this time of change. What we learn from each and what we do with what we know will be through communication to All. That can only be accomplished best by the three of us working together." She ends quietly and bows to all, before returning to a seat in the crowd.
Her speech is followed by thoughtful silence, even from kids and pets.
"There will be a vote by all Settlers tonight at the dinning hall and an announcement of who is elected." Mayor Howard Beau reminds the crowd. " Now go on home and get ready to cast your vote this evening."
Settlers rise and parents call to children, children get their pets and the Planet takes note of the comments from both underground and airborne listeners, asking them to spread the words about their choices for human leaders in the upcoming negotiations.
"We will begin interspecies discussion tomorrow morning." Books reminds those gathered after dinner to review the outcome of the voting. " Tonight you will consult with your human team, to review what they think, tonight. The question: Should human agriculture come to Small World? If so, how should it be managed and supported to be of least problem or concern to humans and to other lives and beings. What are your team's concerns and suggestions? What questions do they need answered? Continue to speak and share information with the Planet, before we meet with the major stakeholders and spokes-species, to hear everyone's input and conclusions, if any. We may get a clear indication from that process or go back to the farm to grow some new ideas and strategies."
The crowd is on its feet and talking among themselves as Books calls after them. " Don't forget to Have fun and Be Kind, everybody. Them's the rules of the Game!"
End of Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - That's Entertainment!
A partial run-down of those Settlers who have reliable communication with aspects and entities on Small World. Some Settlers work on these contacts alone but most band together with others who might specialize in paying attention to similar aspects of life around them. Some groups pick spokespersons, some let each speak one speak to a special aspect or issue, after they have deeply researched, in conjunction with the aspects with which they best communicate.
Just a few of these groups are:
LeRoy Fryer speaks for Soils and is on close terms with most of the land near their settlement, where they plan to begin farming. He has an expert on planting soil fungi, LaMont Saratoga, who trained with Jason Pau, their fungi expert. LeRoy also has a mineral expert, P. T. Olone, who advises on soil make-up and plant communications using mineral crystals. Wanda Dupont is a soil water expert, who speaks to the watershed in their proposed growing area. All take advisement from the tree youth, Armondo Salinas, who has input from the settlement's forested area. involving many aspects of tree abilities. Issues like an increase of rain and how water stored in soil can be best used, as the forest area expands, all need to be considered. Trees can predict the increase of their numbers over time and which bring down more atmospheric moisture as rain. This will help to plan for rainfall, as their forest grows or if other tree crops are added as agroforestry food sources.
Jason Pau has only a few people on this team, focused on above-ground fungi species which are now raised in the caves. His son, Curious One ll, helps Jason read what is told in the ancient Chinese book on fungi, brought with them from Earth. The Lama drops in, from time to time, to help sort out the Ancient Chinese language that describes the thousands of fungi opinions. These collaborations are heard by humans and fungi who help decide whether or not fungi they should leave the caves and establish themselves around the Planet. above ground, as they did on Earth. Some species would rather remain beneath the soil, some in caves and some want a Planet-wide presence.
Many fungi miss humans and the appreciation humans have for them that comes from medicine and in cooking. Among the many other vital fungi/human interactions, these impacts span many generations of human and fungi. Most fungi live and breathe without any human contact at all. Resolving these varied points of view is daunting, especially since fungi came aboard Small World when the Oceans and first sea birds and sea animals arrived. They continue to evolve with the Planet and all are powerful forces there
Fungi could have taken on and destroyed the puny, newly-arrived Humans any time they decided to do so. The Fungal jury is still out on that option but the Children's Song does give them pause to reconsider whether this "final solution" is needed. So far human presence is just entertainment to most Fungi on Small World.
Walter Van Dee is fully immersed in the group representing Water, with rainfall, snow, freshwater ponds and rivers, brackish swamp lands and marshes, spoken for with others in his group. LEB communicates with deep sea creatures and animals of the Ocean floor. Many of these lives also work with humans who have special relationships with sea plants, like kelp and coral reef animals. The coastlines North and South of the human settlement have vastly complex sea and bird life that most Settlers never see. LEB requested fact-finding in these areas, both for under water and shoreline area and whales and dolphins help tremendously, with this input gleaned from myriads of land and sea entities and creatures.
tures. Sea cliffs have a lot to say and are nervous about human uses of sand, a component of the materials used for building human structures. Sand, clay and sea mosses mix with a species of fungi, form the materials for human homes and buildings. If the human population grows, many wonder how this would impact essential supplies of these materials? Sea Caves, where thousands of sea birds take shelter, are concerned about the guano deposited by generations of sea birds, nesting and taking shelter in the caves at night. Rumors about human wars over guano, once used as fertilizer for human crops on Earth, reach birds and then caves, through various listening sessions at the Way Scan School. Human history is taught there and lectures are well-attended by more than humans. Birds and earthworms, are ever present and hear it all and are rightly concerned about the past violent displacements and wars on Earth, over bird poop. Small World Settlers had not yet discovered these caves but would likely do so in the future.
After his clear message from Air, Books happily realizes that She-Bird is in his group. Her ability to speak with Birds allows their group to survey air quality, to gauge current human habitation's impact on the Planet's air. Birds help them compare air quality at different altitudes and varied distances from human settlements. They found significant pollution from human buildings, activity, human breathing and the Settlement's lighting systems, at night.
Birds gave them readings from different altitudes as well as at ground level.
Other bird fact-finders, the sea birds, reported on the movements of flocks of birds and on schools of fish in the oceans. Fish often flocked like birds do and also migrate. Way Scan School kids, made migration maps of species on land and undersea animals for fish and mammals. This helped fill in the blanks on what lived where and when they were found there. All species impact air and water quality. This helped make the case for expansion of human activity, as all lives have their impact, humans and humpbacked whales included
The Planet itself has some things to ask humans and Toni Leonardo, and her group kept in touch through the ground beneath their human feats. The impacts of their Settlement and forests, changes to the river near their village and the impact of waterways is researched and shared with the Planet. The human use of Blue Fire and how it impacts land stability and electromagnetic balance is also reviewed. . Presenting these changes as positive is the goal of Toni's group. What comes next in human change, would be discussed in terms of several choices that could meet both human and other species' needs.
" The Planet knows we are trying not to wreck the place." Toni tells the Settlers and other species gathered at the opening of the meeting of the Planet Council. "We are trying not to harm but we are changing things. How our actions have made changes for others needs to be reviewed, so no harm results from human activity. Keep in mind the Planet has enjoyed watching us do things. Apparently, as on Earth, we are a highly entertaining species."
Surprised laughter from the crowd is followed by silence as Toni reminds them, "This Planet knows the bad with the good, from observing us for 20 years and from learning a lot about human history. Our bad was often disastrous, with long-term results we would like to now avoid. Fortunately, humans have learned many ways to not repeat those human ways. We hope! "
The Planet and the humans share nervous laughter, as Toni turns the meeting over to the next speakers, the trio of newly elected Co-Mayors.
"Let's have a brief look at what humans have done here, so far." Winston Bridges Brightfoot, one of the Tri-Mayor-elect suggests, diplomatically. " A review of changes made and their impacts, helps us know what to do or NOT to do next."
It should be noted that having three Mayors elected to serve as Community leaders is pleasing to the Planet. These changes in human leadership promise stable and varied leaders to provide several points of view to help influence what happens. This is much like the Planet's own systems of balance, through varied inputs of a number of views, strategies, abilities of varied players. Small World always uses such systems for environment change and evolution of habitats, species and climate. The influence of varied forces are always at play, with or without humans involved.
"First, we worked with the land and earthworms to expand a stable cave system to grow human food, mushrooms and fungi." Mayor- Elect 2, Bobbie Turner reviews. "From this project we learned to mix various materials for housing and human structures and worked perfecting our water filtration and sanitation systems for clean water. The land we took for rerouting the river was not harmed, as we made changes to the river banks to slow water run-off and reduce water pollution from soil erosion. These both helped ocean environments and coastal stability and allowed us to increase the areas of marshes, marsh grasses and habitat for ocean crustaceans and brackish water fish and shellfish along the waterways . More food for people, seabirds and shore birds and more stable water flow, between land and seas, for water quality. You're welcome salmon and trout."
"With your permission we then planted trees." Mayor 1, Precious Lotus Blossom, adds. " You agreed to that for flood management and watershed management. Trees on land were a wise move. With the help of the kelp forests underwater, you saw our need for tree forests on land. Fortunately, we now have a mixed-use forest that can continue to help with both water and wind management and does contribute significantly to the human food systems we are here to discuss."
"Expansion of food production on land can be increased, depending on how that food is grown." Winston Bridges, Mayor 3, reminds all. "We can also use the Blue Fire that arises from magnetic changes within your planet's core. This change may be more helpful to the Planet than anything else we do. It helps assure the stability of your continents and land masses. We may ask to use more of this energy source to process the foods we grow."
" Please count these services to your Planet as a small offset for the clays and other soils and fungi we extracted, and the roles that minerals and crystals play in our brick-making formulas, helping us create stable buildings." Precious added. "We all give credit to all elements and all aspects and resources that advised us as we built our homes and community Centers. This allows us to live and thrive on your world."
"Let's have a round of applause for interspecies and inter- element cooperation for sustainable change!" Mayor 3 proposes.
A cheer goes up from humans, birds sing and a rumble of vibrations from the Planet seems to give credit where due.
" We built on your lands. We planted and seeded the riverbanks, we planted trees and all of these changes were done with your help. For this we give you thanks and praise and we celebrate how Small World is thriving." Winston adds.
" Because of this cooperation. we expect the human population to grow." Precious reminds All. "To support such an increase in our numbers with healthy foods, in a variety of nutritional forms, we need to consider agriculture,
" Fortunately," Mayor 1, Bobbie Turners notes, " we have come up with several ways that worked well on Earth, to grow the most food, in the greatest variety, with the least impact on water use or pollution from food waste, to discuss with all here. Together, we will review what goes right and what might go wrong. With our combined minds we hope to prevent past harms to other living systems. We did so on Earth and hope to do so, again."
"Here to explain choices we need to discuss is a man we all know as the one who can fix whatever is broke, Ed Pedersen ." Bobbie adds.
The 3 Mayors withdraw as Ed Pedersen begins the current negotiation choices for their project. The choices he presents involve human agriculture, both ancient and modern, in forms refined by several generations of farmers represented on Small World. These are Farmers who have used these methods on earth, know their strengths and weaknesses and promise a plant-based human diet that meets the needs of their group and generally improves the places where such crops are grown.
Small World knows of Ed Pedersen from countless stories told among the Settlers, of his abilities to bring together solutions that always involve using materials at hand, as a foundation to spark innovation and inspire the creativity of those around him.
Ed began his handiwork in Neighborhood 7 District 7, shortly before the Message is heard, in the then, poorest-resourced neighborhood in the City of Mobile. Ed was smart enough to involve neighbors from around the world to design residential and commercial systems that revolutionized urban living. Ed and his spouse, Belly, saw 7&7's transformation into a model for sustainable, urban ingenuity, using methods gleaned from countless cultures and generations of humans who had little, but did much.
Ed was also groundskeeper of the Mobile Way Scans School, Master Gardener of the neighborhood 7&7 community garden and rebuilt the old carriage house on the Bidewell Estate to create the first Way Scans school. The schoolroom became the inspiration for international, intergenerational learning, world-wide. It is now universal, as the first human school on another Planet, to teach children and adults how to live in a Neighborhood that transforms and inspires positive change in people and place.
"We're here to take a look at three different options for growing human food." Ed explains. "Some will be very familiar to you and some will not, but all worked well on Planet Earth, to allow humans to thrive. This will help us decide on the choices for how such goals might be achieved, and to identify what problems may arise for other species here, if we make such a choice or choices. We don't have to pick which one is best but we should try to pick which one is best for the most of creation. Since we are the least of creation here, we really need the assistance of All to make sure your needs come first. Fortunately, we are assisted by spokes-persons from many groups. These will work with All on Small World to find the best ways."
Ed proceeded to explain three of the choices that Settlers believed would both give them the foods they need and could be easily expanded to grow more, as their population increases, with the least disruption of other life forms..
"You got your raised bed systems." Ed shares. "This confines a mixture of different plants within the confines of a planting bed that is filled with soil and organic matter but open at the bottom to allow water to move through it and soil organisms and earth worms to come in as the plant and tree roots to reach down into the Planet. This is the most controlled water use by a restricted by drip irrigation and from water we gather when it rains. There is usually very minimal soil erosion from such systems and the soil improves with the use of plant waste and compost made from plant waste."
There is a murmur of discussion to show support for such a system.
" Then you got your hydroponic systems. " Ed continues." They use a lot of energy and some water but essentially have very little interaction with the world outside their growing systems. We feed them with specific nutrients mixed with water, for each type of plant. The water provides them with their food. There is little additional water used once the growing systems are primed with the chemicals. Light from artificial lighting systems grows perfect plants very quickly. Each kind of plant is grown only with its own kind and there will be little to no interaction with other species or ecosystems outside the grow units." Ed advises.
There is a murmur of concern from the Settlers as every bird at the meeting, listening to the human presentation, rises up and flies away, circling the meeting below with angry music of their cries and noisy protest
" Not my first choice, either." Ed comments, looking up at the angry flocks.
"Then there's a method that uses wood chips, which we fortunately have on hand, thanks to the forest. Tree bark, limbs that fall and wood from dying and decomposing trees always allowed natural forests to thrive, in Earth's past. A guy smart enough to ask for help for his garden, took a page from the forest's success and started to use tree waste in layers. in his garden. He discovered many ways to allow trees and soils to help him grow food. We can discuss details of how this works." Ed finishes.
Many birds return to the tall tree and a number of Settlers stand to applaud, showing their support for this last method.
"That walk-out by the birds was pretty spectacular." Old Man voices to Books, as they head for the Father-Mind meeting at the Birthing Center, after the Planet Congress finishes for that day.
" More of a fly-out, but very entertaining." Books notes. "I think She-Bird almost went with them. She said that birds want to have more interactions with humans, not less. Maybe they are hoping for a change in diet, too. They used to eat a good portion of most gardens."
"I think the hydroponics must have been a man's idea. It is the most masculine way to control a completely feminine process of growing food. A seed is planted and grows to produce more seeds with a bit of help from pollen. That's the guy part but the rest is pure Mother Nature." Books admits. " A hydroponic system is science but that's man-made growth. That's entertainment for science guys."
" Let's talk with the Fathers about it, at our meeting. Maybe the women around here, human or otherwise, need to have the most say in what happens, for both childbirth and agriculture." the Chef suggests.
" The Old Bachelor and father of none, is getting the picture." Belly advises, as she approaches the Fathers, who are gathered to learn ways to support healthy mothers, childbirth and families. " I also want to get your input, Chef. Pregnant women and young children need certain kinds of foods. How can we get them on the menu if we can grow more food and what we grow is as important as how we grow it. We need to remind fathers to let Small World know what and why we need to get that growing. Men in agro made the biggest problems on Earth and our Fathers need to advocate for what supports people and Planet, first, not just Human people, either."
" Tell us about it." Books suggests. " Some changes may be needed to educate our men before we educate the Planet."
The group working with plants and seeds the Settlers brought with them from Earth is meeting to see what the Earth Plants want to do on Small World.
"What should be grown first should depend on these seeds, shoots and DNA input from the hybrids." voiced Settler Leticia Stubs Mathai. "They need to want to grow here and give permission to be planted and consumed.".
Leticia refers to plant seeds brought with the Settlers when they came and stored carefully on Small World, to both get used to the place and to be viable and available if Settler Humans want to Plant them.
"Of course we need these Plant's permission first." Knowland Luigi, one of the original Way Scan School kids who came with the original group of Settlers, twenty years ago, tells the other humans on the Seed and Plant Communications Team. "No forcing plants into subservience to human needs. All must be willing participants to be considered by the Planet and all on it. Too much invluntary use of plants happened for too long on Earth. How could any Plant ever agree to burn a rainforest to plant food for cows?"
" Many plants do want to be considered, though." Jerome Musani, one of the current Way Scan School kids, spoke up. "For some reason tree crops seem to be particularly eager to grow again. Maybe because our forest does so well."
There were several Way Scan School kids, born on Small World, to help the Adults in their groups. These Children quickly show aptitude in communicating with the Planet and help in each group, as they get ready for the meeting of Settlers and Small World emissaries. The kids have started preliminary contacts and have feedback and share findings and questions that aspects have, which need to be answered or issues resolved before the formal discussions with adults begin
" The Planet has already approved our newest request to allow us to expand our forest. They want its help with water production, water management and air quality." Knowland reminds their group.
They are meeting among the trees in the forested area, so the trees can hear their discussion and contribute opinions, voiced through the tree-speakers among them.
"We could focus on other tree crops as part of our proposal." Knowland agrees.
" The Three Sisters, corn, beans and squash, are also advocating for no till options to grow together." Wanda Prado, interjected. " They have been part of human agriculture for so long they would strongly object to being mono-cropped in any way, ever again. No need for inputs except which kind of compost we can produce from plant waste and trees. Any objections from those plant seeds that anyone knows about?" she asks.
" I'd love The Chef's input on the range of foods he could add to his menus, that his cook trainees can handle and what tree crops he would like to include. There are thousands of trees commonly grown for fruits and nuts and we have seeds for many of them. Do they object to growing here? " asks Mumbi Wawinda, dreaming of the mangoes she ate as a child.
Don't forget the greens that would help us, too?" interjects T.J. Wheelright. "Our current food supply has everything we need nutritionally but tends to be fungi or kelp products. The foods you just mention would add some color and spice to the mix.
The youngest member of their group, Ann Marie Patel, a kindergarten student at the Way Scan School who talks more to the classroom plants than she does to any of the other students and teachers, asks the question. " Why don't we let Small World and the Plants that want to grow here talk about it and decide?".
The adults in the group are struck dumb by the simplicity of her statement and the younger humans involved just nod their heads in agreement.
"Humans need to tell the Planet what we need but so do the Plants." Fred Mendoza proposes. " Some plants may help the Planet more but be useless to us. Our group may not be interested in doing work that's just for the benefit of Plants."
" Baby steps." Ann Marie reminds the group." That's what my mom told me and so does Small World."
" Ann Marie is right." Fred agrees. "We need to identify our best choices, say why we choose or need them and then listen to questions the Planet has and if problems or disturbance comes from our choices. The Planet can discuss the choices with the Plants, through us, to decide what will work best for All."
" Let's begin with options for tree crops and for garden plantings for food, and includes plants for plant-based fabrics for clothes."
" We focus on plants that want to live among us and that provide what we need. Let's share what we have found out from our nutrition and food experts, to make a list to begin." Knowland Luigi proposes.
"Women around the world were almost always in charge of clean water supply and use of water in agriculture and health." Belly tells the group working on Water Communicators.
They hope to identify what might complicate making changes they want in their food supply. Large amounts of water to grow or process foods needs to be considered as well as the needs of their expanding population and expansion of land areas used for human foods and medicines. " What will stand in the way of what we want and need to do to assure water quality?" Belly asks the group
" There are options for growing almost anything inside human structures." Maranda Canidas reminds the group. Miranda is the horticulturist at the Way Scans School and runs the hydroponic units and a few greenhouses they salvaged and built from the materials the settlers brought with them. She is an expert on water use for plants grown in human buildings
" Light and temperature needs in the growing structures are met by many clear crystals who volunteered to act as part of the window systems. " Maranda explains." They help moderate the temperature and bathe the many plants in rainbows of light that plants love."
The comings and goings of humans and their interactions with the plants at the school tell invaluable stories to Small World about human interactions with the Plant world. The crystals alone pass on this information to Small World about a wide variety of topics. Particularly important is the use of water in agriculture, for indoor growing projects and what happens to wastewater from the school.
" There is no doubt that plants filter and purify water, hold soils with their roots to stop soil erosion and can enrich soil with every growth season to make new soil. Both water and soil should like plants a lot." Maranda advises the water group. "Has anyone heard any complaints about our plants, from any part of Small World waterways, in particular.?"
" The Ocean is not happy about the increase in rainfall since the forest has grown and expanded." Karen Chou voices. " Trees mean more water from ground to sky and that means higher levels of water vapor that make more clouds and rain. "
"Can we use that extra water in our human systems for agriculture or industry." Ramona Marcheski asks. "Making paper and the fabrics we need, not to mention dying it, takes a lot of water. Unless we plan to go naked here, we had best start making some fabrics we can use for our population, especially for winter
" Fashion is fun, too." Sara Owino comments. " My friends and I have been using fabric scraps from old clothing for most of our lives but even those scraps are getting scarce. We need some fab, fabrics to make new work clothes, for starters."
" I would hate to have a fashion emergency that calls on us using our treasured, traditional costumes for fabric." Carolyn Gardeau added. "They are part of our history and are important to our future art. Clothing was our first art form and should not be our last."
There are murmurs of concerned support from the group and the Members are tasked to figure out ways to use water for human needs, including needed industry, so an expansion of tree agriculture will not change the volume of the flow of water into the ocean at the mouth of their river. "If it's a problem make it part of a solution." Karen advises.
End of Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Penny from Heaven
Some came to see and speak with Big Penny, when she visited their area because she was their first encounter with someone from outer space. Most came to hear how relatives and friends were doing on Small World. Penny knew that everyone on Small World would want to know how things were going on Earth, and those they left behind, so the curiosity was mutual.
The situation on Earth, with few children being born and increasing numbers of elders"leaving us" to move on to other life forms there, or elsewhere, did not surprise Penny much. The Seven Beans that came to play on the Planet they named Earth were still playing there. A surprising number had become otters, whose lives at sea and in rivers appeared to be quite popular at the time she began her travels. When Penny learned more about their lifestyle on both land and water, floating around, playing and eating delicious and abundant shellfish, it made sense. They were a very kind species and having fun seemed to be their principal occupation. Rumor has it they also tell a lot of great jokes that get both dolphins and whales laughing, though crabs rarely get them.
As Penny flies over the USA landscape in the Aircar she finds that much of the land below her has returned to the wild. Many cities, such as Mobile, are virtually empty with a few high-rise buildings, usually ones critical to the on-going United Nations Food, Fuel and Tools program, are still run by the IFC out of the Big Ear of Corn Building. It stands out of the sea of green that now carpets the City. The International Food and Fuel Exchange, operating there, uses small aircars to access their offices from the roof garden.
Penny takes several Earth months to move about the Planet, but sees change is happening rapidly there with most agroindustry gone and small clusters of farms and small scale industries the principle, regional food centers.
Many Indigenous communities appear to be growing in human inhabitants, through use of their skills to live and work with natural systems. These systems provide all that is needed by people ( of all species) and Planet, for all to thrive. Communication with the world of nature has never been lost to these groups and is an active part of their DNA heritage, in both their home areas and Planet-wide.
Other groups, once in control of everything, had finally let them lead all human activities, with land-back movements that call on this knowledge and experience needed to save both humans and other species and allows better adaptation to the natural changes that Planet Earth wishes to make as part of its own evolution.
Much of this is explained to Penny when she visits the Hopi People near Window Rock, One of the Planet's best windows to communicate and understand Planet speak, still used by InDios humans to do so.
"When I left Small World we were about to ask the Planet and other creatures there to let us begin agriculture." Penny explains to the woman Gardener she finds tending gardens near a Spring in the shelter of a cliffside that shields the crops from full sun at the hottest part of the day. Penny notes that the " three sisters", corn, beans and squash, are there, with herbal plants thriving at the edge of a spring, protecting its banks.
" We proposed the Three Sisters as self-supporting systems for our food needs and soil improvement that has worked here for countless generations. " Penny shares.
" This garden is not for food." the Gardener explains. " This is for ceremony to honor these ancestors for their endless help and for healing. Now these Plants grow wherever they wish and usually together. We gather our food and still do some harvesting of those plants and animals who chose to offer their lives to us, for our survival. Our ceremonies are an exchange of energy for nutrients and we still engage with them."
Though similar exchanges of support actually have kept the people of Small World alive through several generations of Settlers, Penny is astonished to hear that agriculture, as a source of food honored by the Hopi for thousands of years, is not, now, a principle means of feeding their population. Apparently now the Planet provides a number of other resources that benefit both humans and other species, as well as the Planet itself. This helps control the numbers of some animals that would upset the balance of food and water, without these controls.
Penny saw the Hopi villages, as she moved over the land, noting that they house and shelter a great number of humans, a much larger population than exists on Small World. She realizes that grouping people in small communities, rather than large cities, might be key to allowing the interchange between humans and Planet to provide All needs to thrive.
When Penny realizes that the debate about agriculture on Small World would benefit greatly if humans there knew about this Hopi system of energy exchange, and a focus on honoring all Species to play an active part in such a system, it might be a game changer for the Settlers. Such a Game worked well in all natural systems, even in such seemingly inhospitable environments as the Southwest desert. Penny thinks such systems work well beneath the Small World seas. She also knows that Books Wunder and many Settlers know ceremonies and prayers that allow communication and energy exchange for the benefit of All. She is hopeful that they might go the Hopi way.
" The bounty of this Earth is great." the Gardener shares with Penny. "Humans always tend to underestimate a Planet's understanding, wisdom and generosity. Some think we must provide everything ourselves, never asking for help.".
" So true." Penny agrees." Thank you for sharing. Small World has actually supported us with a bounty of resources, for decades, and it may be our human fear that is limiting our acceptance of All that helps."
" Replace fear with gratitude." the Gardener suggests. "There are many ways to do that and you can find more examples of this in your travels. Share them with your Brothers and Sisters on Small World so we do not make mistakes there that we made here. "
Penny admits. " Going back allows me to share what I learn here, as their decisions are made by All and will determine what we do there. It can also determine what is done for us."
" Let the Planet teach you." suggests the Gardener. " You cannot be too late or too early, as there is no such thing as time. You will always be exactly where and when you need to be. In the meantime, have fun and be kind. That is the Universal Law on both Earth and Small World. Humans finally realized that." the Gardener recalls. " The Big Cats brought that knowledge to us, in modern times, when they came down from the Mountaintops and out of the Jungles and deserts, after the Message."
"Word has it that a human Tiger Country Woman, Alberta Jackson, wrote the rules of the Game, right after the Message, and guided our species to change for the better." Penny recalls.
"Changes here allow Tigers and Big Cats to thrive again in all parts of the world." the Gardener shares. "Tiger Country still lives but without humans. They are taking no chances this time around."
" I will visit India." Penny promises. " I want to see Tiger Country healed, even if only from the air. "
" Check with Tigers and Big Cats, in all parts of the world, though." the Gardener suggests. "They return to areas throughout this Planet, where they once thrived. Mountain Lions do visit us here and have opinions on whether other land animal species may want to go to Small World. They may wish to join their many underwater and airborne brothers and sisters.
" Will do. Creatures from here must be willing to leave/" Penny promises. " None would be forced to go there."
Penny takes off, headed to visit the People of the North, experts on hunting and gathering from their environment on both land and Ocean shores. She wonders if their experience with horses, an important part of life for many generations, is still active as she passes over the grasslands of Mongolia. Her questions are answered as she sees below her the vast Asian prairies dotted with large Mammals, horses, bison and sheep, migrating in herds, below her.
The herds of wild horses, running across the plains below, their whinnies call out to her and remind Penny of the the schools of dolphins on Small World. They come to surround and speak to humans on any boats the Settlers use to travel offshore. LEB often took her out to sea when he went to communicate with these dolphin cousins and with the sea birds that never come ashore. The visits in boats give him a more complete picture of life in and above the Water World.
" Don't fence me In." LEB translates for her. " The Dolphins wish to go everywhere they can on this world."
Penny is sure the horses below her feel the same way. It seems a mistake to consider putting them behind wagons or carriages for humans, instead of running free. As she heads North across vast forests and mountains, into arctic zones, agriculture, of the kind practiced in the lower 48 states is not successful. Even after global warming changes the temperatures there, she sees no farms. Penny notes with interest that groups that harvest the waters and have herds of animals like reindeer still live by following the herds of animals and can be seen fishing. The numbers of humans she sees are small and she will try to find out if they thrive in the far North or perish with the changes. She knows that humans in that part of Planet Earth lived there for many generations, before the Message, but may have been greatly impacted with the warming of the Planet from climate change. In this
case, the Planet is changed and humans are required to adapt and change with it. Did they do so and if so, what changes are made? Penny wants to know.
Small Penny spends a lot of time with the Communicator, as she calls LEB, often acting as a Messenger to deliver his reports from the Water Worlds to the Settlers. He tells about the deliberations of animals, plants, coastal areas and sky zones, the changes in weather patterns and the birds' view of fish migrations. Penny updates the groups of Settlers engaged in proposals to modify both fresh and salt water environments, at the center of much of their planning. The trees they were given permission to plant use water, controlling floods and at the same time help to increased rainfall and enable distribution of more water underground, throughout the Planet. There root systems, alive with fungi and minerals communicate with
each other and the trees. Plants' ability to stop soil erosion along rivers and coastlines is a "big sell" in the world of water and measures to help stabilize coastlines are heavily supported by many water species, both on land-based waterways and in undersea realms.
Whether these plans involve human food or not is of secondary importance to the coastal landmass. It does however, matter to undersea food sources such as kelp and seaweed. These plants still recall how both land and sea pollution affected their ability to thrive on Earth, depriving myriad sea species of habitat, and food sources. If anything, these underwater forests hope to spread to many more coastal areas on Small World and hope that Humans can use them for food and in making many of their products, like medicines and fiber, and as fertilizers for other land crops, as did their Earth ancestors. The plants are growing to like the idea of more plants, in more places on Small World.
" Less wars when plants are fertilizer instead of bird guano." the Kelp fields remind the Small World emissaries.
"Keep kelp in the picture of positive change." the Coastal Zones suggest. "They also help with higher oxygen levels than land trees and most other plants, which would allow land and sea creatures, big or small, more breathable air. Plants like kelp help this Planet to breathe easy"
"Other land creatures?" Small World responds, slightly startled at the prospect. "
I have heard rumors about another species called "chickens" from our observations of human discussions at the Way Scan School." Small World admits. "I thought these were pets the children kept for their amusement."
"Not so." Water Essence reports. "Humans had huge industries to raise these chicken creatures for food. They seriously polluted waterways and soils wherever they were sited.."
"Alarming." admits Small World, knowing that Water penetrates all parts of the Planet, from mountain rivers to the seas. Water even weathers its way into solid rock, which eventually make up the world of crystals and minerals. Pollution spreading throughout soils across the planet might interfere with communication, magnetic balance and really stink up the place. Water that is pure and unpolluted is essential to all life underground and undersea,
Elementally, these mineral crystals also form an important part of the underground network of fungal communications that is spreading throughout the Planet's land-based soils. The fungi is originally from the land's seafloor that came with the waters and the many life-forms from Earth. Water learned from fungi about effects that human agriculture had on Earth, hearing about it in the Way Scan School discussions about agriculture. It was
clear that Water should never be underestimated for its impact on many aspects of the environment.
The reports also tell how lands and soils are changing due to movement of water from mountains, where snow packs are gradually building glaciers, as year-round Ice formations, due to increased rain and snow from expanded tree cover. There is discussion of changes to soil temperature, in the fungi world, due to this ice build-up. Human modifications of soil cover, using tree buffers and forest-floor cover built up through the years since trees were planted, is also being heavily debated in the fungal world. Mushrooms are still a critical part of the human diet on Small World, so no one wants the fungal world unhappy about human plans or their plans to expand food sources. Water temperature and the spread of fungi that can support plant growth and survival are topics that are heavily reported and debated. The Planet takes note.
Discussions and deliberations in the Water World, the realm of undersea plants and animals, is vastly important and Small Penny must visit LEB daily for updates. She goes after school and, after a short discussion, takes his computerized summary of the Water World Report to her father. LeRoy shares it with all other groups that work on the human plan for food production, for a growing human population. Penny's career as a diplomat starts here and continues when she returns to Earth to see what is happening there since the Settlers left their home Planet
LEB uses his ears and eyes to report on the water world. His ability to hear and understand the reports of fish and other sea creatures are unique in human evolution and are renewed with each generation, in order to maintain and build on such skills. LEB's Uncle, Bobby Rae Vandee, used his skills and honed them listening to the Earth's Music. Bobby Rae had help from LEB to identify the right frequency in order to use the energy of dark matter as the power source for the Settler trip, through time and space, to Small World. Now. LEB, he uses those gifts to listen to the water world and report back to others.
As with Penny, as she guides Settlers and the Air Car through time and space to other worlds, as a child and as an adult, her gift as a navigator must be preserved. Many Settlers are happy that Penny and LEB became friends as they grow and many hope they are able to produce a child that might inherit both their skills, to listen and to lead, perhaps to other worlds or to return to Earth, from time to time.
Books Wunder tells tales of many worlds beyond Small World, as a part of the heritage and stories of Earth People. The children born on Small World seem to show the best aspects of their family gifts and blessings. There is an idea, not often voiced or discussed, that Small World may not be the last human home where Earth folks settle.
Meetings that involve song, dance and cultural sharing, are held at the Performance Center, led nightly by Books Wunder. Jr. They provide great places to share history and cultural wisdom and often involve ceremonial practices, along with updates of the reports from the water world and all land-based and sky-based issues. Communications from Human groups, representing the committees formed to communicate with the Planet, share
here and allow discussion on various topics, for feedback from the group at large. "Apparently, chickens are all but off the list of human interventions for increasing the supply of food." LeRoy Fryer shares with the group, showing his obvious disappointment. " Our human history of factory farms has nixed this option."
" Doesn't the Planet know we would never make that mistake again?" Co-Mayor Bobbie Turner asks.
A loud squawking of the Parrot that always travels with the Way Scan School kids, draws the attention of the group. "I'm the Watcher", the Parrot sounds. "I don't miss a thing" " The Watcher let the Planet know that we won't make that mistake again and that chickens help loosen the soil and fertilize it with their poop." says Ripley Bunderwise, the Watcher's Caretaker at the meeting and a third grader at the Way Scan School. Ripley knows
what chickens can do from their classes about plants.
"There is a spy among us who should be reporting on how well humans have learned to compromise, not on past mistakes". LeRoy notes, eyeing the Watcher who is in flight above the Settlers.. "We stopped operating factory farms of all kinds in 2025. All foul were returned to the ways chickens and ducks help on small and medium size farms. Report on that, Watcher!"
The bird took flight but not before a rumble of discontent and concern rose from the Settlers began to quiet. Many wonder how to replace such helpful animals on farms and tables. Many fear that cows would be banned, too.
" There goes your dream of a fried chicken dinner, LeRoy." the voice of Toni Leonardo breaks the grumbling into laughter. "You could try it with Parrot, instead of chicken." Laughter increases as LeRoy replies, " No thanks. That bird must be 200 years old. Too tough for me."
The group returns to discussion of the role of animal herds in human history, focusing on farming and other practices that never slaughtered other animals involved, such as the Hindu protection of sacred cows. There are many songs and stories about partnerships of birds and animals to support humans and plants. Books also tells about humans who become other animals and other animals becoming human. Stories are shared about Buffalo who guide humans to their herd locations for humans to survive by hunting them. Stories of giraffes and antelope turning into women to help first humans to survive, are shared. Help like this between species is common in human history. There are also songs and stories of the ways that animal
life and death is honored, in ceremonies and reports of rare events when death is the animal's choice, to support another species or a Planet's survival.
"Most of this was long before humans used money to determine the worth of life. We knew about how to help another species." Books reminds the group. "But, perhaps this was common in our million years of human history, as hunters and gatherers, before we domesticated other animals and even some humans for personal survival and for profit. A look back can teach us something now and it may not be something new." With that, the evening session ends and Books and SheBird head home. Books is carrying her equipment, assisted by her trainees, some of the older Way Scan School students. As they leave the performance center, one of the students asks, "What does chicken taste like?
"Just like Chicken Delicious Mushrooms?" Rawanda Farbre, the best cook at the Way Scan School proposes. She has never tasted actual animal chicken before, having been born on Small World. Contented sighs of satisfaction arise from the students as they recall Chicken Mushroom Stew. She-Bird elbows Books to keep him from commenting on any differences.
"That's right, and mushrooms are better nutritionally than chicken." She- Bird adds.
"With the added benefit of never having been served at a political fundraiser." Books adds. " All that politicking for money stopped in 2026 when people running for office took only public support. They had equal media coverage for their campaigns. Chickens were as happy about that as were humans."
"What's a political campaign?" Rawanda asks.
"Review the footage of our discussions about chickens" SheBird advises her students. "When people need to vote on anything, you have campaigns for different choices involved to sway their votes. You are in the middle of a campaign right now."
"Why does it look like Las Vegas, Nevada here?" Big Penny asks, as she stands atop a sleek skyscraper and looks out on a vibrant, Alaskan cityscape, with elevated trains carrying citizens from one part of the town to another and covered walkways busy with people moving between buildings.
"Las Vegas looks nothing like this now." Pepe 'Jamaica' Wolfgang, Sky City Mayor, responds to her question. "Vegas has no reason to anchor their buildings to rock shelves dozens of feet beneath a melting permafrost, to keep folks out of the muck and the dead Caribou. We needed to condense our city spaces and build upward or we go under the swamps. We're the youngest metro area on Planet Earth and it will still be decades before
these swamps and marshes dry out. Fortunately, they still filter our water and provide heat energy with their decomposition. We get through the winter with the methane gas they exude and the water vapor that rises is collected for our clean drinking water supply."
"I see no oil and gas extraction. Wasn't this area riddled with oil derricks and pipelines? How did you get rid of them all?" Penny wonders.
"They're still here, sunk under the permafrost and waterways, when warming unfroze the frozen North. It took the highways and the pipelines with it and gave a whole new meaning to the phrase " Keep it Underground." Pepe shares. " By the way," he adds, "Las Vegas is now green with ground cover and rife with migrating Buffalo, antelope and of course, ruled by bobcats and mountain lions. A few years of cover cropping and winter rains brought
the return of key species panthers, wolves and coyotes. It looks like East Africa out there but with American Buffalo and Antelope species. Grassland or Madrone Trees, instead of baobab and acacia trees, but you get the picture."
"What will happen here when the permafrost dries up and blows away? " Penny asks. "Will pine forest move in as it did South of here?"
"Come back in about a hundred years and see for yourself. " Pepe responds. "Changes are the way of this world in many places. It seems that Earth has its own ideas about what it wants to be. We're just along for the ride."
A worried Books Wunder catches up to Ed Pedersen as he exits the Father Mind group at the Birthing Center the next day. Books and the others in the new Father's group have just attended a lecture on the amount and kind of food that pregnant women and new mothers, who are breastfeeding babies, need to eat, to get the proper nutrition. It is a lot of food. "Has anyone thought about limiting the number of births at one period of time?" Books asks Ed.
" We have two more families pregnant, this month. Shouldn't we try to space the additions to our population in some way?"
"What way would that be?" Ed laughs. " You tell people not to have sex? I mean you. Will you tell them to hold up for a couple of months or should I? "
Both men laugh at the thought and both realize it is no joke.
" Smart Animals, unlike humans, pay attention to food supply, weather and take note how many of their young die before and after birth cycles, each year or two, before mating. This triggers whatever gets triggered for them to have offspring in numbers their world can cope with. " Ed shares.
" Hold up." Books stops in his tracks. "We should wait to see how many kids die?" " And Mothers, too." Ed reminds Books. "The overall safety of birth and maternal/child health should really determine our numbers and our birth patterns. That's why those smart animals don't give birth in the Winter."
"Can we get smarter about all this?" Books asks. "Should we be discussing this in our deliberations about agriculture systems? Should we just ask Belly? She seems pretty clear about calories and foods for healthy births and babies."
" She has been working on all that with women and the Chef, to figure out the right number of births and deaths, over time, for a stable population and what it takes to feed it. They know what they need but how to balance that with our population is the issue."
" Who will convince people to follow such limitations?' Books wonders.
" NOT men!" Ed shouts. "We're the last ones to know anything about it that is reliable. Women are the ones to lead, here. How do they do that with us bull-headed guys? You got any songs for that?"
Books tries to recall a song or tune from any culture but comes up blank.
"I'm pretty sure the Planet and others on it are discussing this topic." Ed advises. "They know our numbers and know we can do the math to figure out what we need. They may have a different way of managing their populations but they know we need to do it, too. They can see that a good number of our current humans are coming to the age when humans reproduce. A plan to manage that might be essential, to know how to provide for that increase, and may show that agriculture is needed with the Planet's permission to expand what we grow. "
"There has to be a song or dance appropriate to the topic." Books speculates. "I bet a woman wrote it. I'll ask She-Bird. She may know it."
"Sing that one, man." Ed laughs. " If such a song was ever written and sung, let's hear it."
End of Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Just Listen
Books' search for the perfect words and lyrics for a song about not having sex and making babies was cut short by the birth of his own child. SheBird went into labor, a few days after his conversation with Ed, and revealed a song that resonated with so many women and many men, in the past.
"She recalls the song, now, in detail." Books explains to Ed a few days after the birth. " Childbirth reminded her why women sang it."
Though highly focused on allowing her body to lead during childbirth, participating in that process helped SheBird to recall the song first titled 'Women's Work', that was heard around the world, at the time in human history when having children was not the primary focus of women or men. People pretty much stopped doing it and the Planet's human population dropped rapidly over the next twenty years. It was most popular in places that banned abortions, leading to more maternal deaths in those regions than at any other time in human history.
Some of women's hesitation to have kids came from the fact that many less humans were getting married. Some thought this was because of a horrific period in history where climate was uncertain, wars were many, hunger was rampant because of war and vast inequalities existed between very, very wealthy people and very poor people. Lots of people considered "the middle class" were doing what they could to keep themselves and their kids alive, let alone having bigger families or encouraging their grown kids to do so. It was touch and go for about 75% of the human population, no matter where they lived. Many women decided not to be mothers and did not get married or have children, even if they did marry. Bridal dress shops and wedding photographers had to rethink their career choices. Many birthing centers closed and both women and men hummed the song under their breath, especially after it was outlawed in most nations by censors who were afraid, if it caught on, they would not have a census to censor by 2050. Politicians upheld the ban on the song because there is nothing more desperate than politicians without people to elect them to office, so they can boss people around and make rules for others. In 2023 they tried banning abortions, then banned the song, then known as " Stay Out of My Vagina, You Creep", aimed at having men mind their own business, instead of women's reproduction function. A lot of the women who did not die in childbirth, took up the song and sang it everywhere. Men began singing it too. People stopped having kids.
Eventually the Song was all but forgotten and those with stable lives and stable cultures returned to limiting family numbers where only the healthiest and most stable folks were encouraged to procreate. Families with a history of kindness and good sense often decided on which people ( married or not to each other) to encourage to have children. Often families pledged help and support for these "chosen parents". Parents and others then had the resources to be able to spend time birthing and raising those children. The saying " It takes a Village To Raise A Child" was taken literally and many children living among a score of Aunts and Uncles, never could tell which were adoptive family and which were actual blood relatives.
This was a realistic foundation of support for another 20th Century euphemism " No child left behind".
Despite Belly's assurances that childbirth was completely natural and that She-Bird's body knew exactly what to do and when to do it, Books saw that his beloved wife was in the throws of the process that appeared to be highly stressed and uncomfortable, at best. No wonder she recalled the best song in human history to stop that happening again. Who could fault her for that recall at that time"
"The biggest muscle in her body went from the size of a grapefruit to a sack that now holds a 7 pound baby." Ed reminds Books, when they are asked to leave the birthing room because Books looks like a man about to faint. " Now the kid is kicking around in there to try and get out and that big muscle called the uterus is contracting to help that." Ed reminds Books, as he holds the young man's arm and hands him a glass of water. " We talked about this in Father Mind class. This is not an easy process, though it is a natural one. It's the biggest muscle cramp, ever."
" Got it. Got It." Books agrees. "But it sure helped her remember the words to that song, didn't it? She started humming it last night and this morning she recalled the chorus." Books is referring to She-Birds high volume rendition of the 2024 Top-of-the-Charts classic, 'Out of My Vagina." "I think they heard her singing deep in the mushroom caves." Ed admits.
" Do you think she was singing to keep me out forever or to motivate the kid to get out sometime in the next 24 hours?" Books asks.
Books is glad to have the song to share with the Settlers but is concerned it is a hit too close to home.
There is a loud sound, something between the scream of a human orgasm and the triumphant sound of a red-tailed hawk's cry, resounding from the sky, that came from the birthing room and She-Birth began to sing the song again, this time to a Tiger-Country Beat. " I'll go in and accompany her on my flute." Books proposes. " If it is to call the kid out, I want to be a part of that." " Spoken like a true dad. " Ed praised him. " Mother and baby first. We're here to give them what they need and to keep away what they don't need. That's getting with the Father Mind, Books."
Though Penny left Earth and grew up on Small World with the Settlers, she now returns to the world of her birth as an adult. Things are changing rapidly there and may have been doing so, unknown to her child self, but now understood as a grownup. She finds that many changes are relevant to issues on Small World. She is not sure if it is because she is an adult seeing Earth and all its varied people for the first time, or because she is not recognized as one of the Way Scan Kids and is just a regular person, among many others, that helps her observations.
Her years growing up do help familiarized her with the languages and cultures of many of the groups represented on Small World as she visits their people on Earth. Penny still marvels at the human capacity for creative change. The jokes told by People on Planet Earth are brilliantly funny, a part of human life that now delights and entertains her as a grownup. Big Penny goes to stand-up comedy performances, sometimes in clubs, sometimes at parties, fairs or cultural events, and finds great delight in the variety of ways and in the variety of comedy "schticks" performed on Earth.
This proliferation of jokers, comics and fools is explained to her by a Jewish Man whose family has lived in Palestine for thousands of years, and stayed even after most Jews left, in 2026. So ashamed were they, after a failed attempt to reproduce the holocaust with Palestinians as the victims, many returned to the nation of their birth or the birth of their ancestors, to try to keep pretending they "did not know."
Many were consoled by humor, after seeing the global insanity that had moved to do such harm. To them it was the ultimate joke possible as it destroyed their legitimacy to run a nation, which died but remained a testimony to the need for Peace, worldwide. " We really killed." was the summation of their performance as a nation.
Now as an old man, Jacob, lives by the Wailing Wall and tells jokes, almost non-stop to those who pray there.
" I could pray, too," Jacob tells her " but Creator has heard them all and, though he laughs almost non-stop, he is not laughing at me, only at Himself for what he once-called, mind you that was a long time ago, his best invention, the human race. We have been replaced by otters as Creator's current favorite. They eat, swim and poop. I tell you, no wars. They do have fun, though. You can't blame Creator for putting us at the bottom of His list. Chosen people, my tushie." Jacob shares, walking off still talking to himself.
Penny watches as a Palestinian woman approaches Jacob with a cloth-covered plate of food and hands it to him as he sits to eat it. His clothes are threadbare and he bows respectfully to thank her for the food and drink. He covers the plate with the cloth, so as not to touch her in any way, handing the plate back, knowing he is forbidden under both Islamic and Jewish custom to touch this woman.
As Penny travels to other parts of the world, other comics explain how they work laughter and fun into the conversation in schools, churches, social clubs and varied community entertainments, including public meetings and government. Once Cities had Urban Poets. Now all cities have City Comics, charged with training both children and adults in comedic expertise. Each person is encouraged to find their own, particular brand of Comedy.
"Why is being funny so important here, now?" Penny asks. "So many people doing this? What for?"
" Comedy has replaced war and aggression in the human bandwidth of behaviors." a Stand-Up Comic from the former Soviet Union shares. " Humans who do not have the capacity for laughter are likely to make war. Call funny a survival skill."
"I think I know what may be standing in our way on Small World." Penny admits to herself. "The only species laughing there seem to be not human. I'm sure the fungi think we are a joke, but humans, not so much. "
Penny recalls the kindness and generosity of the Settlers in caring for others and for the land but she has to admit they are a rather serious bunch. They were always sharing songs, stories and dances of their people but inside jokes? She was glad that Books Wunder had joined them on Small World. Books is a natural clown and with the help of Toni Leonardo, the closest person they have to a Comic professional, they might just lighten the mood to get in more laughs.
" Thank Creator Books is there. We needed him 20 years ago but he was only six years old, then. He's a new arrival but he does know how to share delight and humor in many ways. Books has his hands full letting the rest of us in on the cosmic joke that is humanity."
Penny admits as she makes her plans to return home. " But I believe he can do it." Big Penny gets the picture it is time for her to return to Small World to guide the Settlers on what is going on in human evolution on Planet Earth. She has seen what is changed in agriculture, and in human relationships with other animals and with the Planet. Relationships have become give and take interactions, much as on Small World. Earth activities and the plans of humans are now made with consideration of other species and the ecosystems involved. This is what Settlers agreed to do, before they left Earth and this is what humans who remained on Earth do, as well.
As Earth humans follow suit, communication with other species, particularly animals which are part of farms and agriculture, began to change. Human relationships with wild animals, with humans staying out of non-city places, is just part of a bigger change. Realizing that the lives of all in an ecosystem that thrives better without humans, should be respected and left alone, is also part of it. Only those who approach involvement with reverence, usually as part of a ceremony directed by the Planet, but conducted or energized by humans, are the main human interactions with the Wild on Earth.
Penny wonders if the Small World communication with other Species has now come to Earth. Is there somehow a conversation between the Planets, as there is communion between cells of a cosmic organism? If so, is this part of a revolution in both agriculture and species awareness that allows humanity to enter into conversation with the universe? Penny wants to share these questions with Small World. She is eager to return. Penny also misses LEB like crazy and wants to find out if humor-as-a-problem-solving-strategy is part of the World of Water.
LEB has made reference to the fact that dolphins are the jokesters of the deep, always singing and dancing. They also tell him the most about negotiations and concerns going on under water and at the coasts. LEB is the water world's human contact in the current negotiations about agriculture and she hopes the dolphins are not playing with him, in their reporting. Joking is fun but these negotiations are no joke. She has been away from both for too long.
Jason, Curious One Pau, is helpless with laughter at his negotiating meeting, as the human representative to the non-human world of Fungi. His son, Curious 2, had taken to calling him the Ambassador Mushroom. When Fungi heard about his new nickname the fungi laughed and then told him how funny humans were to them. He had to laugh along.
" We are pretty funny." Curious 2 agrees. His usually serious Science-Guy father explains the joke.
"I'm not an ambassador as much as the humble kitchen boy watching the fire in the castle basement." Jason acknowledges. "I thought I was the head chef but I found out I am too lowly to even touch the food in the kitchen."
"You are the human representative to the world of soils and fungi." Curious 2 reminds him. "Have a little dignity, Dad."
"The Ambassador has no clothes. " Jason admits. "Imagine we thought we controlled anything about agriculture and forestry. We can't even digest anything we eat without fungi, let alone grow food without it. There wouldn't even be a shit creek to be up, without their help."
"What about cows?" his son asks. "We were thinking about them for the bacterial flora in their stomachs that makes such good milk not to mention their manure, if we want to build topsoil here. We need help, even if we grow in raised beds with plant compost. If chickens are not in the picture, how about cows? "
" Animal waste is home to millions of bacteria and fungi needed for food's nutrition quality, and more efficient functioning of our digestive systems." Jason reminds his child. "We can't digest grass, for one. There is too much lost without varied animals eating and excreting."
"Do you think fungi would support cows as our grazers of choice for grasslands and soil building? We can't even plant ground cover without the help of something grazing and pooping out there.
" Cows need fungi to operate their digestion, too." Jason advises. " Dairy products would be lost without the right bacteria. Don't forget the earthworms, though. They are grazers under the soil. "
" I vote for horses." Curious 2 puts in. "They are fun to ride and I hear the dolphins see themselves as horses of the sea, roaming far and free. They might support horses as part of our farming systems.
" Let's take this back to the Human Advisor Group meeting tonight." Jason suggests. "Maybe there are other animals who can provide what cows and horses can do but are a better fit on Small World. I remember lamas have some attributes for clothing as well as their grazing skills."
"I'm so glad we had our meeting with the birds before the baby came." She-Bird tells Books as they wake at dawn to their child's crying.
" Two Birds, one stone." Books agrees. "Pardon the expression, but together the Sky, Birds and Settlers decided that we need to welcome bees to Small World. We also agreed on our daughter's name and Bee Wunder still sounds good to me. Two big decisions with far reaching effects."
"Reach far enough to get me that diaper." She Bird requests. "I like her name, too, but having bees come to Small World will help so many things, even if we don't have agriculture here. It will allow pollination of other plants that can thrive here for many purposes. Bees have great attitudes, as well, and we can use their gifts for healing and in other industries and development projects. I wonder if bees can return with Big Penny. How can we get word to her?"
"Spoken like a true human." Books acknowledges. " Ask not what you can do with nature, ask what nature can do for you."
" What bees can do for us most is help to change that human attitude." She Bird advises. "Cooperation, communication, even patterns for expanding and accommodating more and using and sharing resources with other species, Bees are masters of organization. We can learn a thing or a million things from them."
"Maybe we'll learn how to speak to other worlds, they are so smart." Books suggests. " Ask our Bee to call them with that voice of hers. I am sure they will come." The twittering of waking birds, outside their windows, show that Birds agree with what is said and their song serves to quiet the cries of Bee Wunder, as she listens to their morning greetings. She buzzes her tiny lips in answer.
Many human groups met to discuss the various aspects of change on Small World. They hope to present a structure for transition to other Settlers and to the Planet's myriad other life forms. The communications with various aspects of each element was an on-going, daily activity for the past month. Members of each group and faction join the discussion through a combination of meditative practices, active listening to translations between species and in some cases collective dreaming. A few meet-ups for each group and it soon became clear who was really able to get the word, understand and translate it to the rest of the group and lead productive discussion. No issues were hidden and all were the source of negotiations, based on practices that had worked well on Earth.
"Sooner or later we all came from Earth." Precious Hui reminds All, human or otherwise. "We can and we must all evolve together."
The use of trees and possible expansion of tree cover, in planning for rainfall and climate management, was one such area for negotiation for a controlled environment change. Buildings were another option for creating safe shelter, on land, sea and shore and another area for mutual benefit. Planting along other rivers and lakes, with some contouring of the land, promised water species in both salt waters and fresh waters, options to increase their numbers. Conditions needed could be provided by combined efforts of humans, birds and soils and microorganisms. Help needed for transition to both habitat and food sources for human people could be part of the benefit of such support. Crops such as wild rice could be expanded along some rivers for people and water fowl, as an example of a win, win change. This discussion for expanding what is working well on the Planet led to the discussions of other species needed for healthy ecosystems not currently found on Small World.
"Salmon do not do well without Bears to control their numbers and forests suffer, too, without bears and salmon carcasses, to fertilize the trees. The trees are needed to cool some areas of streams and rivers so the fish can thrive and spawn there." Radiwan Kwadari explains to the part of the Planet Mind that is working with Humans on fresh water environments. " Many fish, like salmon, need varying temperatures, changing water speeds and different food sources, to thrive. Humans, like eating fish, and fish like to eat insect larvae. I won't even go into the role of mosquitos in this life cycle."
" What is a mosquito?" the Planet Mind asks.
Big Penny is so happy to get back to LEB she dives into the Communication Pool to greet him under water when she leaves the Air Car. The whales and dolphins present, who by this time are used to their interactions when together, applaud and cheer as the young humans embrace and kiss. Dolphins nudge them to go up for air when they remain lip-locked for over three minutes.
" I have a question for you to take to the seas." Penny states, an hour later and out of danger of drowning, as they exit the water and are sitting poolside.
They are interrupted by greetings from various species who come to welcome Penny back. They know her well and are glad that LEB's assurances that she would return are true. Penny is happy to see the greeting party and hear from LEB about progress in the negotiations for agriculture on Small World. Penny explains what is going on with human growing systems, farm animals and land use, on Earth.
"There seems to be a new relationship between humans and the rest of life. " she explains. "Humans tell the living world, both plants and animals, and even the weather, what they need and the world gives it to them. "
"That sounds like Tiger Country." LEB admits. " An Elder named Freemont told me all about Tiger Country when humans lived there as the guests of Tigers."
"Freemont Jefferson Jackson? " Penny asks. "We learned about him at school. He's the grandfather of SheBird Brightfoot and he is credited with so much positive change. The stabilization of a world economy, for one, with the thousands of investors he trained at the Tomato Millionaires program. He also helped remake the City of Mobile and the ways things were decided in that town. He helped change PetroChem Corporation to BioClean Industries. His is a long story but I thought he was dead."
" He said he came back for his grandchild's wedding." LEB told Penny. "The instrument he played at the ceremony was the Shimmer, or as he called it, ' Forget About Time and Space.' Anyway he told me all about Tiger Country where he was born. Tigers are both kind and excellent hosts. Whatever humans living there needed and asked for, the Tigers provided it or asked other animals to help. Monkeys threw fruits down from the tops of trees.
Other animals sacrificed themselves so the humans could eat. Birds gave them eggs and helped rid the human areas of insects or pests. Very fine hosts."
" So that is how a natural world works? " Penny asks. " My question is this: Does life undersea work like this, too? Do animals and plants ask for what they need and are given it to fill their needs? "
" Great question. " LEB acknowledges. "Why have I never asked this before? The answer could change everything!"
" Today we just listen to the reports from each of our Human Ambassadors and from the various Elements and Aspects. Then we can offer comments, make suggestions or ask questions." Precious Lotus Blossom Hui proposes that evening at the Assembly of Settlers who have reports to give. The rest of the Settler community is watching or listening to a broadcast of the session from the Cultural Center Performance Hall. "But First a convocation from our Living Cultural Library, Books Wunder, Jr."
Polite applause greet Books as he takes his place before the Presenter, heard by all via broadcast..
" I begin tonight's sharing with an audio presentation by the newest member of our community, my daughter Bee Wunder."
A howl of hunger rose from her tiny mouth, so mournful and in need that there was instantly not a dry eye and many dripping breasts from nursing mothers, in the house or listening in over radio broadcast.. As often happens, one crying child triggers grief music from other children and soon the whole building is awash in the sound of hunger that also fills every listening home or gathering place. She-Bird quickly moves to breastfeed her child and silent witness of satisfaction and joy takes the place of the sound no parents ever want to hear from a child, the sound of unfilled hunger.
" Agriculture was the way we sought to stop the sound of hungry children, on Planet Earth." Books explains. "First we came out of the trees to move about and hunt and gather, to stop that sound. Then we settled to plant and husband other animals. We fear that sound more than war. We will exploit and plunder, use and abuse lands and animals and other humans, not to feel hunger. It is the fear we have at the level of our cells and in our DNA. It is DNA that forms our world from the smallest organism to the wealthiest and richest human. No one control empires and nations, churches and corporations, lands, skies and seas without this fear of hunger."
" So we devised our best ways to stop hunger. Unfortunately, on Earth we stopped consulting with the Planet to feed our growing numbers and forgot to share the wealth of this bounty with All, among our species, and with others. We forgot to do this the way our Planet does this, through changing conditions in weather and the coming and going of species through adaptation, extinction, migration and by changing numbers to fit landscapes and seascapes, through time. This variety of existence became fearful and we use our ingenious nature to try to stop it with more and more human people and things. If we cannot adapt to changes, we change things or perish, until we cannot do that any more. What we have learned is that a Planet must fulfill its own nature and we need to change to adapt to that or we will be no more."
" This is true on Planet Earth and is true on Small World. " Books finishes. " At least, this time we are trying to change with this world, instead of just changing this world. Will this keep us and our children from Hunger? It may or may not, but if it can purge from our DNA the fear of hunger and instill in us the trust and awareness we need to survive anywhere, then our task here, or anywhere, is accomplished."
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